Select Publications

Journal articles

Sun D; Fu M; Zhu L; Li G; Lu Q, 2016, 'Non-Intrusive Anomaly Detection with Streaming Performance Metrics and Logs for DevOps in Public Clouds: A Case Study in AWS', IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, 4, pp. 278 - 289,

Wu D; Zhu L; Xu X; Sakr S; Sun D; Lu Q, 2016, 'Building pipelines for heterogeneous execution environments for big data processing', IEEE Software, 33, pp. 60 - 67,

Wu D; Zhu L; Xu X; Sakr S; Lu Q; Sun D, 2016, 'A Pipeline Framework for Heterogeneous Execution Environment of Big Data Processing', IEEE Software, pp. 1 - 1,

Chen J; Xu X; Osterweil LJ; Zhu L; Brun Y; Bass L; Xiao J; Li M; Wang Q, 2015, 'Using simulation to evaluate error detection strategies: A case study of cloud-based deployment processes', Journal of Systems and Software, 110, pp. 205 - 221,

Zhu L; Xu D; Tran AB; Xu X; Bass L; Weber I; Dwarakanathan S, 2015, 'Achieving reliable high-frequency releases in cloud environments', IEEE Software, 32, pp. 73 - 80,

Lu Q; Xu X; Bass L; Zhu L; Zhang W, 2015, 'A tail-tolerant cloud API wrapper', IEEE Software, 32, pp. 76 - 82,

Lu Q; Xu X; Bass L; Zhu L; Zhang W, 2015, 'A tail-tolerant cloud API wrapper', IEEE Software, PP,

Lu Q; Zhu L; Xu X; Tosic V; Chauhan D; Zhang W; Sun D, 2015, 'A unified business-driven cloud management framework', IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, PP,

Lu Q; Li Z; Kihl M; Zhu L; Zhang W, 2015, 'CF4BDA: A Conceptual Framework for Big Data Analytics Applications in the Cloud', IEEE Access, 3, pp. 1944 - 1952,

Xu X; Ye X; Zhu L; Lu Q, 2014, 'Role network model-based support for RESTful business processes', Data and Knowledge Engineering, 94, pp. 38 - 64,

Zhang H; Li J; Zhu L; Jeffery R; Liu Y; Wang Q; Li M, 2014, 'Investigating dependencies in software requirements for change propagation analysis', Information and Software Technology, 56, pp. 40 - 53,

Xu X; Weber I; Zhu L; Liu Y; Rimba P; Lu Q, 2013, 'BPMashup: Dynamic execution of RESTful processes', Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 7759 LNCS, pp. 447 - 450,

Li JZ; Lu Q; Zhu L; Bass L; Xu X; Sakr S; Bannerman PL; Liu A, 2013, 'Improving availability of cloud-based applications through deployment choices', IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing, CLOUD, pp. 43 - 50,

Lu Q; Xu X; Zhu L; Bass L; Li Z; Sakr S; Bannerman PL; Liu A, 2013, 'Incorporating uncertainty into in-cloud application deployment decisions for availability', IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing, CLOUD, pp. 454 - 461,

Xu X; Zhu L; Li J; Bass L; Lu Q; Fu M, 2013, 'Modeling and analysing operation processes for dependability', Proceedings of the International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks,

Chiam YK; Staples M; Ye X; Zhu L, 2013, 'Applying a selection method to choose Quality Attribute Techniques', Information and Software Technology, 55, pp. 1419 - 1436,

Lu Q; Zhu L; Bass L; Xu X; Li Z; Wada H, 2013, 'Cloud API issues: An empirical study and impact', QoSA 2013 - Proceedings of the 9th International ACM Sigsoft Conference on the Quality of Software Architectures, pp. 23 - 32,

Xu X; Weber I; Bass L; Zhu L; Wada H; Teng F, 2013, 'Detecting cloud provisioning errors using an annotated process model', Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Middleware for Next Generation Internet Computing, MW4NG 2013 - Co-located with the 14th ACM/IFIP/USENIX International Middleware Conference, Middleware 2013,

Bass L; Jeffery R; Wada H; Weber I; Zhu L, 2013, 'Eliciting operations requirements for applications', 2013 1st International Workshop on Release Engineering, RELENG 2013 - Proceedings, pp. 5 - 8,

Phoomvuthisarn S; Liu Y; Zhu L; Jeffery R, 2013, 'Integrating a market-based model in trust-based service systems', Tsinghua Science and Technology, 18, pp. 554 - 567,

Fu M; Zhu L; Liu A; Xu X; Bass L, 2013, 'Process-oriented recovery for operations on cloud applications', Proceedings of the 4th Annual Symposium on Cloud Computing, SoCC 2013,

Zhang H; Zhu L; Kuz I, 2012, 'Welcome message of the chairs', 2012 2nd International Workshop on Software Engineering for Embedded Systems, SEES 2012 - Proceedings, pp. 3 - 4,

Kannengiesser U; Zhu L, 2011, 'Towards concise architectures for flexible business processes', , pp. 96 - 116

Liu Y; Liang X; Xu L; Staples M; Zhu L, 2011, 'Composing enterprise mashup components and services using architecture integration patterns', Journal of Systems and Software, 84, pp. 1436 - 1446,

Chiam YK; Zhu L; Staples M, 2010, 'Systematic selection of quality attribute techniques', ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, pp. 59 - 62,

Kannengiesser U; Zhu L, 2009, 'An ontologically-based evaluation of software design methods', Knowledge Engineering Review, 24, pp. 41 - 58,

Liu Y; Truong S; Chen S; Zhu L, 2008, 'Composing adaptive Web services on COTS middleware', Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Web Services, ICWS 2008, pp. 377 - 384,

Kitchenham BA; Al-Kilidar H; Ali Babar M; Berry MJ; Cox KA; Keung W; Kurniawati F; Staples M; Zhu L; Zhang H, 2008, 'Evaluating guidelines for reporting empirical software engineering studies', Empirical Software Engineering: An International Journal, 13, pp. 97 - 121,

Zhu L; Liu Y; Bui NB; Gorton I, 2007, 'Revel8or: Model driven capacity planning tool suite', Proceedings - International Conference on Software Engineering, pp. 797 - 800,

Zhu L; Liu Y; Gorton I; Kuz I, 2007, 'Tools for model driven development', Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, pp. 284,

Zhu L; Gorton I, 2007, 'UML profiles for design decisions and non-functional requirements', Proceedings - ICSE 2007 Workshops:Second Workshop on SHAring and Reusing architectural Knowledge Architecture, Rationale, and Design Intent, SHARK-ADI'07, pp. 8 - 14,

Zhu L; Lang J; Hai N; Wong WF, 2007, 'Comparing vaginal tape and transobturator tape for the treatment of mild and moderate stress incontinence', International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 99, pp. 14 - 17

Zhu L; Osterweil L; Staples M; Simidchieva B, 2007, 'Desiderata for languages to be used in the definition of reference business processes', International journal of software and informatics, 1, pp. 37 - 66

Zhu L; Bui N; Liu Y; Gorton I, 2007, 'MDABench: Customized benchmark generation using MDA', Journal of Systems and Software, 80, pp. 265 - 282,

Kitchenham B; Al-Khilidar H; Babar MA; Berry M; Cox K; Keung J; Kurniawati F; Staples M; He Z; Liming Z, 2006, 'Evaluating guidelines for empirical software engineering studies', ISESE'06 - Proceedings of the 5th ACM-IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering, 2006, pp. 38 - 47,

Babar MA; Kitchenham B; Zhu L; Gorton I; Jeffery R, 2006, 'An empirical study of groupware support for distributed software architecture evaluation process', Journal of Systems and Software, 79, pp. 912 - 925,

Ye X; Yang X; Zhu L; Wang N; Qiu J, 2006, 'Research of government horizon business integration management system based on HRNM and agent', Proceedings - 2006 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT 2006 Workshops Proceedings), pp. 558 - 561,

Zhu L; Aurum A; Jeffery DR; Gorton I, 2005, 'Tradeoff and Sensitivity Analysis in Software Architecture Evaluation Using Analytic Hierarchy Process', Software Quality Journal, 13, pp. 357 - 375,

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