
Dr Lisa Nicole Sharwood

My Expertise

I regularly provide Expert Witness reports to the Courts of NSW, SA and QLD in matters of injury litigation and often relating to the application of Australian Standards. 

I have provided expertise in the area of motor vehicle crash causation, fatigue related crash, playground injuries, trampoline park injuries, falls, workplace injuries among others, with my Expert Witness reports assisting in settling 24 matters to date.  




injury, litigation, motor vehicle crash, expert witness, Australian Standards, workplace, playground, trampoline parks, fatigue


Fields of Research (FoR)

Epidemiology, Disease surveillance, Public health

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I am an Adjunct Senior Research Fellow in the School of Population Health, Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of New South Wales. I am also an Adjunct Professional Fellow in the School of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and IT, University of Technology Sydney.

I am an experienced epidemiologist specialising in injury, public health, and health services research, with 20 years of experience in government and industry...view more

I am an Adjunct Senior Research Fellow in the School of Population Health, Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of New South Wales. I am also an Adjunct Professional Fellow in the School of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and IT, University of Technology Sydney.

I am an experienced epidemiologist specialising in injury, public health, and health services research, with 20 years of experience in government and industry settings. I apply my skills in risk assessment and mitigation, utilising comprehensive data and system analyses to provide evidence-based evaluations for improving health and safety outcomes. I am dedicated to advocating for health system optimisation through data-driven strategies, and to translating evidence-based findings to improve practice and policy for cost-effective health care.

I have been a collaborative team member on 14 research projects that have examined system, policy and economic determinants of acute care patient pathways. My research focusses on the inter-relationship of these factors to patient outcomes in the context of social determinants of health across pre-hospital, emergency department, inpatient and community populations. Experienced in planning and coordinating large-scale research programs, I advise industry and government bodies on harm prevention and risk management.

I have been appointed to three Expert Technical Committees for safety standards (2017-). Two are national committees for Standards Australia, one an international mirror committee. Technical committees are responsible for the development and maintenance of Australian, joint Australian-New Zealand, as well as International Standards that are regularly referred to in legislation, regulations and industry codes of practice. I am appointed member of the Executive Committee for the International Population Data Network (2022-), an appointed member (by the ACCC) of the International Technical Working Group on Detriment (comprising the OECD, the UK’s Office for Product Safety and Standards, the ACCC, the Canadian Consumer Product Safety Directorate and the US Consumer Product Safety Commission) and an appointed member to the Australian Cross Jurisdictional Injury Surveillance Working Group.

I am regularly engaged by the courts (NSW, SA, and QLD), to provide bipartisan Expert Testimony in matters of injury and harm litigation. My evaluation of risk, outcome, liability and applicable guidelines or standards in healthcare and community settings, has aided in settling 24 cases to date.  

I am an Editorial Board Member (2016-) for the BMC Health Services Research Journal, and an Editorial Board Topic Editor for Injury for the International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health.

As a Chief Investigator of 12 research teams, I have been awarded research funding of $7,051,744. This includes: two Category 1 competitive research grants -  $5,490,258 ($2,986,451 as CIA); seven Category 2 industry research grants - $1,500,636 (6 as CIA); one Category 3 industry evaluation project - $25,890; and two university research grant - $34,960 (CIA). I have personally received 11 research awards.    

My Qualifications

PhD MPH GradDip. Adv.Nsg (ED/ICU) BN RN. 

Candidate: MSci.Health Data Science

My Awards

2024                            KidSafe Australia – Research Article of the Year Award 2023:

Eager D, Zhou S, Barker R, Catchpoole J, Sharwood LN. A Public Health Review into Two Decades of Domestic Trampoline Injuries in Children within Queensland, Australia. IJERPH. 2023. 20(3). p 1742-7.

2024                            Profiled -  Australasian Injury Prevention Network Newsletter         

2023                            Profiled – Australian Institute for Health and Welfare #HumansofAIHW page

2021                            Franklin Women’s Foundation: Mid-career Mentor Development Program (6-months)

2019                            Beryl and Jack Jacobs Travel Fellowship  

2019                            Scientific Staff Council RNSH Travel Award  

2019                            Profiled - StopKidsInjury

2018                            Ramsay Health Foundation International Travel Award  

2017                            ECR Overseas Travel Grant – Sydney University Medical School  

2016                            Ramsay Health Foundation International Travel Award  

2014                            Travel Grant in memory of Rosalind Nicholson – Spinal Cord Injury Network  

2013                            John Chalmers Doctoral Award – best PhD student paper across The George Institute for Global Health  

2012                            AIPN Best PhD student conference paper  

My Research Supervision

Supervision keywords

Areas of supervision


Big data 

Health services research 

Economic evaluations

Activity based funding

Mental illness 

Health care evaluation

Currently supervising

Currently supervising a health economist undertaking his PhD in health services research - with a cost effectiveness component. Enrolled University of Sydney. 

Auxiliary Supervisors Professor James Middleton and Professor Luke Connelly (UQ).


Currently mentoring two Neurosurgeons in research - as part of their Fellowship training program (

My Teaching

I am currently Teaching Assistant for the PHCM9701 Health Leadership and Workforce Management in the Masters of Health Leadership course within the School of Population Health. 



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MJA Podcasts 2018 Episode 89: Playground safety standards, with Dr Lisa Sharwood
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Call for Mandatory Trampoline Standards
Dr Lisa Sharwood interviewed after Ministerial Presentation on truck driver obstructive sleep apnoea and crash risk