My Expertise
Optometry, Ophthalmology, Vision Science, Eye disease, Retina, Macular Degeneration
Fields of Research (FoR)
Vision science, Ophthalmology and optometry, Sensory systemsSEO tags
PHD PROJECTS ON OFFER (Project 1, Project 2) (Jan 2025)
HONOURS / MASTERS PROJECTS ON OFFER (Project 1, Project 2, Project 3, Project 4) (Jan 2025)
My research interests lie in improving early detection, diagnosis and understanding of retinal disease, particularly macular degeneration. I am interested in studying retinal remodeling - a process where the tissue remaining in the diseased retina changes its shape, connections & location. I...view more
PHD PROJECTS ON OFFER (Project 1, Project 2) (Jan 2025)
HONOURS / MASTERS PROJECTS ON OFFER (Project 1, Project 2, Project 3, Project 4) (Jan 2025)
My research interests lie in improving early detection, diagnosis and understanding of retinal disease, particularly macular degeneration. I am interested in studying retinal remodeling - a process where the tissue remaining in the diseased retina changes its shape, connections & location. I am trying to detect remodelling with advanced eye imaging devices currently used in clinical practice by optometrists and ophthalmologists as this may help predict which individuals are at most risk of vision loss from macular degeneration. This can lead to better diagnosis and tailored management.
I also work to understand related photoreceptor degenerations such as Retinitis Pigmentosa as well as collaborate with bionic eye engineers at UNSW to design devices that account for remodelling and make them more effective at restoring sight advanced eye imaging technologies.
My current research projects are available in the hyperlinks above and in the "My Research Activities" section. You can also find more information on my research at the Centre For Eye Health Research Group and the Retinal Networks Laboratory
You can also follow me on Twitter, Facebook, TikTok or LinkedIn
My Grants
- 2023: Future Vision Foundation: “Follow the unbeaten track – quantifying outer retinal curvature to predict progression to late AMD” Value: $5K
- 2022: Future Vision Foundation: “OCTA Signal Quality Augmentation using the Isometric Hand-Grip Test to maximize detection of macular neovascularisation in AMD: a double-blind randomized crossover trial. [SQUEEZE trial]” Value: $15K
- 2022: UNSW RIS Grant: "Spectrals Imaging Platform” Value: $165K
- 2021: Macular Degeneration Research Grant from the Estate of the late Peter Anthony John Vild: “Get ‘’Outer” Here - Using a novel retinal vasculature analysis to confirm inner retina involvement in age-related macular degeneration” Value: $19K
- 2020: NHMRC Investigator Grant: "Understanding inner retinal remodelling to improve clinical outcomes for individuals with macular degeneration" Value: $640K
- 2019: Rebecca L Cooper Foundation: "Novel techniques to improve classification of individuals with macular degeneration" Value: $100K
- 2019: UNSW RIS Grant: "OCT High Magnification Module" Value: $12K
- 2018: UNSW RIS Grant: "COMPASS Microperimeter" Value: $55K
- 2017: UNSW RIS Grant: "Spectralis OCTA" Value: $99K
- 2016: UNSW Early Career Research Grant: “Late-stage remodelling in retinal degeneration” Value: $8.5K
- 2015: UNSW Early Career Research Grant: “The metabolic actions of vinpocetine in the treatment of ocular ischaemia” Value: $11K
- 2015: UNSW MREII Grant: "Tissue Culture Facility" Value: $96K
- 2014: UNSW Early Career Research Grant: “Transneuronal degradation in the visual cortex of rodents with retinal damage” Value: $10K
- 2013: UNSW Faculty Research Grant: “Glutamate receptor functionality of bipolar cells in ocular disease” Value: $21K
My Qualifications
- FAAO; Fellow of the American Academy of Optometry (American Academy of Optometry, 2016)
- PhD in Cell Biology/Tissue Engineering (University of Sydney, 2011)
- BSc Hons in Molecular Biology and Genetics (University of Sydney, 2006)
- 2021 - Current: Member, ARVO Publications Committee
- 2018 - 2022: Editor-in-Chief, Vision Re/Habilitation International (formerly the International Journal of Orientation and Mobility)
- 2017 - Current: Associate Editor, Clinical and Experimental Optometry
- 2016 - Current: Member, International Society of Eye Research
- 2016 - Current: Member, American Academy of Optometry
- 2014 - Current: Member, Association for Research in Vision and Ophthamology
- 2011- 2016: Member, Australasian Neuroscience Society
- 2011 - Current: Expert reviewer for Optometry journals (please see Publons for details)
My Awards
- 2023: UNSW Vice Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Higher Degree Research Supervision - Emerging Supervisor
- 2021: UNSW Faculty of Medicine Diversity Award
- 2020: School of Optometry and Vision Science ECR award
- 2019: UNSW Dean of Science Impact Communication Award
- 2019: UNSW Presidents Award for Embraces Diversity (as part of the UNSW Women's Science Champions)
- 2016: Ian Potter travel award, American Academy of Optometry, Anaheim, USA
- 2015: CASS travel award, Association for Research in Vision and Ophthamology, Seattle, USA
- 2010: Travel Award, Australian Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Conference, QLD, AUSTRALIA
- 2010: Poster Prize, Elastin and Elastic Fibers Gordon Research Conference, Biddeford, MA
- 2008: Poster Prize, Bosch Scientific Meeting, University of Sydney, NSW, AUSTRALIA
- 2008: Travel Award, Lorne Proteins Conference, VIC, AUSTRALIA
- 2007: Australian Postgraduate Award
- 2006: University Medal, University of Sydney, NSW, AUSTRALIA
- 2006: Roslyn Flora Galston Prize for Biochemistry, University of Sydney, NSW, AUSTRALIA
- 2006: Honours Scholarship, University of Sydney, NSW, AUSTRALIA
My Research Activities
1. Determining if the choroid contributes to macular degeneration using a novel measurement parameter
2. Using high density image analysis tools to predict macular degeneration
3. Using the inner retina for detection and diagnosis of macular degeneration
5. The SQUEEZE project: can a simple hand grip exercise improve imaging of retinal blood vessels?
My Research Supervision
Supervision keywords
Areas of supervision
- PhD
- Masters
- Honours
Currently supervising
- Post doc: Dr Matt Trinh
- PhD: Ms Rene Cheung
- PhD: Ms Meenakshi Kumar
- PhD: Ms Natalie Eshow
- PhD: Ms Judy Nam
- Honours: Mr James Nguyen
My Engagement
- Current - Academic Twitter
- 2020 - Scientists in Libraries Presentation (as part of National Science Week)
- 2019 - Scientists in Libraries Presentation (as part of National Science Week)
- 2019 - Editor: UNSW Women Science Champions Blog
- 2018 - Champion for Sensory Science Exhibition
- 2018 - Guest blogger for LifeApps
- 2018 - Scientists in Libraries Presentation (as part of National Science Week)
My Teaching
- VISN2111 (Ocular Anatomy and Physiology) Lecturer and Tutor for retinal anatomy and physiology
- OPTM3205 (Disease Processes of the Eye 2) Lecturer for diabetes pathophysiology and ocular inflammation
- OPTM5171/OPTM5271 (Research Project 5A/B) Research supervisor
Lab: Rm 2.031, Rupert Myers Building Nth
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