Select Publications

Journal articles

Diniz LM; Lemes ÍR; Freire APCF; Guimarães AF; Ferreira LAC; Franco MR; Verhagen AP; Simoneau G; Pinto RZ, 2025, 'Beliefs regarding the use of imaging among patients with low back pain: A cross-sectional study in the context of a middle-income country', PM and R, 17, pp. 178 - 186,

Smit F; Van Zwieten A; Sherrington C; Franco MR; Cullati S; Blyth FM; Khalatbari-Soltani S; Zambelli M, 2025, 'Socioeconomic position across the life course and falls among middle- and older-aged adults: protocol for a systematic review', BMJ Open, 15, pp. e087971,

Magalhães DS; McAuley JH; Maher CG; Ferreira EDMR; Oliveira TEP; Mastahinich MER; de Jesus-Moraleida FR; Fukusawa L; Franco MR; Pinto RZ; Rodrigues Franco Zambelli M, 2025, 'An e-learning program improves low back pain beliefs of physiotherapists: a randomised trial', Journal of Physiotherapy, 71, pp. 35 - 41,

da Cruz MMA; de Melo Ghisi GL; Grigoletto I; Vanzella LM; da Cruz MRA; Gonzaga LA; Franco MR; Vanderlei LCM, 2024, 'Perceptions of physiotherapists about virtual reality using exergames in cardiovascular rehabilitation: a qualitative study', International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 31,

Esposito E; Lemes IR; Salimei PS; Morelhão PK; Marques LBF; Martins MDS; Cynthia G; Franco MR; Pinto RZ, 2024, 'Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain is Associated With Depressive Symptoms in Community-Dwelling Older Adults Independent of Physical Activity. Experimental Aging Research', Experimental Aging Research,

Lemes ÍR; Morelhão PK; Verhagen A; Gobbi C; Oliveira CB; Silva NS; Lustosa LP; Franco MR; Pinto RZ, 2024, 'Does the Number of Comorbidities Predict Pain and Disability in Older Adults With Chronic Low Back Pain? A Longitudinal Study With 6- and 12-Month Follow-ups', Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy, 47, pp. 21 - 27,

da Silva Martins MD; Lemes ÍR; Esposito E; Morelhão PK; Narciso PH; Franco MR; Pinto RZ, 2023, 'Association Between Domain-Specific Physical Activity and Chronic Low Back Pain in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A Cross-Sectional Study', Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 31, pp. 798 - 805,

Silva NS; Elkins MR; Lemes ÍR; Stubbs PW; Franco MR; Pinto RZ, 2023, 'Clinical trial registration has become more prevalent in physical therapy but it is still inadequate: A meta-research study', Musculoskeletal Science and Practice, 67,

de Souza JM; Tebar WR; Delfino LD; Tebar FSG; Gobbo LA; Franco M; da Silva CCM; Oliveira CBS; Christofaro DGD, 2023, 'Association of Musculoskeletal Pain With Sedentary Behavior in Public School Teachers: The Role of Habitual Physical Activity', Pain Management Nursing, 24, pp. 196 - 200,

Aoyagi GA; Pinto RZ; Lemes ÍR; Pastre CM; Eto BY; Faria MS; Morelhão PK; Franco MR, 2022, 'Fear of falling does not predict self-reported physical activity: an observational study with community-dwelling older adults', Physiotherapy (United Kingdom), 116, pp. 50 - 57,

Morelhão PK; Gobbi C; Christofaro DGD; Damato TM; Grande GD; Frange C; Andersen ML; Tufik S; Franco MR; Pinto RZ, 2022, 'Bidirectional Association Between Sleep Quality and Low Back Pain in Older Adults: A Longitudinal Observational Study', Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 103, pp. 1558 - 1564,

Hisamatsu TM; Oliveira CB; Lira FS; Morelhão PK; Azevedo BR; Lemes ÍR; Franco MR; Pinto RZ, 2022, 'Occupational Physical Activity Was Associated With Disability Levels at 6-Month Follow-Up of Patients With Chronic Nonspecific Low Back Pain: A Prospective Cohort Study', Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 19, pp. 409 - 416,

Fernandes DAM; Freire APCF; Santos JM; Lemes IR; Diniz LM; Franco MR; Ocarino JM; Pinto RZ, 2022, 'The Modified Back Beliefs Questionnaire as a tool to screen for incorrect beliefs regarding back pain: Cross-cultural adaptation and measurement properties', International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine, 44, pp. 9 - 15,

OLIVEIRA CB; CHRISTOFARO DGD; MAHER CG; FRANCO MR; Tiedemann A; SILVA FG; DAMATO TM; NICHOLAS MK; PINTO RZ, 2022, 'Adding Physical Activity Coaching and an Activity Monitor Was No More Effective Than Adding an Attention Control Intervention to Group Exercise for Patients With Chronic Nonspecific Low Back Pain (PAyBACK Trial): A Randomized Trial', Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, 52, pp. 287 - 299,

da Cruz MMA; Grigoletto I; Ricci-Vitor AL; da Silva JM; Franco MR; Vanderlei LCM; Zambelli M, 2022, 'Perceptions and preferences of patients with cardiac conditions to the inclusion of virtual reality-based therapy with conventional cardiovascular rehabilitation: A qualitative study', Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy, 26, pp. 100419,

Diniz LM; Oliveira CB; Machado GC; Maher CG; Verhagen AP; Fernandes DAM; Franco MR; Souza TR; Pinto RZ, 2022, 'Effectiveness of brief patient information materials for promoting correct beliefs about imaging and inevitable consequences of low back pain: A randomised controlled trial', Clinical Rehabilitation, 36, pp. 527 - 537,

Damato TM; Oliveira CB; Franco MR; Silva FG; Gobbi C; Morelhão PK; Christofaro DG; Pinto RZ, 2021, 'Characteristics Associated With People With Chronic Low Back Pain Meeting Physical Activity Guidelines and Recommendations for Sedentary Behavior: A Cross-Sectional Study', Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 44, pp. 378 - 388,

Grande GD; Oliveira CB; Morelhão PK; Sherrington C; Tiedemann A; Pinto RZ; Franco MR, 2020, 'Interventions Promoting Physical Activity among Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis', Gerontologist, 60, pp. E583 - E599,

Oliveira JS; Sherrington C; R Y Zheng E; Franco MR; Tiedemann A, 2020, 'Effect of interventions using physical activity trackers on physical activity in people aged 60 years and over: A systematic review and meta-analysis', British Journal of Sports Medicine, 54, pp. 1188 - 1194,

Oliveira CB; Maher CG; Franco MR; Kamper SJ; Williams CM; Silva FG; Pinto RZ, 2020, 'Co-occurrence of Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain and Cardiovascular Diseases: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis', Pain Medicine (United States), 21, pp. 1106 - 1121,

Silva FG; Oliveira CB; Hisamatsu TM; Negrão Filho RF; Rodrigues CRD; Franco MR; Pinto RZ, 2020, 'Critical evaluation of physical activity questionnaires translated to Brazilian-Portuguese: a systematic review on cross-cultural adaptation and measurements properties', Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy, 24, pp. 187 - 218,

Franco MR; Sherrington C; Tiedemann A; Pereira LS; Perracini MR; Faria CSG; Negrão-Filho RF; Pinto RZ; Pastre CM, 2020, 'Effect of Senior Dance (DanSE) on Fall Risk Factors in Older Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial', Physical Therapy, 100, pp. 600 - 608,

Oliveira CB; Pinto RZ; Saraiva BTC; Tebar WR; Delfino LD; Franco MR; Silva CCM; Christofaro DGD, 2020, 'Effects of active video games on children and adolescents: A systematic review with meta-analysis', Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 30, pp. 4 - 12,

Carvalho FA; Elkins MR; Franco MR; Pinto RZ; Rodrigues Franco Zambelli M, 2019, 'Are plain-language summaries included in published reports of evidence about physiotherapy interventions? Analysis of 4421 randomised trials, systematic reviews and guidelines on the Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro)', Physiotherapy (United Kingdom), 105, pp. 354 - 361,

Oliveira CB; Pinheiro MB; Teixeira RJ; Franco MR; Silva FG; Hisamatsu TM; Ferreira PH; Pinto RZ, 2019, 'Physical activity as a prognostic factor of pain intensity and disability in patients with low back pain: A systematic review', European Journal of Pain (United Kingdom), 23, pp. 1251 - 1263,

Oliveira CB; Pinto RZ; Schabrun SM; Franco MR; Morelhão PK; Silva FG; Damato TM; Negrão Filho RF, 2019, 'Association Between Clinical Tests Related to Motor Control Dysfunction and Changes in Pain and Disability After Lumbar Stabilization Exercises in Individuals With Chronic Low Back Pain', Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 100, pp. 1226 - 1233,

Demarchi SJ; Oliveira CB; Franco MR; Morelhão PK; Hisamatsu TM; Silva FG; Damato TM; Pinto RZ, 2019, 'Association of perceived physical overload at work with pain and disability in patients with chronic non-specific low back pain: a 6-month longitudinal study', European Spine Journal, 28, pp. 1586 - 1593,

Morelhão PK; Franco MR; Oliveira CB; Hisamatsu TM; Ferreira PH; Costa LOP; Maher CG; Pinto RZ, 2018, 'Physical activity and disability measures in chronic non-specific low back pain: a study of responsiveness', Clinical Rehabilitation, 32, pp. 1684 - 1695,

Oliveira CB; Franco MR; Maher CG; Ferreira PH; Morelhão PK; Damato TM; Gobbi C; Pinto RZ, 2018, 'Physical Activity–Based Interventions Using Electronic Feedback May Be Ineffective in Reducing Pain and Disability in Patients With Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain: A Systematic Review With Meta-Analysis', Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 99, pp. 1900 - 1912,

Oliveira CB; Franco MR; Demarchi SJ; Smeets RJEM; Huijnen IPJ; Morelhão PK; Hisamatsu TM; Pinto RZ, 2018, 'Psychometric properties of the photograph series of daily activities-short electronic version (PHODA-SeV) in patients with chronic low back pain', Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, 48, pp. 719 - 727,

Franco MR; Pinto RZ; Delbaere K; Eto BY; Faria MS; Aoyagi GA; Steffens D; Pastre CM; Rodrigues Franco Zambelli M, 2018, 'Cross-cultural adaptation and measurement properties testing of the Iconographical Falls Efficacy Scale (Icon-FES)', Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy, 22, pp. 291 - 303,

Franco MR; Grande GHD; Padulla SAT, 2018, 'Effect of pilates exercise for improving balance in older adults (PEDro synthesis)', British Journal of Sports Medicine, 52, pp. 199 - 200,

Oliveira CB; Franco MR; Maher CG; Tiedemann A; Silva FG; Damato TM; Nicholas MK; Christofaro DGD; Pinto RZ; Zambelli M, 2018, 'The efficacy of a multimodal physical activity intervention with supervised exercises, health coaching and an activity monitor on physical activity levels of patients with chronic, nonspecific low back pain (Physical Activity for Back Pain (PAyBACK) trial): Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial', Trials, 19, pp. 40,

Uzeloto JS; Moseley AM; Elkins MR; Franco MR; Pinto RZ; Freire APCF; Ramos EMC; Rodrigues Franco Zambelli M, 2017, 'The quality of clinical practice guidelines for chronic respiratory diseases and the reliability of the AGREE II: an observational study', Physiotherapy (United Kingdom), 103, pp. 439 - 445,

Morelhao PK; Oliveira CB; Franco MR, 2017, 'Interventions to increase physical activity among older adults (PEDro synthesis)', British Journal of Sports Medicine, 51, pp. 1375 - 1376,

Franco MR; Morelhão PK; de Carvalho A; Pinto RZ, 2017, 'Aquatic exercise for the treatment of hip and knee osteoarthritis', Physical Therapy, 97, pp. 693 - 697,

Oliveira CB; Filho RFN; Franco MR; Morelhão PK; Araujo AC; Pinto RZ, 2017, 'Psychometric properties of the deep muscle contraction scale for assessment of the drawing-in maneuver in patients with chronic nonspecific low back pain', Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, 47, pp. 432 - 441,

Perracini MR; Franco MRC; Ricci NA; Blake C; Zambelli M, 2017, 'Physical activity in older people – Case studies of how to make change happen', Best Practice and Research: Clinical Rheumatology, 31, pp. 260 - 274,

Carvalho FA; Morelhão PK; Franco MR; Maher CG; Smeets RJEM; Oliveira CB; Freitas Júnior IF; Pinto RZ, 2017, 'Reliability and validity of two multidimensional self-reported physical activity questionnaires in people with chronic low back pain', Musculoskeletal Science and Practice, 27, pp. 65 - 70,

Carvalho FA; Maher CG; Franco MR; Morelhão PK; Oliveira CB; Silva FG; Pinto RZ, 2017, 'Fear of Movement Is Not Associated With Objective and Subjective Physical Activity Levels in Chronic Nonspecific Low Back Pain', Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 98, pp. 96 - 104,

Franco MR; Sherrington C; Tiedemann A; Pereira LS; Perracini MR; Faria CRS; Pinto RZ; Pastre CM, 2016, 'Effectiveness of Senior Dance on risk factors for falls in older adults (DanSE): A study protocol for a randomised controlled trial', BMJ Open, 6,

Oliveira CB; Franco MR; Maher CG; Christine Lin CW; Morelhão PK; Araújo AC; Negrão Filho RF; Pinto RZ, 2016, 'Physical Activity Interventions for Increasing Objectively Measured Physical Activity Levels in Patients With Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain: A Systematic Review', Arthritis Care and Research, 68, pp. 1832 - 1842,

Franco MR; Howard K; Sherrington C; Rose J; Ferreira PH; Ferreira ML, 2016, 'Smallest worthwhile effect of exercise programs to prevent falls among older people: Estimates from benefit-harm trade-off and discrete choice methods', Age and Ageing, 45, pp. 806 - 812,

Oliveira CB; Pinto RZ; Franco MR, 2016, 'Walking exercise for chronic musculoskeletal pain (PEDro synthesis)', British Journal of Sports Medicine, 50, pp. 1346 - 1347,

Franco MR; Tong A; Howard K; Sherrington C; Ferreira PH; Pinto RZ; Ferreira ML, 2015, 'Older people's perspectives on participation in physical activity: A systematic review and thematic synthesis of qualitative literature', British Journal of Sports Medicine, 49, pp. 1268 - 1276,

Franco MR; Howard K; Sherrington C; Ferreira PH; Rose J; Gomes JL; Ferreira ML, 2015, 'Eliciting older people's preferences for exercise programs: A best-worst scaling choice experiment', Journal of Physiotherapy, 61, pp. 34 - 41,

Franco MR; Pereira LSM; Ferreira PH, 2014, 'Exercise interventions for preventing falls in older people living in the community', British Journal of Sports Medicine, 48, pp. 867 - 868,

Franco MR; Ferreira ML; Ferreira PH; Maher CG; Pinto RZ; Cherkin DC, 2013, 'Methodological limitations prevent definitive conclusions on the effects of patients' preferences in randomized clinical trials evaluating musculoskeletal conditions', Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 66, pp. 586 - 598,

Franco MR; Ferreira ML; Howard K; Sherrington C; Rose J; Haines TP; Ferreira P, 2013, 'How big does the effect of an intervention have to be? Application of two novel methods to determine the smallest worthwhile effect of a fall prevention programme: A study protocol', BMJ Open, 3,

Pinto RZ; Ferreira ML; Oliveira VC; Franco MR; Adams R; Maher CG; Ferreira PH, 2012, 'Patient-centred communication is associated with positive therapeutic alliance: A systematic review', Journal of Physiotherapy, 58, pp. 77 - 87,

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