Select Publications

Journal articles

Treloar C; Hopwood MN, 2008, '`Look, I`m fit, I`m positive and I`ll be all right, thank you very much`: Coping with Hepatitis C treatment and unrealisic optimism', Psychology, Health and Medicine, 13, pp. 360 - 366,

Hopwood MN; Treloar C, 2008, 'Resilient coping: Applying adaptive responses to prior adversity during treatment for hepatitis C infection', Journal of Health Psychology, 13, pp. 17 - 27,

Hopwood MN; Treloar C, 2007, 'Pre-treatment preparation and management of interferon-based therapy for hepatitis C virus infection', Journal of Advanced Nursing, 59, pp. 248 - 254

Hopwood MN, 2007, 'Stigma and health: An overview', Polare

Hopwood MN; Treloar C, 2007, 'The drugs that dare not speak their name: Injecting and other illicit drug use during treatment for hepatitis C infection', International Journal of Drug Policy, 18, pp. 374 - 380

Hopwood M; Treloar C; Bryant J, 2006, 'Erratum: Hepatitis C and injecting-related discrimination in New South Wales, Australia(Drugs, Education, Prevention and Policy 13:1 (61-75))', Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 13, pp. 201,

Hopwood MN; Treloar C; Bryant J, 2006, 'Hepatitis C and injecting-related discrimination in New South Wales, Australia', Drugs - Education Prevention and Policy, 13, pp. 61 - 75

Hopwood MN; Treloar C, 2005, 'The experience of interferon-based treatments for hepatitis C infection', Qualitative Health Research, 15, pp. 635 - 646,

Treloar C; Hopwood MN, 2004, 'Infection control in the context of hepatitis C disclosure: Implications for education of healthcare professionals', Education for Health - Change In Learning and Prac, 17, pp. 183 - 191,

Fraser S; Hopwood MN; Treloar C; Brener L, 2004, 'Needle fictions: Medical constructions of needle fixation and the injecting drug user', Addiction Research and Theory, 12, pp. 67 - 76

Hopwood MN; Treloar C, 2004, 'Receiving a hepatitis C-positive diagnosis', Internal Medicine Journal, 34, pp. 526 - 531,

Hopwood MN; Southgate EL, 2003, 'Living with hepatitis C: A sociological review.', Critical Public Health, 13, pp. 251 - 267,

Hopwood MN; Southgate EL; Kippax SC; Bammer G; Isaac-Toua G; MacDonald MA, 2003, 'The injection of methadone syrup in New South Wales: Patterns of use and increased harm after partial banning of injecting equipment', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 27, pp. 551 - 555

Treloar C; Hopwood MN; Loveday S, 2002, 'Hepatitis C-related discrimination in healthcare: report of the Third Australasisn Conference on Hepatitis C, Melbourne, March 2002', Medical Journal of Australia, 177, pp. 233 - 234

Hopwood MN; Connors J, 2002, 'Heterosexual attitudes to homosexuality: homophobia at a rural Australian University', Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services, 2, pp. 79 - 94

Hopwood MN; Southgate E, 2001, 'The role of folk pharmacology and lay experts in harm reduction: Sydney gay drug using networks', The role of folk pharmacology and lay experts in harm reduction: Sydney gay drug using networks

Southgate EL; Hopwood MN, 2001, 'The role of folk pharmacology and lay experts in harm reduction: Sydney gay drug using networks', International Journal of Drug Policy, 12, pp. 321 - 335

Southgate E; Hopwood M, 1999, 'Mardi Gras says ‘be drug free’: Accounting for resistance, pleasure and the demand for illicit drugs',

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