Select Publications

Journal articles

Abrahms B; Jordan NR; Golabek KA; McNutt JW; Wilson AM; Brashares JS, 2016, 'Lessons from integrating behaviour and resource selection: activity-specific responses of African wild dogs to roads', Animal Conservation, 19, pp. 247 - 255,

Hubel TY; Myatt JP; Jordan NR; Dewhirst OP; McNutt JW; Wilson AM, 2016, 'Additive opportunistic capture explains group hunting benefits in African wild dogs', Nature Communications, 7,

Hubel TY; Myatt JP; Jordan NR; Dewhirst OP; McNutt JW; Wilson AM, 2016, 'Energy cost and return for hunting in African wild dogs and cheetahs', Nature Communications, 7,

Pomilia MA; Mcnutt JW; Jordan NR, 2015, 'Ecological predictors of African wild dog ranging patterns in Northern Botswana', Journal of Mammalogy, 96, pp. 1214 - 1223,

Jordan NR; Apps PJ; Golabek KA; McNutt JW, 2014, 'Top marks from top dogs: Tandem marking and pair bond advertisement in african wild dogs', Animal Behaviour, 88, pp. 211 - 217,

Apps P; Mmualefe L; Jordan NR; Golabek KA; McNutt JW, 2014, 'The "tomcat compound" 3-mercapto-3-methylbutanol occurs in the urine of free-ranging leopards but not in African lions or cheetahs', Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 53, pp. 17 - 19,

Jordan NR; Golabek KA; Apps PJ; Gilfillan GD; Mcnutt JW, 2013, 'Scent-mark identification and scent-marking behaviour in African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus)', Ethology, 119, pp. 644 - 652,

Nichols HJ; Jordan NR; Jamie GA; Cant MA; Hoffman JI, 2012, 'Fine-scale spatiotemporal patterns of genetic variation reflect budding dispersal coupled with strong natal philopatry in a cooperatively breeding mammal', Molecular Ecology, 21, pp. 5348 - 5362,

Jordan NR; Messenger J; Turner P; Croose E; Birks J; O'Reilly C, 2012, 'Molecular comparison of historical and contemporary pine marten (Martes martes) populations in the British Isles: Evidence of differing origins and fates, and implications for conservation management', Conservation Genetics, 13, pp. 1195 - 1212,

Jordan NR; Manser MB; Mwanguhya F; Kyabulima S; Rüedi P; Cant MA, 2011, 'Scent marking in wild banded mongooses: 1. Sex-specific scents and overmarking', Animal Behaviour, 81, pp. 31 - 42,

Jordan NR; Mwanguhya F; Furrer RD; Kyabulima S; Rüedi P; Cant MA, 2011, 'Scent marking in wild banded mongooses: 2. Intrasexual overmarking and competition between males', Animal Behaviour, 81, pp. 43 - 50,

Jordan NR; Mwanguhya F; Kyabulima S; Rüedi P; Hodge SJ; Cant MA, 2011, 'Scent marking in wild banded mongooses: 3. Intrasexual overmarking in females', Animal Behaviour, 81, pp. 51 - 60,

Jordan NR; Mwanguhya F; Kyabulima S; Rüedi P; Cant MA, 2010, 'Scent marking within and between groups of wild banded mongooses', Journal of Zoology, 280, pp. 72 - 83,

Golabek KA; Jordan NR; Clutton-Brock TH, 2008, 'Radiocollars do not affect the survival or foraging behaviour of wild meerkats', Journal of Zoology, 274, pp. 248 - 253,

Jordan NR, 2007, 'Scent-marking investment is determined by sex and breeding status in meerkats', Animal Behaviour, 74, pp. 531 - 540,

Jordan NR; Cherry MI; Manser MB, 2007, 'Latrine distribution and patterns of use by wild meerkats: implications for territory and mate defence', Animal Behaviour, 73, pp. 613 - 622,

Russell AF; Young AJ; Spong G; Jordan NR; Clutton-Brock TH, 2007, 'Helpers increase the reproductive potential of offspring in cooperative meerkats', Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 274, pp. 513 - 520,

Clutton-Brock TH; Hodge SJ; Spong G; Russell AF; Jordan NR; Bennett NC; Sharpe LL; Manser MB, 2006, 'Intrasexual competition and sexual selection in cooperative mammals', Nature, 444, pp. 1065 - 1068,

Carlson AA; Russell AF; Young AJ; Jordan NR; McNeilly AS; Parlow AF; Clutton-Brock T, 2006, 'Elevated prolactin levels immediately precede decisions to babysit by male meerkat helpers', Hormones and Behavior, 50, pp. 94 - 100,

Carlson AA; Manser MB; Young AJ; Russell AF; Jordan NR; McNeilly AS; Clutton-Brock T, 2006, 'Cortisol levels are positively associated with pup-feeding rates in male meerkats', Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 273, pp. 571 - 577,

Clutton-Brock TH; Russell AF; Sharpe LL; Jordan NR, 2005, ''False feeding' and aggression in meerkat societies', Animal Behaviour, 69, pp. 1273 - 1284,

Plowman AB; Jordan NR; Anderson N; Condon E; Fraser O, 2005, 'Welfare implications of captive primate population management: Behavioural and psycho-social effects of female-based contraception, oestrus and male removal in hamadryas baboons (Papio hamadryas)', Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 90, pp. 155 - 165,

Russell AF; Carlson AA; McIlrath GM; Jordan NR; Clutton-Brock T, 2004, 'Adaptive size modification by dominant female meerkats', Evolution, 58, pp. 1600 - 1607,

Russell AF; Carlson AA; McIlrath GM; Jordan NR; Clutton-Brock T, 2004, 'ADAPTIVE SIZE MODIFICATION BY DOMINANT FEMALE MEERKATS', Evolution, 58, pp. 1600 - 1600,

Jordan NR; Golabek KA; McNutt JW, 2002, 'Top marks from top dogs: Tandem marking and pair bond advertisement in dominant African wild dogs', New Scientist, 176, pp. 42

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