
Dr Nicholas Kanizaj



Nicholas joined UNSW in 2022. Since 2016, he has discharged commercial research for domestic clients in the areas of rocket propellants, small arms propellants, explosives and pyrotechnics. Active research areas include propellant design as well as the additive manufacture of energetic and reactive materials. Advanced formulation technologies relevant to explosive ordnance manufacture are also under investigation.


My Grants

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Nicholas joined UNSW in 2022. Since 2016, he has discharged commercial research for domestic clients in the areas of rocket propellants, small arms propellants, explosives and pyrotechnics. Active research areas include propellant design as well as the additive manufacture of energetic and reactive materials. Advanced formulation technologies relevant to explosive ordnance manufacture are also under investigation.


My Grants

  • Upscaled energy storage systems: Commonwealth Government contract
  • Improvements to rate and delivery efficiency of energy storage systems: Commonwealth Government contract

My Research Activities

Additive manufacture of reactive and energetic materials.

Rocket and ramjet fuel design.

Advanced energetic formulation technologies.

My Research Supervision

Supervision keywords

Areas of supervision

Propellants, explosives, pyrotechnics.

Additive manufacture of reactive materials.

Advanced energetic formulation technologies.


Currently supervising


Next-generation energetic and reactive materials.

Additive manufacture of structures relevant to explosive ordnance design.


My Teaching


Explosive Ordnance Design and Systems (ZEIT 8510) in Semester 1 [Course convenor]

Rocket Motors, Propellants and Pyrotechnics (ZEIT 8513) in Semester 2 [Course convenor]

Explosive Ordnance Technologies (ZEIT 8233) in Semester 2 [Course convenor]

Lethality and Survivability (ZINT 8301) in Semester 2


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+61 2 5114 5375


by Dr Nicholas Kanizaj

ORCID as entered in ROS