
My Expertise

Optometry; Vision; Ophthalmology; Biological markers; Infection and immunity; Microbiology 

Fields of Research (FoR)

Optometry and Ophthalmology, Immunogenetics (incl. Genetic Immunology), Clinical Microbiology

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I am a Scientia Associate Professor and Deputy Director of Research at School of Optometry and Vision Science, UNSW, Sydney. I lead a program of research into behavioural and host immune susceptibility to eye infections at UNSW and Westmead Institute for Medical Research. I have Honorary appointments with University of Sydney and University College London. I am the inaugural Chair of Australian Standards Contact Lens Committee and serve as an...view more


School of Optometry and Vision Science
Level 3, Room 3.010
North Wing, Rupert Myers Building


+61 2 9065 0387