Select Publications

Journal articles

Cullen P; Clapham K; Hunter K; Porykali B; Ivers R, 2017, 'Driver licensing and health: A social ecological exploration of the impact of licence participation in Australian Aboriginal communities', Journal of Transport and Health, 6, pp. 228 - 236,

Clapham K; Hunter K; Cullen P; Helps Y; Senserrick T; Byrne J; Harrison JE; Ivers RQ, 2017, 'Addressing the barriers to driver licensing for Aboriginal people in New South Wales and South Australia', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 41, pp. 280 - 286,

Cullen P; Chevalier A; Hunter K; Gadsden T; Ivers R, 2017, '‘The program was the solution to the problem’: Process evaluation of a multi-site driver licensing program in remote communities', Journal of Transport and Health, 4, pp. 81 - 89,

Cullen P; Clapham K; Hunter K; Treacy R; Ivers R, 2016, 'Challenges to driver licensing participation for Aboriginal people in Australia: A systematic review of the literature', International Journal for Equity in Health, 15, pp. 134,

Cullen P; Clapham K; Byrne J; Hunter K; Rogers K; Senserrick T; Keay L; Ivers R, 2016, 'Implementation of a driver licensing support program in three Aboriginal communities: A brief report from a pilot program', Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 27, pp. 167 - 169,

Cullen P; Clapham K; Byrne J; Hunter K; Senserrick T; Keay L; Ivers R, 2016, 'The importance of context in logic model construction for a multi-site community-based Aboriginal driver licensing program', Evaluation and Program Planning, 57, pp. 8 - 15,

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