
My Expertise

I have expertise in social epidemiology research of disadvantaged populations, particularly in the context of HIV and STIs, mental heath, as well as young people in drug and alcohol treatment, and individual and community well-being. 

My other area of expertise is in survey methods, including questionnaire design; the development of scales to measure psychological constructs; psychometric testing of construct scales; administering questionnaires electronically and via the internet; as well as sampling and recruiting hard-to-reach populations through methods such as respondent driven sampling (RDS).    

Fields of Research (FoR)

Public Health and Health Services, Social and Community Psychology, Health Promotion


Dr Patrick Rawstorne is a clinical psychologist, researcher, higher education educator, psychometrician, and social scientist. He was previously a co-Director of the International Public Health program in the School of Population Health, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW, and provided leadership in several areas including curriculum design and development. He convened two post-graduate courses, 'PHCM9605 International Health' and 'PHCM9622 Global HIV...view more


+61 2 9385 8673
+61 2 9385 1526