Select Publications

Journal articles

Wong D; Teixeira A; Oikonomopoulos S; Humburg P; Lone IN; Saliba D; Siggers T; Bulyk M; Angelov D; Dimitrov S; Udalova IA; Ragoussis J, 2011, 'Extensive characterization of NF-κB binding uncovers non-canonical motifs and advances the interpretation of genetic functional traits', Genome Biology, 12,

Humburg P; Helliwell CA; Bulger D; Stone G, 2011, 'ChIPseqR: Analysis of ChIP-seq experiments', BMC Bioinformatics, 12,

Humburg P; Bulger D; Stone G, 2008, 'Parameter estimation for robust HMM analysis of ChIP-chip data', BMC Bioinformatics, 9,

Steuer R; Humburg P; Selbig J, 2006, 'Validation and functional annotation of expression-based clusters based on gene ontology', BMC Bioinformatics, 7,

Steuer R; Humburg P; Selbig J, 2005, 'Validation and Functional Annotation of Expression-based Clusters based on Gene Ontology', GBM Annual Fall meeting Berlin/Potsdam 2005, 2005,

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