I am a Research Scientist at the Climate Change Research Centre (CCRC) at the University of New South Wales (UNSW). I am a research associate for the Australian Centre for Excellence in Antarctic Science (ACEAS) and an associate investigator for the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes (CLeX).
My research involves the use of atmospheric / ocean and coupled climate models to understand the dynamics of large-scale atmospheric...view more
I am a Research Scientist at the Climate Change Research Centre (CCRC) at the University of New South Wales (UNSW). I am a research associate for the Australian Centre for Excellence in Antarctic Science (ACEAS) and an associate investigator for the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes (CLeX).
My research involves the use of atmospheric / ocean and coupled climate models to understand the dynamics of large-scale atmospheric circulation and its influence on Southern Hemisphere climate, including Antarctic sea-ice. I also have a keen interest in tropical cyclones and how they may be impacted by climate change.
Areas that I work / interested in :
a) Tropical - extratropical teleconnections
b) Climate variability
c) Coupled extreme events
d) Climate Policy
e) Environment, Social and Governance (ESG)
My Grants
2017 - 2021 Scientia research fellowship, UNSW, Sydney
2016 - Prestigious Summer Research Fellowship, Indian Academy of Sciences
2015-17 - Institute Fellowship, IIT Bhubaneswar, India
My Qualifications
- 2015 B.Tech., Manipal Institute of Technology, Karnataka, India
- 2017 M.Tech. (Institute medal and The Director's medal), Indian Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar, India
- 2021 PhD (Dean's award for outstanding PhD thesis), University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
My Awards
2022 - Dean's award for outstanding PhD thesis, University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney, Australia
2022 - Outstanding presentation award (runner's up), ICSHMO 2022, New Zealand
2020 - Best research paper award, Climate Change Research Centre (CCRC), UNSW
2020 - Award for science communication and outreach, Climate Change Research Centre (CCRC), UNSW
2019 - Best presentation award, Climate Change Research Centre (CCRC) annual PhD reviews
2018 - Director's Gold medal by the Honourable 14th President of India, Mr. Ramnath Kovind, IIT Bhubaneswar, India
2018 - Institute Medal, IIT Bhubaneswar, India
2013 - Award for outstanding academic performance, Manipal Institute of Technology, India
My Research Activities
Goyal R; Jucker M; Gupta AS; England MH, 2022, 'A New Zonal Wave-3 Index for the Southern Hemisphere', Journal of Climate, vol. 35, pp. 5137 - 5149, http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-21-0927.1, ROS ID: 1894929
Rathore S; Goyal R; Jangir B; Ummenhofer CC; Feng M; Mishra M, 2022, 'Interactions Between a Marine Heatwave and Tropical Cyclone Amphan in the Bay of Bengal in 2020', Frontiers in Climate, vol. 4, pp. 861477, http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fclim.2022.861477, ROS ID: 1876849
Jucker M; Goyal R, 2022, 'Ozone-Forced Southern Annular Mode During Antarctic Stratospheric Warming Events', Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 49, http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2021GL095270, ROS ID: 1807814
Goyal R; England MH; Jucker M; Sen Gupta A, 2021, 'Response of Southern Hemisphere Western Boundary Current Regions to Future Zonally Symmetric and Asymmetric Atmospheric Changes', Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, vol. 126, http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2021JC017858, ROS ID: 1701073
Goyal R; Jucker M; Sen Gupta A; Hendon HH; England MH, 2021, 'Zonal wave 3 pattern in the Southern Hemisphere generated by tropical convection', Nature Geoscience, vol. 14, pp. 732 - 738, http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41561-021-00811-3, ROS ID: 1659583
Goyal R; Jucker M; Sen Gupta A; England MH, 2021, 'Generation of the Amundsen Sea Low by Antarctic Orography', Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 48, http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2020GL091487, ROS ID: 1567661
Goyal R; Sen Gupta A; Jucker M; England MH, 2021, 'Historical and Projected Changes in the Southern Hemisphere Surface Westerlies', Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 48, http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2020GL090849, ROS ID: 1569062
Jangir B; Swain D; Ghose SK; Goyal R; Bhaskar TVSU, 2020, 'Inter-comparison of model, satellite and in situ tropical cyclone heat potential in the North Indian Ocean', Natural Hazards, vol. 102, pp. 557 - 574, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11069-019-03756-4, ROS ID: 1639984
Landu K; Goyal R; Keshav BS, 2020, 'Role of multiple equatorial waves on cyclogenesis over Bay of Bengal', Climate Dynamics, vol. 54, pp. 2287 - 2296, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00382-019-05112-5, ROS ID: 1520253
Goyal R; England MH; Sen Gupta A; Jucker M, 2019, 'Reduction in surface climate change achieved by the 1987 Montreal Protocol', Environmental Research Letters, vol. 14, http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/ab4874, ROS ID: 1499603
My Research Supervision
Areas of supervision
- Climate variability
- Atmospheric dynamics
- Atmospheric circulation in the extratropical Southern Hemisphere
- Climate modelling
- Antarctic processes
Currently supervising
- (2022 - ) Michael Eabry, PhD Candidate, CCRC, UNSW, Sydney (Primary supervisor - A/Prof. Alex Sen Gupta and A/Prof. Andrea Taschetto)
My Engagement
- Featured in Australian Academy of Sciences video on "Climate surprise: Closing the ozone hole". Video based on Goyal et al 2019 "Reduction in surface climate change achieved by the 1987 Montreal Protocol", ERL.
- Interview with Fast company, New York on the role on Montreal Protocol in mitigating surface climate change
- Slowing Global warming by Accident, National Geographic Australia
- Goyal et al., 2019 paper on the Montreal Protocol reported by news/science media channels around the world in more than 31 countries and 60 reports.
ORCID as entered in ROS