My Grants
2016 - Built Environment Learning & Teaching Initiative: the BE Course Design Competition/Blended Learning
2017 - Institute for Global Development Seed Funding: Developing sustainable infrastructure, poverty reduction and wellbeing through capacity building in Pacific island countries.
2017 - Researchstart Grant: Social cohesion, resilience and informal urbanism across communities along Kelani River basin in Colombo (with Professor...view more
My Grants
2016 - Built Environment Learning & Teaching Initiative: the BE Course Design Competition/Blended Learning
2017 - Institute for Global Development Seed Funding: Developing sustainable infrastructure, poverty reduction and wellbeing through capacity building in Pacific island countries.
2017 - Researchstart Grant: Social cohesion, resilience and informal urbanism across communities along Kelani River basin in Colombo (with Professor David Sanderson)
2017 - Scholarship of Learning and Teaching (SOLT ): Educating the sustainable infrastructure professional: Gaps, opportunities and challenges
2017/18 - Inspired Learning Initiative: Digital uplifting of an elective course
2018 - Education Focus Foundation Funding project: Construction/Design Manual: design strategies in the selection, organization, assembly and maintenance of materials in architecture (with Dr John Gamble)
2018 - Education Focus Foundation Funding project: Group Projects and Problem Based Learning (PBL) - Adopting best practice in our teaching
My Qualifications
Bachelor of Science Hons - University of Colombo
Graduate diploma in Urban and Regional Planning - Queensland University of Technology
Master of sustainable Built Environment - University of New South Wales
Doctor of Philosophy in Architecture - University of Queensland
My Research Activities
The role of Smart cities in reduction of inequality in the global South.
Community cohesion in disaster recovery process - the case of flood affected low income communities on the banks of river Kelani in Colombo Sri Lanka
Sustainable infrastructure and poverty reduction in Pacific Island countries
Educating the sustainable Infrastructure professional - challenges, gaps and opportunities
Problem-based Learning - Best Practice
My Research Supervision
Areas of supervision
Social housing tenants and low carbon living
Repair, maintenance and upgrading and sustainability
Infrastructure and sustainability of the city
Community cohesion and disaster resilience
Sustainable Infrastruture and poverty reduction in developing countries (Pacific Island countries in particular)
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