Select Publications

Journal articles

Cations M; Lang C; Ward SA; Crotty M; Inacio MC, 2020, 'Dementia case ascertainment using aged care assessment data', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 44, pp. 517 - 518,

Gilmartin-Thomas JF; Cicuttini FM; Owen AJ; Wolfe R; Ernst ME; Nelson MR; Lockery J; Woods RL; Britt C; Liew D; Murray A; Workman B; Ward SA; McNeil JJ, 2020, 'Moderate or severe low back pain is associated with body mass index amongst community-dwelling older Australians', Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 91,

Lin X; Wallis K; Ward SA; Brodaty H; Sachdev PS; Naismith SL; Krysinska K; McNeil J; Rowe CC; Ahern S, 2020, 'The protocol of a clinical quality registry for dementia and mild cognitive impairment (MCI): The Australian dementia network (ADNeT) Registry', BMC Geriatrics, 20, pp. 330,

Kalantar-Zadeh K; Ward SA; Kalantar-Zadeh K; El-Omar EM, 2020, 'Erratum: Considering the Effects of Microbiome and Diet on SARS-CoV 2 Infection: Nanotechnology Roles (ACS Nano (2020) 14:5 (5179-5182) DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.0c03402)', ACS Nano, 14, pp. 9202,

Ryan J; Storey E; Murray AM; Woods RL; Wolfe R; Reid CM; Nelson MR; Chong TTJ; Williamson JD; Ward SA; Lockery JE; Orchard SG; Trevaks R; Kirpach B; Newman AB; Ernst ME; McNeil JJ; Shah RC, 2020, 'Randomized placebo-controlled trial of the effects of aspirin on dementia and cognitive decline', Neurology, 95, pp. E320 - E331,

Ward SA; Pase MP, 2020, 'Advances in pathophysiology and neuroimaging: Implications for sleep and dementia', Respirology, 25, pp. 580 - 592,

Kalantar-Zadeh K; Ward SA; Kalantar-Zadeh K; El-Omar EM, 2020, 'Considering the Effects of Microbiome and Diet on SARS-CoV-2 Infection: Nanotechnology Roles', ACS Nano, 14, pp. 5179 - 5182,

Barker AL; Soh SE; Sanders KM; Pasco J; Khosla S; Ebeling PR; Ward SA; Peeters G; Talevski J; Cumming RG; Seeman E; McNeil JJ, 2020, 'Aspirin and fracture risk: A systematic review and exploratory meta-analysis of observational studies', BMJ Open, 10,

Brennan SE; McDonald S; Page MJ; Reid J; Ward S; Forbes AB; McKenzie JE, 2020, 'Long-term effects of alcohol consumption on cognitive function: A systematic review and dose-response analysis of evidence published between 2007 and 2018', Systematic Reviews, 9,

Ayton D; Gardam M; Ward S; Brodaty H; Pritchard E; Earnest A; Krysinska K; Banaszak-Holl J; McNeil J; Ahern S, 2020, 'How Can Quality of Dementia Care Be Measured? The Development of Clinical Quality Indicators for an Australian Pilot Dementia Registry', Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 75, pp. 923 - 936,

Jamadar SD; Sforazzini F; Raniga P; Ferris NJ; Paton B; Bailey MJ; Brodtmann A; Yates PA; Donnan GA; Ward SA; Woods RL; Storey E; McNeil JJ; Egan GF, 2019, 'Sexual Dimorphism of Resting-State Network Connectivity in Healthy Ageing', Journals of Gerontology - Series B Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 74, pp. 1121 - 1131,

McNeil JJ; Woods RL; Ward SA; Britt CJ; Lockery JE; Beilin LJ; Owen AJ, 2019, 'Cohort Profile: The ASPREE Longitudinal Study of Older Persons (ALSOP)', International Journal of Epidemiology, 48, pp. 1048 - 1049H,

Tran T; Hammarberg K; Ryan J; Lowthian J; Freak-Poli R; Owen A; Kirkman M; Curtis A; Rowe H; Brown H; Ward S; Britt C; Fisher J, 2019, 'Mental health trajectories among women in Australia as they age', Aging and Mental Health, 23, pp. 887 - 896,

Kalantar-Zadeh K; Ward SA, 2019, 'Future is ready for swallowable sensors', HEPATOBILIARY SURGERY AND NUTRITION, 8, pp. 267 - 269,

Ng NSQ; Ward SA, 2019, 'Diagnosis of dementia in Australia: A narrative review of services and models of care', Australian Health Review, 43, pp. 415 - 424,

Shwe PS; Ward SA; Thein PM; Junckerstorff R, 2019, 'Frailty, oral health and nutrition in geriatrics inpatients: A cross-sectional study', Gerodontology, 36, pp. 223 - 228,

Ryan J; Storey E; Murray A; Woods R; Chong T; Burns C; Williamson JD; Ward SA; Wolfe R; Lockery J; Orchard S; Reid C; Nelson M; McNeil J; Shah RC, 2019, 'P4‐012: A RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED TRIAL OF THE EFFECT OF ASPIRIN VERSUS PLACEBO ON INCIDENT DEMENTIA AND PROBABLE ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE', Alzheimer's & Dementia, 15,

Kalantar-Zadeh K; Berean KJ; Ha N; Chrimes AF; Xu K; Grando D; Ou JZ; Pillai N; Campbell JL; Brkljača R; Taylor KM; Burgell RE; Yao CK; Ward SA; McSweeney CS; Muir JG; Gibson PR, 2018, 'A human pilot trial of ingestible electronic capsules capable of sensing different gases in the gut', Nature Electronics, 1, pp. 79 - 87,

Ward SA; Storey E; Woods RL; Hamilton GS; Kawasaki R; Janke AL; Naughton MT; O'Donoghue F; Wolfe R; Wong TY; Reid CM; Abhayaratna WP; Stocks N; Trevaks R; Fitzgerald S; Hodgson LAB; Robman L; Workman B; McNeil JJ, 2018, 'The Study of Neurocognitive Outcomes, Radiological and Retinal Effects of Aspirin in Sleep Apnoea- rationale and methodology of the SNORE-ASA study', Contemporary Clinical Trials, 64, pp. 101 - 111,

Ward S; Newman A; Murray AM; Woods R; McNeil J, 2017, 'EVIDENCE FOR THE POTENTIAL ROLE OF ASPIRIN IN THE PREVENTION OF FRAILTY', Innovation in Aging, 1, pp. 56 - 56,

Robman L; Guymer R; Woods R; Ward S; Wolfe R; Phung J; Hodgson L; Makeyeva G; Aung KZ; Gilbert T; Lockery J; Le-Pham YA; Orchard S; Storey E; Abhayaratna W; Reid D; Ernst ME; Nelson M; Reid C; McNeil J, 2017, 'Age-related macular degeneration in a randomized controlled trial of low-dose aspirin: Rationale and study design of the ASPREE-AMD study', Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications, 6, pp. 105 - 114,

Ward SA; Raniga P; Ferris NJ; Woods RL; Storey E; Bailey MJ; Brodtmann A; Yates PA; Donnan GA; Trevaks RE; Wolfe R; Egan GF; McNeil JJ, 2017, 'ASPREE-NEURO study protocol: A randomized controlled trial to determine the effect of low-dose aspirin on cerebral microbleeds, white matter hyperintensities, cognition, and stroke in the healthy elderly', International Journal of Stroke, 12, pp. 108 - 113,

Ou JZ; Cottrell JJ; Ha N; Pillai N; Yao CK; Berean KJ; Ward SA; Grando D; Muir JG; Harrison CJ; Wijesiriwardana U; Dunshea FR; Gibson PR; Kalantar-Zadeh K, 2016, 'Potential of in vivo real-time gastric gas profiling: A pilot evaluation of heat-stress and modulating dietary cinnamon effect in an animal model', Scientific Reports, 6, pp. 33387,

Barker AL; McNeil JJ; Seeman E; Ward SA; Sanders KM; Khosla S; Cumming RG; Pasco JA; Bohensky MA; Ebeling PR; Woods RL; Lockery JE; Wolfe R; Talevski J, 2016, 'A randomised controlled trial of low-dose aspirin for the prevention of fractures in healthy older people: Protocol for the ASPREE-Fracture substudy', Injury Prevention, 22, pp. 297 - 301,

Weller CD; Barker A; Darby I; Haines T; Underwood M; Ward S; Aldons P; Dapiran E; Madan JJ; Loveland P; Sinha S; Vicaretti M; Wolfe R; Woodward M; McNeil J, 2016, 'Aspirin in venous leg ulcer study (ASPiVLU): Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial', Trials, 17,

Kalantar-Zadeh K; Yao CK; Berean KJ; Ha N; Ou JZ; Ward SA; Pillai N; Hill J; Cottrell JJ; Dunshea FR; McSweeney C; Muir JG; Gibson PR, 2016, 'Intestinal Gas Capsules: A Proof-of-Concept Demonstration', Gastroenterology, 150, pp. 37 - 39,

Lowthian JA; Britt CJ; Rance G; Lin FR; Woods RL; Wolfe R; Nelson MR; Dillon HA; Ward S; Reid CM; Lockery JE; Nguyen TT; McNeil JJ; Storey E, 2016, 'Slowing the progression of age-related hearing loss: Rationale and study design of the ASPIRIN in HEARING, retinal vessels imaging and neurocognition in older generations (ASPREE-HEARING) trial', Contemporary Clinical Trials, 46, pp. 60 - 66,

Kayani AA; Khoshmanesh K; Ward SA; Mitchell A; Kalantar-zadeh K, 2012, 'Optofluidics incorporating actively controlled micro- and nano-particles', Biomicrofluidics, 6,

Ward SA; Demos L; Workman B; McNeil JJ, 2012, 'Aspirin for primary prevention of cardiovascular events in the elderly: Current status and future directions', Drugs and Aging, 29, pp. 251 - 258,

Ward S; Cade R; Mackay S; Hassen S; Banting S; Gibson P, 2012, 'PWE-181 Pancreatic exocrine function after major upper gastrointestinal surgery measured with a carbon 13 mixed triglyceride breath test', Gut, 61, pp. A370.1 - A370,

Moylan S; Staples J; Ward SA; Rogerson J; Stein DJ; Berk M, 2011, 'The efficacy and safety of alprazolam versus other benzodiazepines in the treatment of panic disorder', Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 31, pp. 647 - 652,

Ward SA; Parikh S; Workman B, 2011, 'Health perspectives: International epidemiology of ageing', Best Practice and Research: Clinical Anaesthesiology, 25, pp. 305 - 317,

DeWitt DE; Bhat R; Ward S, 2010, '"Through a glass, darkly": The clinical and ethical implications of Munchausen syndrome', Medical Journal of Australia, 192, pp. 55,

DeWitt DE; Ward SA; Prabhu S; Warton B, 2009, 'Patient privacy versus protecting the patient and the health system from harm: A case study', Medical Journal of Australia, 191, pp. 213 - 216,

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