
Dr Swapnil Shivajirao Pawar

My Expertise


Health Professional Education


Fields of Research (FoR)

Learning, Memory, Cognition and Language, Process Control and Simulation, Educational Psychology

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Dr Pawar graduated in Anaesthesia from PGIMER, Chandigarh in India and trained as an Intensivist in Australia. He is a fellow of the College of Intensive care medicine and also holds a European diploma of intensive care. He has completed his advanced training in Simulation with Centre of Medical Simulation in Boston. He was awarded a Certified Healthcare Simulation Educator (CHSE) qualification by Society of Simulation in Healthcare. He is a...view more

Dr Pawar graduated in Anaesthesia from PGIMER, Chandigarh in India and trained as an Intensivist in Australia. He is a fellow of the College of Intensive care medicine and also holds a European diploma of intensive care. He has completed his advanced training in Simulation with Centre of Medical Simulation in Boston. He was awarded a Certified Healthcare Simulation Educator (CHSE) qualification by Society of Simulation in Healthcare. He is a visiting faculty at Harvard Macy Health Professional Educator’s course at Boston and currently pursuing his PhD to explore the relationship between emotional states and working memory resources in health care settings. His other research interests include using simulation to improve quality and safety by diagnosing system problems, applying innovation in medical curriculum and massive transfusion practices. He runs the educational website to promote evidence-based practices in Intensive care. 

He is elected as Adult Medical Convener for ANZICS/ACCN ASM 2020, Sydney and contributes as a Vice-Chair of Australia and New Zealand Intensive Care Society (ANZICS) Education Committee. He also serves as a member on NSW CICM regional committee. 

He is the host and producer of various podcasts series namely ICU Primary Prepcast, eCritCare Podcast, ANZICS Meet the Expert Podcast and Educator's Podcast.

He is a convener for various educational workshops such as ‘How to Have Hard Conversations,’ ‘Resternotomy for Cardiothoracic patients,’ & ‘Advanced Hemodynamic Monitoring.’ and directs various other educational workshops such as BASIC, beyond BASIC for mechanical ventilation, Advanced life support 1 & 2, ARC Instructor course instructor workshops.

My Grants

ACI research grant of 170,000 AUD for SITAR project - aimed at detecting latent safety threats in new ICU environment.

My Qualifications


My Awards

Best Paper ANZICS ASM 2018 in Safety & Quality category

Best Outgoing Student, dr V.M Medical College

ICMR Short-term Research Scholarship

Young Lecturer Award, ESICM

My Research Supervision

Areas of supervision

ILP, Honours

Simulation-based research

Cognitive Load Theory


My Teaching

Commenced Simulation-based teaching programme for phase 3 Med students called as SMS ( Simulation for Medical Students).

Co-ordinator of med student teaching for ICU rotation.

ARC Instructor Course Director

ALS 1 & 2 Course Director

Basic and Beyond Basic for Mechanical Ventilation Course Director

DETECT Instructor and Course Director

Convener and Course Director for How to have Hard Conversations workshop, Bronchoscopy for beginners workshop, Advanced Hemodynamic Monitoring workshop and Cardiothoracic Advanced Life Support ( CALS) workshop.

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Intensive Care Unit, Level 4 ASB, St George Hospital, Kogarah, Sydney




by Dr Swapnil Shivajirao Pawar