Select Publications

Journal articles

Jiang J; Wang YP; Yu M; Li K; Shao Y; Yan J, 2016, 'Responses of soil buffering capacity to acid treatment in three typical subtropical forests', Science of the Total Environment, 563-564, pp. 1068 - 1077,

Kowalczyk EA; Stevens LE; Law RM; Harman IN; Dix M; Franklin CN; Wang YP, 2016, 'The impact of changing the land surface scheme in ACCESS(v1.0/1.1) on the surface climatology', Geoscientific Model Development, 9, pp. 2771 - 2791,

Galbally IE; Meyer CP; Wang YP; Smith CJ; Weeks IA, 2016, 'Erratum: Corrigendum to “Nitrous oxide emissions from a legume-pasture and the influences of liming and urine addition” (Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment (2010) 136(3) (262–272) (S0167880909003168) (10.1016/j.agee.2009.10.013))', Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 230, pp. 353,

Zhu Z; Piao S; Myneni RB; Huang M; Zeng Z; Canadell JG; Ciais P; Sitch S; Friedlingstein P; Arneth A; Cao C; Cheng L; Kato E; Koven C; Li Y; Lian X; Liu Y; Liu R; Mao J; Pan Y; Peng S; Peuelas J; Poulter B; Pugh TAM; Stocker BD; Viovy N; Wang X; Wang Y; Xiao Z; Yang H; Zaehle S; Zeng N, 2016, 'Greening of the Earth and its drivers', Nature Climate Change, 6, pp. 791 - 795,

Medlyn BE; De Kauwe MG; Zaehle S; Walker AP; Duursma RA; Luus K; Mishurov M; Pak B; Smith B; Wang YP; Yang X; Crous KY; Drake JE; Gimeno TE; Macdonald CA; Norby RJ; Power SA; Tjoelker MG; Ellsworth DS, 2016, 'Using models to guide field experiments: a priori predictions for the CO2 response of a nutrient- and water-limited native Eucalypt woodland', Global Change Biology, 22, pp. 2834 - 2851,

Rafique R; Xia J; Hararuk O; Asrar GR; Leng G; Wang Y; Luo Y, 2016, 'Divergent predictions of carbon storage between two global land models: Attribution of the causes through traceability analysis', Earth System Dynamics, 7, pp. 649 - 658,

Ukkola AM; Pitman AJ; Decker M; De Kauwe MG; Abramowitz G; Kala J; Wang YP, 2016, 'Modelling evapotranspiration during precipitation deficits: Identifying critical processes in a land surface model', Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 20, pp. 2403 - 2419,

Whitley R; Beringer J; Hutley LB; Abramowitz G; De Kauwe MG; Duursma R; Evans B; Haverd V; Li L; Ryu Y; Smith B; Wang YP; Williams M; Yu Q, 2016, 'A model inter-comparison study to examine limiting factors in modelling Australian tropical savannas', Biogeosciences, 13, pp. 3245 - 3265,

Niu S; Classen AT; Dukes JS; Kardol P; Liu L; Luo Y; Rustad L; Sun J; Tang J; Templer PH; Thomas RQ; Tian D; Vicca S; Wang YP; Xia J; Zaehle S, 2016, 'Global patterns and substrate-based mechanisms of the terrestrial nitrogen cycle', Ecology Letters, 19, pp. 697 - 709,

Zhuang W; Cheng L; Whitley R; Shi H; Beringer J; Wang Y; He L; Cleverly J; Eamus D; Yu Q, 2016, 'How energy and water availability constrain vegetation water-use along the North Australian Tropical Transect', International Journal of Plant Production, 10, pp. 403 - 424

Huang M; Piao S; Zeng Z; Peng S; Ciais P; Cheng L; Mao J; Poulter B; Shi X; Yao Y; Yang H; Wang Y, 2016, 'Seasonal responses of terrestrial ecosystem water-use efficiency to climate change', Global Change Biology, 22, pp. 2165 - 2177,

Qu Z-Y; Zhang Y-W; Zheng S-W; Yao C-L; Jin Y-P; Zheng P-H; Sun C-H; Wang Y-P, 2016, 'A new phenylethanoid glycoside from Orobanche cernua Loefling', NATURAL PRODUCT RESEARCH, 30, pp. 948 - 953,

Kala J; De Kauwe MG; Pitman AJ; Medlyn BE; Wang YP; Lorenz R; Perkins-Kirkpatrick SE, 2016, 'Impact of the representation of stomatal conductance on model projections of heatwave intensity', Scientific Reports, 6,

Sun Y; Piao S; Huang M; Ciais P; Zeng Z; Cheng L; Li X; Zhang X; Mao J; Peng S; Poulter B; Shi X; Wang X; Wang YP; Zeng H, 2016, 'Global patterns and climate drivers of water-use efficiency in terrestrial ecosystems deduced from satellite-based datasets and carbon cycle models', Global Ecology and Biogeography, 25, pp. 311 - 323,

Zhang X; Rayner PJ; Wang YP; Silver JD; Lu X; Pak B; Zheng X, 2016, 'Linear and nonlinear effects of dominant drivers on the trends in global and regional land carbon uptake: 1959 to 2013', Geophysical Research Letters, 43, pp. 1607 - 1614,

Wang YP; Jiang J; Chen-Charpentier B; Agusto FB; Hastings A; Hoffman F; Rasmussen M; Smith MJ; Todd-Brown K; Wang Y; Xu X; Luo YQ, 2016, 'Responses of two nonlinear microbial models to warming and increased carbon input', Biogeosciences, 13, pp. 887 - 902,

Zhang Y; Peña-Arancibia JL; McVicar TR; Chiew FHS; Vaze J; Liu C; Lu X; Zheng H; Wang Y; Liu YY; Miralles DG; Pan M, 2016, 'Multi-decadal trends in global terrestrial evapotranspiration and its components', Scientific Reports, 6,

Wang MM; Yang SB; Jiang XD; Wang YP; Chen D; Huang W; Yu GK; Shi CL, 2016, 'Analysis and simulation of impact of light and temperature on rice tillering', Acta Agronomica Sinica(China), 42, pp. 82 - 92,

Luo Y; Ahlström A; Allison SD; Batjes NH; Brovkin V; Carvalhais N; Chappell A; Ciais P; Davidson EA; Finzi A; Georgiou K; Guenet B; Hararuk O; Harden JW; He Y; Hopkins F; Jiang L; Koven C; Jackson RB; Jones CD; Lara MJ; Liang J; McGuire AD; Parton W; Peng C; Randerson JT; Salazar A; Sierra CA; Smith MJ; Tian H; Todd-Brown KEO; Torn M; Van Groenigen KJ; Wang YP; West TO; Wei Y; Wieder WR; Xia J; Xu X; Xu X; Zhou T, 2016, 'Toward more realistic projections of soil carbon dynamics by Earth system models', Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 30, pp. 40 - 56,

Wang Y-S; Jin Y-P; Gao W; Xiao S-Y; Zhang Y-W; Zheng P-H; Wang J; Liu J-X; Sun C-H; Wang Y-P, 2016, 'Complete 1H-NMR and 13C-NMR spectral assignment of five malonyl ginsenosides from the fresh flower buds of Panax ginseng', JOURNAL OF GINSENG RESEARCH, 40, pp. 245 - 250,

De Kauwe MG; Zhou SX; Medlyn BE; Pitman AJ; Wang YP; Duursma RA; Prentice IC, 2015, 'Do land surface models need to include differential plant species responses to drought? Examining model predictions across a mesic-xeric gradient in Europe', Biogeosciences, 12, pp. 7503 - 7518,

Kala J; De Kauwe MG; Pitman AJ; Lorenz R; Medlyn BE; Wang YP; Lin YS; Abramowitz G, 2015, 'Implementation of an optimal stomatal conductance scheme in the Australian Community Climate Earth Systems Simulator (ACCESS1.3b)', Geoscientific Model Development, 8, pp. 3877 - 3889,

Deng Q; Hui D; Luo Y; Elser J; Wang YP; Loladze I; Zhang Q; Dennis S, 2015, 'Down-regulation of tissue N:P ratios in terrestrial plants by elevated CO2', Ecology, 96, pp. 3354 - 3362,

Wieder WR; Allison SD; Davidson EA; Georgiou K; Hararuk O; He Y; Hopkins F; Luo Y; Smith MJ; Sulman B; Todd-Brown K; Wang YP; Xia J; Xu X, 2015, 'Explicitly representing soil microbial processes in Earth system models', Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 29, pp. 1782 - 1800,

Medlyn BE; Zaehle S; De Kauwe MG; Walker AP; Dietze MC; Hanson PJ; Hickler T; Jain AK; Luo Y; Parton W; Prentice IC; Thornton PE; Wang S; Wang YP; Weng E; Iversen CM; Mccarthy HR; Warren JM; Oren R; Norby RJ, 2015, 'Using ecosystem experiments to improve vegetation models', Nature Climate Change, 5, pp. 528 - 534,

Huang M; Piao S; Sun Y; Ciais P; Cheng L; Mao J; Poulter B; Shi X; Zeng Z; Wang Y, 2015, 'Change in terrestrial ecosystem water-use efficiency over the last three decades', Global Change Biology, 21, pp. 2366 - 2378,

Prentice IC; Liang X; Medlyn BE; Wang YP, 2015, 'Reliable, robust and realistic: The three R's of next-generation land-surface modelling', Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15, pp. 5987 - 6005,

Ahlström A; Raupach MR; Schurgers G; Smith B; Arneth A; Jung M; Reichstein M; Canadell JG; Friedlingstein P; Jain AK; Kato E; Poulter B; Sitch S; Stocker BD; Viovy N; Wang YP; Wiltshire A; Zaehle S; Zeng N, 2015, 'The dominant role of semi-arid ecosystems in the trend and variability of the land CO2 sink', Science, 348, pp. 895 - 899,

Le Quéré C; Moriarty R; Andrew RM; Peters GP; Ciais P; Friedlingstein P; Jones SD; Sitch S; Tans P; Arneth A; Boden TA; Bopp L; Bozec Y; Canadell JG; Chini LP; Chevallier F; Cosca CE; Harris I; Hoppema M; Houghton RA; House JI; Jain AK; Johannessen T; Kato E; Keeling RF; Kitidis V; Klein Goldewijk K; Koven C; Landa CS; Landschützer P; Lenton A; Lima ID; Marland G; Mathis JT; Metzl N; Nojiri Y; Olsen A; Ono T; Peng S; Peters W; Pfeil B; Poulter B; Raupach MR; Regnier P; Rödenbeck C; Saito S; Salisbury JE; Schuster U; Schwinger J; Séférian R; Segschneider J; Steinhoff T; Stocker BD; Sutton AJ; Takahashi T; Tilbrook B; Van Der Werf GR; Viovy N; Wang YP; Wanninkhof R; Wiltshire A; Zeng N, 2015, 'Global carbon budget 2014', Earth System Science Data, 7, pp. 47 - 85,

Piao S; Yin G; Tan J; Cheng L; Huang M; Li Y; Liu R; Mao J; Myneni RB; Peng S; Poulter B; Shi X; Xiao Z; Zeng N; Zeng Z; Wang Y, 2015, 'Detection and attribution of vegetation greening trend in China over the last 30 years', Global Change Biology, 21, pp. 1601 - 1609,

Walker AP; Zaehle S; Medlyn BE; De Kauwe MG; Asao S; Hickler T; Parton W; Ricciuto DM; Wang YP; Norby RJ, 2015, 'Predicting long-term carbon sequestration in response to CO2 enrichment: How and why do current ecosystem models differ?', Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 29, pp. 476 - 495,

Soudzilovskaia NA; Douma JC; Akhmetzhanova AA; van Bodegom PM; Cornwell WK; Moens EJ; Treseder KK; Tibbett M; Wang YP; Cornelissen JHC, 2015, 'Global patterns of plant root colonization intensity by mycorrhizal fungi explained by climate and soil chemistry', Global Ecology and Biogeography, 24, pp. 371 - 382,

De Kauwe MG; Kala J; Lin YS; Pitman AJ; Medlyn BE; Duursma RA; Abramowitz G; Wang YP; Miralles DG, 2015, 'A test of an optimal stomatal conductance scheme within the CABLE land surface model', Geoscientific Model Development, 8, pp. 431 - 452,

Wang YP; Zhang Q; Pitman AJ; Dai Y, 2015, 'Nitrogen and phosphorous limitation reduces the effects of land use change on land carbon uptake or emission', Environmental Research Letters, 10,

Reich PB; Rich RL; Wang Y-P; Oleksyn J, 2014, 'Biogeographic variation in evergreen conifer needle longevity and impacts on boreal forest carbon cycle projections (vol 111, pg 13703, 2014)', PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 111, pp. 17684 - 17684,

Cheng L; Zhang L; Wang YP; Yu Q; Eamus D, 2014, 'Quantifying the effects of elevated CO2 on water budgets by combining FACE data with an ecohydrological model', Ecohydrology, 7, pp. 1574 - 1588,

Prentice IC; Liang X; Medlyn BE; Wang YP, 2014, 'Reliable, robust and realistic: The three R's of next-generation land surface modelling', Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 14, pp. 24811 - 24861,

Reich PB; Rich RL; Lu X; Wang YP; Oleksyn J, 2014, 'Biogeographic variation in evergreen conifer needle longevity and impacts on boreal forest carbon cycle projections', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111, pp. 13703 - 13708,

Wang YP; Chen BC; Wieder WR; Leite M; Medlyn BE; Rasmussen M; Smith MJ; Agusto FB; Hoffman F; Luo YQ, 2014, 'Oscillatory behavior of two nonlinear microbial models of soil carbon decomposition', Biogeosciences, 11, pp. 1817 - 1831,

Zhang Q; Wang YP; Matear RJ; Pitman AJ; Dai YJ, 2014, 'Nitrogen and phosphorous limitations significantly reduce future allowable CO2 emissions', Geophysical Research Letters, 41, pp. 632 - 637,

Yang SB; Jiang XD; Wang YP; Shen SH; Shi CL; Wang MM; Chen F, 2014, 'Charactering light and temperature effects on rice grain filling using extended Richards' equation', Acta Agronomica Sinica(China), 40, pp. 1776 - 1786,

Walker AP; Hanson PJ; De Kauwe MG; Medlyn BE; Zaehle S; Asao S; Dietze M; Hickler T; Huntingford C; Iversen CM; Jain A; Lomas M; Luo Y; McCarthy H; Parton WJ; Prentice IC; Thornton PE; Wang S; Wang YP; Warlind D; Weng E; Warren JM; Woodward FI; Oren R; Norby RJ, 2014, 'Comprehensive ecosystem model-data synthesis using multiple data sets at two temperate forest free-air CO2 enrichment experiments: Model performance at ambient CO2 concentration', Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 119, pp. 937 - 964,

Zaehle S; Medlyn BE; De Kauwe MG; Walker AP; Dietze MC; Hickler T; Luo Y; Wang YP; El-Masri B; Thornton P; Jain A; Wang S; Warlind D; Weng E; Parton W; Iversen CM; Gallet-Budynek A; Mccarthy H; Finzi A; Hanson PJ; Prentice IC; Oren R; Norby RJ, 2014, 'Evaluation of 11 terrestrial carbon-nitrogen cycle models against observations from two temperate Free-Air CO2 Enrichment studies', New Phytologist, 202, pp. 803 - 822,

Cheng L; Zhang L; Wang YP; Yu Q; Eamus D; O'Grady A, 2014, 'Impacts of elevated CO2, climate change and their interactions on water budgets in four different catchments in Australia', Journal of Hydrology, 519, pp. 1350 - 1361,

Li J; Luo Y; Natali S; Schuur EAG; Xia J; Kowalczyk E; Wang Y, 2014, 'Modeling permafrost thaw and ecosystem carbon cycle under annual and seasonal warming at an Arctic tundra site in Alaska', Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 119, pp. 1129 - 1146,

De Kauwe MG; Medlyn BE; Zaehle S; Walker AP; Dietze MC; Wang YP; Luo Y; Jain AK; El-Masri B; Hickler T; Wårlind D; Weng E; Parton WJ; Thornton PE; Wang S; Prentice IC; Asao S; Smith B; Mccarthy HR; Iversen CM; Hanson PJ; Warren JM; Oren R; Norby RJ, 2014, 'Where does the carbon go? A model-data intercomparison of vegetation carbon allocation and turnover processes at two temperate forest free-air CO2 enrichment sites', New Phytologist, 203, pp. 883 - 899,

Zhang H; Xu SQ; Xiao SY; Wang YP, 2014, 'Determination of seed moisture content in ginseng (Panax ginseng CA Mey)', SEED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 42, pp. 444 - 448,

Liu W; Wu Y; Wang L; Gao L; Wang Y; Liu X; Zhang K; Song J; Wang H; Bayer TA; Glaser L; Sun Y; Zhang W; Cutaia M; Zhang DY; Ye F, 2014, 'Protein signature for non-small cell lung cancer prognosis', AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CANCER RESEARCH, 4, pp. 256 - U237

Lu X; Wang YP; Ziehn T; Dai Y, 2013, 'An efficient method for global parameter sensitivity analysis and its applications to the Australian community land surface model (CABLE)', Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 182-183, pp. 292 - 303,

Zhang H; Pak B; Wang YP; Zhou X; Zhang Y; Zhang L, 2013, 'Evaluating surface water cycle simulated by the australian community land surface model (CABLE) across different spatial and temporal domains', Journal of Hydrometeorology, 14, pp. 1119 - 1138,

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