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Select Publications
2008, 'Exact domain-wall solitons', Physics Letters, Section A, 372, pp. 610 - 612
,2007, 'A semi-classical approach to two-frequency solitons in a three-level cascade atomic system', Optics Communications, 274, pp. 66 - 73, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.optcom.2007.02.019
,2006, 'Non-Linear Interactions of Two Intense Fields with a Three-Level Atomic System', Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics and Materials, 15, pp. 401 - 414
,2006, 'Optimal Path Trajectories in a Threat Environment', Journal of Battlefield Technology, 9, pp. 33 - 39
,2005, 'Approximate analysis of circular bends in nonlinear planar waveguides', Optics Communications, 244, pp. 399 - 409, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TVF-4DCD62C-B/2/7e3238e33d88ba2e69bdb5d1ec44bda5
,2005, 'Modes on a bent nonlinear waveguide: solutions based upon the method of perturbations', Journal of Modern Optics, 52, pp. 707 - 723
,2004, 'Student interpretations of the terms in first-order ordinary differential equations in modelling contexts', International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 35, pp. 503 - 516, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00207390410001686607
,2001, 'Variational analysis of solitary waves in a homogeneous cubic-quintic nonlinear medium', Journal of Modern Optics, 48, pp. 1179 - 1193, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09500340108231762
,2001, 'Light bullet formation in a cubic-quintic nonlinear medium', Journal of Modern Optics, 48, pp. 865 - 875, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09500340108230958
,2001, 'Gaussian Beam Propagation in d-Dimensional Cubic-Quintic Nonlinear Medium', Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics and Materials, 10, pp. 79 - 111
,2001, 'Light bullet formation in a cubic-quintic nonlinear medium', Journal of Modern Optics, pp. 865 - 875
,2001, 'The Solution of Differential Equations from Derivatives: A Qualitative Approach to Deepen Student Understanding', Australian Mathematical Society Gazette, pp. 67 - 70
,2001, 'Variational analysis of solitary waves in a homogeneous cubic-quintic nonlinear medium', Journal of Modern Optics, pp. 1179 - 1193
,2000, '`Solving` First-Order Differential Equations using a Graphics Calculator', Australian Mathematical Society Gazette, pp. 168 - 172
,1999, 'Beam propagation in a nonlinear optical fibre of infinate power-law index profile', Physica Scripta T, pp. 446 - 453
,1998, 'Cylindrically symmetric self-trapped beams in a higher-order nonlinear medium', Physica Scripta T, pp. 233 - 236
,1997, 'Propagation of cylindrically symmetric gaussian beams in a higher-order medium', Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics and Materials, 6, pp. 209 - 234
,1996, 'Periodic travelling-wave solution of the Sakuma-Nishiguchi equation', Physical Review - Section B - Condensed Matter, pp. 13484 - 13486
,1994, 'Propagation of Gaussian beams in a nonlinear saturable medium', Physical Review E, 50, pp. 4087 - 4093, http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.50.4087