Select Publications

Journal articles

Hebblewhite B, 2009, 'International education of mining engineers - An update on the australian experience and international opportunities for collaboration', SME Annual Meeting and Exhibit and CMA's 111th National Western Mining Conference 2009, 1, pp. 12 - 16

Hebblewhite B, 2009, 'Mine safety-through appropriate combination of technology and management practice', Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, 1, pp. 13 - 19,

van Glabbeek RJ; Hennessy M, 2007, 'Preface', Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 192

Hebblewhite B, 2006, 'Mining engineerring education initiatives in Australia', Mining Engineering, 58, pp. 31 - 37

Hebblewhite B, 2006, 'Mining Engineering Education', Mining Engineering, 58, pp. 31 - 37

Hebblewhite B, 2006, 'MTEC Mining Engineering Education Initiatives in Australia', Mining Engineering, 318, pp. 1 - 8

Hebblewhite B, 2005, 'MTEC mining engineering education initiatives in Australia', ION Meeting Proceedings, pp. 957 - 964

Hebblewhite B; Lu T, 2004, 'Geomechanical Behaviour of Laminated, Weak Coal Mine Roof Strata and the Implications for a Ground Reinforcement Strategy', International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 41, pp. 147 - 157

Crosky AG; Smith BR; Hebblewhite B, 2003, 'Failure of rock bolts in underground mines in Australia', Practical Failure Analysis, 3, pp. 41 - 49

Hebblewhite B; Simpson J, 2001, 'Wider longwall faces may not be better', Mining Technology, 110, pp. 11 - 17

Hebblewhite B; Galvin JM, 2000, 'Analytical solutions for mining induced horizontal stress in floors of coal mining panels', Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, pp. 125 - 142

Singh S; Hebblewhite B; Shepherd J, 2000, 'Mitigation of feather-edging and validaiton with instrumented bolted breaker lines', Mining Engineering Transactions, 2000, pp. 2 - 6

Hebblewhite B; Shepherd J; Singh S, 1999, 'Mitigation of feather-edging and validation with instrumented bolted breaker lines', Transactions of the Soc. For Mining, Metall. And Exploration, pp. 2 - 6

Hebblewhite BK, 1988, 'Evaluation of cementitious support for increased recovery of coal reserves', Evaluation of cementitious support for increased recovery of coal reserves

Hebblewhite BK, 1988, 'Evaluation of cementitious support for increased recovery of coal reserves', Evaluation of cementitious support for increased recovery of coal reserves

Lama RD; Blackwood RL; Hebblewhite BK; Bhattacharyya AK; Fowler JCW; Pattinaja MA; Seneviratne P, 1984, 'MONITORING THE EFFECT OF MASSIVE SANDSTONE ROOF IN A LONGWALL OPERATION AT WEST CLIFF COLLIERY, NEW SOUTH WALES.', National Conference Publication - Institution of Engineers, Australia, pp. 654 - 660

Yeates RA; Enever JR; Hebblewhite BK, 1983, 'INVESTIGATIONS PRIOR TO THE INTRODUCTION OF LONGWALL MINING.', Proceedings - Congress of the International Society for Rock Mechanics

Hebblewhite BK; Richmond AJ; Allan J, 1982, 'AUSTRALIAN EXPERIENCE IN LONG-HOLE IN-SEAM DRILLING TECHNOLOGY FOR SEAM GAS DRAINAGE.', Symposia Series - Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, pp. 202 - 217


Hebblewhite BK; Potts ELJ; Miller HDS, 1979, 'DESIGN OF UNDERGROUND MINING LAYOUTS FOR A DEEP POTASH MINE ON THE BASIS OF ROCK MECHANICS INVESTIGATIONS.', Proceedings - Congress of the International Society for Rock Mechanics, 2, pp. 219 - 222

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