Select Publications

Conference Papers

Hebblewhite B; Fabjanczyk M; Gray P; Crosky AG, 2003, 'Premature rock bolt failure through stress corrosion cracking', in 22th International Conference on ground control in mining, 22th International Conference on ground control in mining, Morgantown, USA, presented at 22th International Conference on ground control in mining, Morgantown, USA, 05 August 2003 - 07 August 2003

Crosky AG; Smith B; Hebblewhite B, 2002, 'Failure of rock bolts in underground mines in Australia', in International conference and Exhibition on Failure Analysis, Melbourne, presented at International conference and Exhibition on Failure Analysis, Melbourne, 20 November 2002 - 22 November 2002

Vasundhara V; Hebblewhite B, 2002, 'Numerical Simulation of Longwall Panel Extraction in Jointed Rock Mass in Weak Floor Environment', in Ramamurthy T; Narasimhan SL (ed.), Advancing Rock Mechanics Frontiers to Meet the Challenges of 21st Century, Advancing Rock Mechanics Frontiers to Meet the Challenges of 21st Century, New Delhi, India, pp. 1 - 13, presented at Advancing Rock Mechanics Frontiers to Meet the Challenges of 21st Century, New Delhi, India

Li G; Vasundhara V; Byrnes R; Turner J; Hebblewhite B; Whiteley R, 2001, 'Investigation of long term stability of mine workings on claystone floor and associated subsidence issues', in Holt G; et al (ed.), Coal Mine Subsidence - Current Practice and Issues, 5th Triennial Conference Proc, Maitland, Australia, pp. 25 - 36, presented at 5th Triennial Conference Proc, Maitland, Australia

Hebblewhite B, 2001, 'Statistical trends in Australia longwalls', in Hebblewhite ; Galvin ; O'Beirne (eds.), 3rd IUCC Conference : Managing production continuity: Gas and Ventilation workshop, 3rd IUCC Conference : Managing production continuity: Gas and Ventilation workshop, Sydney, presented at 3rd IUCC Conference : Managing production continuity: Gas and Ventilation workshop, Sydney

Li G; Vasundhara V; Byrnes R; Turner J; Hebblewhite B; Whiteley R, 2001, 'A study on surface subsidence and stability of mine workings affected by claystone floor', in Hebblewhite ; Galvin ; O'Beirne (eds.), 3rd IUCC Conference : Managing production continuity: Gas and Ventilation workshop, 3rd IUCC Conference : Managing production continuity: Gas and Ventilation workshop, Sydney, presented at 3rd IUCC Conference : Managing production continuity: Gas and Ventilation workshop, Sydney, -

Cai YJ; Hebblewhite B, 2001, 'Geotechnical considerations of yield pillar design in longwall mining', in Hebblewhite ; Galvin ; O'Beirne (eds.), 3rd IUCC Conference : Managing production continuity: Gas and Ventilation workshop, 3rd IUCC Conference : Managing production continuity: Gas and Ventilation workshop, Sydney, presented at 3rd IUCC Conference : Managing production continuity: Gas and Ventilation workshop, Sydney

Vasundhara V; Watts E; Hatherly P; Poole G; Hebblewhite B, 2001, 'Investigation of seismicity near Appin, NSW and its association with mining, geology and tectonics', in Proceedings of the Ground Control in Mining Conferences, 20th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining, Morgantown, WVU, USA, presented at 20th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining, Morgantown, WVU, USA

Vasundhara V; Li G; Byrnes R; Hebblewhite B; Martin S, 2001, 'Long term stability of mine workings in soft floor environment: geomechanical investigations at Cooranbong Colliery', in Proceedings of the Ground Control in Mining Conferences, 20th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining, Morgantown, WVU, USA, presented at 20th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining, Morgantown, WVU, USA

Hebblewhite B, 2001, 'Regional horizontal movements associated with longwall mining', in Holt G; et al (ed.), Coal Mine Subsidence - Current Practice and Issues, Coal Mine Subsidence - Current Practice and Issues, Maitland, NSW, pp. 113 - 122, presented at Coal Mine Subsidence - Current Practice and Issues, Maitland, NSW

Hebblewhite B, 2001, 'Risk assessment of geotechnical factors associated with underground thick seam mining methods', in Proceedings of the Ground Control in Mining Conferences, 20th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining, Morgantown, WVU, USA, presented at 20th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining, Morgantown, WVU, USA

Hebblewhite B, 2000, 'Future trends for underground thick seam mining in Australia', in MassMin2000, Brisbane, Qld, presented at MassMin2000, Brisbane, Qld, 29 October 2000 - 02 November 2000

Hebblewhite B; Singh S, 2000, 'Pillar mining and longwalling below massive roof strata: geotechnical issues and two case studies in Australia', in Proceedings of the Ground Control in Mining Conferences, 19th Conference on Ground Control in Mining, Morgantown, USA, presented at 19th Conference on Ground Control in Mining, Morgantown, USA, 08 August 2000 - 10 August 2000

Hebblewhite B; Waddington A; Wood J, 2000, 'Regional horizontal surface displacements due to mining beneath severe surface topography', in Proceedings of the Ground Control in Mining Conferences, 19th Conference on Ground Control in Mining, Morgantown, USA, presented at 19th Conference on Ground Control in Mining, Morgantown, USA, 08 August 2000 - 10 August 2000

Biswas D; Daly CR; Hebblewhite B, 1999, 'A knowledge-based virtual reality application of the design of coal mine roadway support', in Dagdelen K; Dardano C; Francisco M; Proud J (eds.), APCOM 1999: computer applications in the minerals industries - 28th International symposium, APCOM 99: 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Computational Mechanics, Singapore, pp. 779 - 786, presented at APCOM 99: 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Computational Mechanics, Singapore, 15 December 1999 - 17 December 1999

Galvin JM; Hebblewhite B; Vasundhara V, 1999, 'Geomechanics developments in mining coal under strong roof and weak floor conditions', in 9th ISRM International Congress on Rock Mechanics, Paris, France, presented at 9th ISRM International Congress on Rock Mechanics, Paris, France, 25 August 1999 - 28 August 1999

Hebblewhite B, 1999, 'Overview of Australian thick seam mining prospects', in Hebblewhite BK; Galvin JM; Broome AJ (eds.), 2nd International Underground Coal Conference - Underground Coal Mining Global Experiences - Lessons for SurvIval, 2nd International Underground Coal Conference - Underground Coal Mining Global Experiences - Lessons for SurvIval, Sydney, pp. 29 - 36, presented at 2nd International Underground Coal Conference - Underground Coal Mining Global Experiences - Lessons for SurvIval, Sydney, 15 June 1999 - 18 June 1999

Singh S; Hebblewhite B; Shepherd J, 1999, 'The possible alleviation of feather-edging falls - a case study validation', in Amadei B; Kranz R; Scott G; Smeallie P (eds.), 37th US Rock Mechanics Symposium, Vail, Colorado, USA, pp. 449 - 453, presented at 37th US rock mechanics symposium, Vail, Colorado, USA, 06 June 1999 - 09 June 1999

Hebblewhite B; Galvin JM; Vasundhara V, 1999, 'Barrier and chain pillar design research outcomes: Angus Place Colliery', in 8th Australia New Zealand Conference on Geomechanics, New Zealand, presented at 8th Australia New Zealand Conference on Geomechanics, New Zealand, 15 February 1999 - 17 February 1999

Galvin J; Hebblewhite B; Vasundhara , 1999, 'Geomechanics developments in mining coal under strong roof and weak floor. Conditions', in 9th ISRM Congress, pp. 277 - 281

Galvin JM; Hebblewhite B; Salamon MD, 1999, 'University of New South Wales coal pillar strength determinations for Australian and South African mining conditions', in Mark C; Heasley KA; Iannacchione AT; Tuchman RJ (eds.), 2nd International workshop on coal pillar mechanics and design, 2nd International workshop on coal pillar mechanics and design, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, pp. 63 - 71, presented at 2nd International workshop on coal pillar mechanics and design, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Hebblewhite B; Cai YJ; Zipf K; Howarth D; Simons A; Rowlj , 1998, 'Underground thick seam coal mining - potential and technology update', in Howarth D; Gurgenci H; Rowlands J; Hatherly P; Firth B; Meyer T (eds.), Australian Mining Technology Conference 1998, Australian Mining Technology Conference 1998, Fremantle, WA, pp. 236 - 243, presented at Australian Mining Technology Conference 1998, Fremantle, WA, 15 September 1998 - 16 September 1998

Hebblewhite B; Lu T, 1998, 'Field monitoring of rock bolting performance in weak roof strata', in Peng SS; Holland CT (ed.), Proceedings of the Ground Control in Mining Conferences, WEST VIRGINIA UNIV, Morgantown, USA, pp. 243 - 248, presented at 17th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining, Morgantown, USA, 04 August 1998 - 06 August 1998,

Hebblewhite B; Galvin JM; Lin BB; Walker RA; Drew J, 1998, 'Coal mine rib mechanics - an improved understanding of rib behaviour and support requirements', in International Conference Geomechanics/Ground Control in lMining and Underground Construction, International Conference Geomechanics/Ground Control in lMining and Underground Construction, Wollongong, NSW, presented at International Conference Geomechanics/Ground Control in lMining and Underground Construction, Wollongong, NSW, 14 February 1998 - 17 February 1998

Hebblewhite B; Galvin JM; Vasundhara V; Hayward S, 1998, 'Development of an engineering understanding of soft floor strata conditions - A case study from Munmorah Colliery', in International Conference Geomechanics/Ground Control in lMining and Underground Construction, International Conference Geomechanics/Ground Control in lMining and Underground Construction, Wollongong, NSW, presented at International Conference Geomechanics/Ground Control in lMining and Underground Construction, Wollongong, NSW, 14 February 1998 - 17 February 1998

Hebblewhite B; Galvin JM; Salamon MD, 1998, 'Development of an integrated pillar strength determination based on Australian and South African case studies', in International Conference Geomechanics/Ground Control in lMining and Underground Construction, International Conference Geomechanics/Ground Control in lMining and Underground Construction, Wollongong, NSW, presented at International Conference Geomechanics/Ground Control in lMining and Underground Construction, Wollongong, NSW, 14 February 1998 - 17 February 1998

Hebblewhite B, 1998, 'Technology developments and issues for roadway driveage in the Australian coal industry', in Asia-Pacific Workshop on Coal Mining Technology in Tokyo 1998, Asia-Pacific Workshop on Coal Mining Technology in Tokyo `98, Chiuyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 15-1 - 15-9, presented at Asia-Pacific Workshop on Coal Mining Technology in Tokyo `98, Chiuyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan

Hebblewhite B; Galvin JM; Foroughi H, 1997, 'Geotechnical mine design issues for thick seam mining', in 7th New Zealand Coal Conference, 7th New Zealand Coal Conference, Wellington, New Zealand, pp. 402 - 411, presented at 7th New Zealand Coal Conference, Wellington, New Zealand, 15 October 1997 - 17 October 1997

Salamon MD; Galvin JM; Hebblewhite B, 1997, 'Pillar design - a review of South African and Australian databases and development of an integrated pillar strength determination', in Gurtunca GG; Hagen TO (ed.), 1st Southern African Rock Engineering Symposium, 1st Southern African Rock Engineering Symposium, Johannesberg, South Africa, pp. 547 - 556, presented at 1st Southern African Rock Engineering Symposium, Johannesberg, South Africa, 15 September 1997 - 17 September 1997

Hebblewhite B; Roberts RJ, 1997, 'Benchmarking international industry longwall performances in Australia, the USA and South Africa', in Hebblewhite B; Galvin JM; Broome AJ (eds.), 1st International Underground Coal Conference, 1st International Underground Coal Conference, Sydney, pp. 1 - 9, presented at 1st International Underground Coal Conference, Sydney, 11 June 1997 - 13 June 1997

Simpson JR; Hebblewhite B; Fowler JC, 1997, 'Windblast investigations and operational experience at Newstan Colliery', in Hebblewhite B; Galvin JM; Broome AJ (eds.), 1st International Underground Coal Conference, 1st International Underground Coal Conference, Sydney, pp. 133 - 137, presented at 1st International Underground Coal Conference, Sydney, 11 June 1997 - 13 June 1997

Simpson JR; Hebblewhite B; Fowler JC, 1997, 'Windblast investigations and operational experience at Newstan Colliery', in Hebblewhite GB (ed.), 1st International Underground Coal Conference, 1st International Underground Coal Conference, Sydney, pp. 133 - 147, presented at 1st International Underground Coal Conference, Sydney, 11 June 1997 - 13 June 1997

Hebblewhite B; Melkoumian N; Melkoumiam SA, 1997, 'An anti-plane contact problem for an elastic composite half-space with progressive finite and semi-finite cracks', in Fadeev A (ed.), 11th Russian Conference on Rock Mechanics, 11th Russian Conference on Rock Mechanics, St Petersburg Russia, pp. 539 - 544, presented at 11th Russian Conference on Rock Mechanics, St Petersburg Russia, -

Hebblewhite B; Simpson JR, 1997, 'Wider longwall faces may not be better', in International Conference on Coal Research (ed.), 11th International Conference on Coal Research Coal for the 21st century, 11th International Conference on Coal Research Coal for the 21st century, Calgary, Albert, Canada, pp. 547 - 556, presented at 11th International Conference on Coal Research Coal for the 21st century, Calgary, Albert, Canada, -

Hebblewhite B; Galvin JM, 1996, 'Issues affecting longwall chain pillar design', in Geology in Longwall Mining Symposium, Geology in Longwall Mining Symposium, University of New South Wales, presented at Geology in Longwall Mining Symposium, University of New South Wales, 12 November 1996 - 13 November 1996

Galvin JM; Hebblewhite B, 1995, 'The University of New South Wales pillar design approach and its application to underground mine design issues in the Bowen Basin', in Bowen Basin Symposium, Bowen Basin Symposium, presented at Bowen Basin Symposium, 01 October 1995 - 03 October 1995

Yeates RA; Enever JR; Hebblewhite BK, 1983, 'Investigations Prior to the introduction of longwall mining', in 5th ISRM Congress 1983, pp. E71 - E77

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