Select Publications

Journal articles

Karskens GE, 2001, 'Voices from the Harbour’s Edge: Memory, Place and the Heritage of Modernity', The Central Coast Geographer, 8, pp. 39 - 47

Karskens GE, 2001, 'Banished and reclaimed', Meanjin, pp. 26 - 43

Karskens GE, 2001, 'Review of Marc Serge Riviere (translator and editor), The Governor's Noble Guest: Hyacinthe de Bougainville's Account of Port Jackson 1825', Journal of Australian Colonial History

Karskens GE, 2000, 'Engaging artefacts: urban archaeology, museums and the origins of Sydney', Tasmanian Historical Studies, pp. 39 - 64

Karskens GE, 2000, 'Review of Andrew Brown-May, Melbourne Street Life', Australian Historical Studies, 114,

Karskens GE; Mackay R, 1999, 'Historical archaeology in Australia: historical or hysterical? Crisis or creative awakening:', Australasian Historical Archaeology, 17, pp. 110 - 115

Karskens GE, 1998, 'Death was in his Face: Dying, Burial and Remembrance in Early Sydney', Labour History: a journal of labour and social history, 74, pp. 21 - 39

Karskens G, 1997, 'The dialogue of townscape: The rocks and Sydney, 1788-1820', Australian Historical Studies, 27, pp. 88 - 112,

Karskens GE, 1997, 'Crossing Over: Reflections of the Integration of History and Archaeology at the Cumberland/Gloucester Street Site, the Rocks 1994-1996', Public History Review, 5-6, pp. 30 - 48

Karskens GE, 1995, '`Declining Life: On the Rocks in Sydney'', Australian Cultural History, 14, pp. 63 - 75

Karskens GE, 1992, 'Public History, Academic History: The Common Ground', Public History Review, 1, pp. 14 - 25

Karskens GE; Thorp W, 1992, 'Archaeology and History in Sydney: Towards Integration and Interpretation', Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society, 78, pp. 52 - 75

Karskens GE, 1987, 'Kirribilli House Bathing Pool and Early Harbourside Pools in Sydney : A Brief Overview', Australian Society for Historical Archaeology Newsletter - Research Bulletin, pp. 3 - 4

Karskens GE, 1986, 'Defiance, Deference and Diligence: Three Views of Convicts in N.S.W. Road Gangs', Australian Journal of Historical Archaeology, 4, pp. 17 - 28,

Karskens GE, 1985, 'The Construction of the Great North Road N.S.W., 1826-1936 October, 1985, 102-111', Transactions of the Institution of Engineers - Multidisciplinary, GE 9, pp. 102 - 111

Karskens GE, 1984, 'The Convict Road Station Site at Wisemans Ferry : An Historical and Archaeological Investigation', Australian Journal of Historical Archaeology, 2, pp. 17 - 26

Karskens GE, 1982, 'As good as any in England - The background to the construction of the Great North Road, N.S.W.', Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society, 68, pp. 192 - 204

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