Select Publications
Journal articles
2003, 'Top ten issues for acoustics in Australia', Acoustics Australia, 31, pp. 63 - 66
,2003, 'Comments on "vibration analysis of thin cylindrical shells using the wave propagation approach"', Journal of Sound and Vibration, 249, pp. 1011 - 1015,
,2003, 'Burgess M and Acoustics forum - top ten issues for acoustics in Australia', Acoustics Australia, 31, pp. 63 - 66
,2002, 'Vibration power transmission over a rectangular area of an infinite plate subject to uniform conphase velocity excitation', JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION, 257, pp. 265 - 282,
,2002, 'Aerodynamic damping of randomly excited plates in stationary and moving air', Journal of Sound and Vibration, 253, pp. 795 - 805,
,2002, 'Book review on Understanding active noise cancellation', Acoustics Australia, 30, pp. 33 - 33
,2002, 'Book review on Understanding active noise cancellation', Acoustics Australia, 30, pp. 33 - 33
,2002, 'Brake Squeal - a literature review', Applied Acoustics, 63, pp. 391 - 400,
,2002, 'Control of backward-facing step flow using a flapping airofoil', Experiments in Fluids, 32, pp. 44 - 54,
,2002, 'Control of shear cutting noise: Effectiveness of passive control measures', Noise and Vibration Worldwide, 33, pp. 6 - 12
,2002, 'Improved noise management for the building industry', Acoustics Australia, 30, pp. 97 - 101,
,2002, 'Prediction of acoustic noise from variable speed induction motors: Deterministic versus statistical approaches', IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 38, pp. 1037 - 1044,
,2002, 'Rotational aerophones', Journal of Acoust Soc Am, 111, pp. 1189 - 1196,
,2002, 'Sound power radiated from an inverter-driven induction motor: experimental investigation', IEE Proc-Electr Power Appl, 149, pp. 46 - 52,
,2002, 'Vibration analysis of thin cylindrical shells using wave propagation approach', Journal of Sound and Vibration, 249, pp. 1011 - 1015
,2002, 'Vibration power transmission over a rectangular area of an infinite plate subject to uniform conphase velocity excitation', Journal of Sound and Vibration, 257, pp. 265 - 282,
,2001, 'Experimental measurement of surface mobility over a rectangular contact area subject to a uniform conphase velocity excitation', Applied Acoustics, 62, pp. 867 - 874,
,2001, 'Flow structures generated by pressure-controlled self- oscillating reed valves', Journal of Sound and Vibration, 247, pp. 213 - 226,
,2001, 'The characteristics of a plunging airfoil at zero freestream velocity', AIAA American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Journal, 39, pp. 531 - 534,
,2001, 'The sound radiation efficiency of finite length circular cylindrical shells under mechanical excitation II: Limitations of the infinite length model', Journal of Sound and Vibration, 241, pp. 825 - 838,
,2000, 'Effects of orthodontic therapy on the facial profile in long and short vertical facial patterns', American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, 118, pp. 505 - 513,
,2000, 'Prediction of noise radiation from induction motors', Shock and Vibration Digest, 32, pp. 21
,2000, 'An inclined wall jet: Mean flow characteristics and effects of acoustic excitation', Experiments in Fluids, 29, pp. 45 - 55,
,2000, 'Modelling the vibration behaviour of infinite structures by FEM', Journal of Sound and Vibration, 229, pp. 453 - 466,
,2000, 'Oscillating reed valves - An experimental study', Applied Acoustics, 108, pp. 400 - 406,
,2000, 'Prediction of natural frequencies of finite length circular cylindrical shells', Applied Acoustics, 59, pp. 385 - 400
,2000, 'Prediction of surface mobility of a finite plate with uniform force excitation by structural intensity', Applied Acoustics, 60, pp. 371 - 383,
,2000, 'Some applications of numerical acoustics', Acoustics Australia, 28, pp. 25 - 29,
,2000, 'Surface mobility over a square contact area of an infinite plate: experimental measurements and numerical prediction', Applied Acoustics, 60, pp. 81 - 93
,2000, 'The effects of nozzle spacing on the development of two parallel plane jets', International Journal of Transport Phenomena, 2, pp. 57 - 70,
,2000, 'The sound radiation efficiency of finite length acoustically thick circular cylindrical sheels under mechanical exication I: Theoretical analysis', Journal of Sound and Vibration, 232, pp. 431 - 447,
,1999, 'Investigation of vibration power transmission over a rectangular excitation area using effective point mobility', Journal of Sound and Vibration, 225, pp. 831 - 844,
,1999, 'Control of shear cutting noise - effectiveness of enclosures', Applied Acoustics, 58, pp. 69 - 84,
,1999, 'Editor', Acoustics Australia
,1999, 'Investigation of vibration power transmission over a rectangular excitation area using effective point mobility', Journal of Sound and Vibration, 225, pp. 831 - 844,
,1999, 'Lai JCS, Boundary element method in acoustics by Kirkup', Acoustics Australia, pp. 103
,1999, 'The jet characteristics of a Plunging Airfoil', AIAA Journal, 37, pp. 1529 - 1537
,1999, 'Vibration analysis of an induction motor', Journal of Sound and Vibration, 224, pp. 733 - 756
,1998, 'Modeling the vibration behavior of an induction motor', The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 103, pp. 3084 - 3084,
,1998, 'The condition for beam-bending modes to dominate in the vibro-acoustic behavior of a circular cylindrical shell', The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 103, pp. 3055 - 3055,
,1998, 'Two parallel plane jets: Comparison of the performance of three turbulence models', Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 212, pp. 379 - 391,
,1998, 'A turbulent plane offset jet with small offset ratio', Experiments in Fluids, 24, pp. 47 - 57,
,1998, 'Control of Shear Cutting Noise: Effect of Blade Profile', Applied Acoustics, 54, pp. 45 - 58,
,1998, 'Editor', Acoustics Australia
,1998, 'Noise Reduction for a Sheet Metal Shear - A Progressive Approach', Canadian Acoustics, 26, pp. 23 - 24
,1998, 'Two parallel jets: comparisons of the performance of three turbulence models', Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part G - Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 212, pp. 379 - 391
,1998, 'Vibration Isolation - Exploring the Foundations', Canadian Acoustics, 26, pp. 40 - 41,
,1997, 'How to estimate the low wavenumber turbulence frequency spectrum', Experiments in Fluids, 23, pp. 353 - 360,
,1997, 'Comparison of flow characteristics in the near field of two parallel plane jets and an offset plane jet.', Physics of Fluids, 9, pp. 2919 - 2931,
,1997, 'How to estimate low wavenumber turbulent energy', Experiments in Fluids, 23, pp. 353 - 360