Select Publications

Journal articles

Lai JC; Yang CY, 1997, 'Numerical simulation of turbulence suppression: comparisons of the performance of four k-e turbulence models', International Journal Heat and Fluid Flow, 18, pp. 575 - 584,

Nasr A; Lai JC, 1997, 'Two parallel plane jets: mean flow and effects of excitation', Experiments in Fluids, 22, pp. 251 - 260

Lai JC, 1996, 'Some applications of the sound intensity technique to noise control in the workplace', International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 2, pp. 1 - 15,

Lai JY, 1996, 'Some applications of the sound intensity technique to noise control in the workplace', International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 2, pp. 1 - 15

Lai JC; Lu D, 1996, 'The effect of wall inclination on the mean flow and turbulence characteristics in a two-dimensional wall jet', International Journal Heat and Fluid Flow, 17, pp. 377 - 385,

Lu D; Lai JC, 1996, 'The effect of wall inclination on the mean flow characteristics in a two-dimensional wall jet', International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 17, pp. 377 - 385

Lai JC, 1994, 'Acoustic noise of electromagnetic origin in an ideal frequency converter driven induction motor', IEE Proceedings - Electric Power Applications, 141, pp. 341 - 346,*%26searchField%3DSearch+All

Lai JC, 1994, 'Noise Buster', , 22, pp. 56 - 57

TImar-Peregrin L; Hunyar M; Lai JC, 1994, 'The invisible power station, or the big promises in energy savings', Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Australia, 14, pp. 133 - 145,

TImar-Peregrin L; Lai JC, 1994, 'Vibration of electromagnetic origin in an ideal frequency converter driven induction motor', Electromotion, 1, pp. 13 - 22

Lai JC; Qi D, 1993, 'Sound Transmission Loss Measurements using the Sound Intensity Technique Part 1: The Effects of Reverberation Time', Applied Acoustics, 40, pp. 311 - 324,

Lai JC, 1992, 'Turbulence Suppression in an Elliptic Jet', International Journal Heat and Fluid Flow, 13, pp. 93 - 96,

Lai JC; Bullock KJ; Hollis P, 1992, 'Turbulence Wavenumber Spectra in Fully-Developed Smooth Pipe Flow', Experiments in Fluids, 12, pp. 369 - 376,

Lai JC; Burgess MA, 1991, 'Application of the Sound Intensity Technique to Measurement of Field Sound Transmission Loss', Applied Acoustics, 34, pp. 77 - 87,

Lai JC, 1991, 'Application of the Sound Intensity Technique to Noise Source Identification: a Case Study', Applied Acoustics, 34, pp. 89 - 100,

Lai JC, 1991, 'Some Applications of the Sound Intensity Technique', Acoustics Australia, 19, pp. 43 - 48

Lai JC, 1991, 'The Preferred Mode of a Tube Jet', International Journal Heat and Fluid Flow, 12, pp. 284 - 286,

Bullock KJ; Lai JC; Walker TB, 1990, 'Flow Measurements Behind Attached Ring-Type Turbulence Promoters', Physics of Fluids, 2, pp. 390 - 399,

Lai JC; Burgess MA, 1990, 'Radiation Efficiency of Acoustic Guitars', Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 88, pp. 1222 - 1227,

Lai JC; He Y, 1989, 'Error Considerations for Turbulence Measurements Using Laser-two-focus Velocimetry', Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments, 22, pp. 108 - 114,

Lai JC; Bullock KJ; Kronauer RE, 1989, 'Structural Similarity of Turbulence in Fully-Developed Smooth Pipe Flow', AIAA Journal, 27, pp. 283 - 292,

Bullock KJ; Lai JCS; Flint P, 1988, 'Turbulence structures in fully-developed pipe flow.',

Lai JC; Burgess MA, 1988, 'Some Experiences with Sound Intensity Measurements', Acoustics Australia, pp. 55 - 56

Bullock KJ; Cooper RE; Kronauer RE; Lai JCS, 1987, 'Structural similarity and lifetimes of turbulence structures in fully developed pipe flow.', PHYS. FLUIDS, 30, pp. 3006 - 3018,

Lai JC; Grigg FW, 1987, 'A Hydrostatic Transmission for a Load-Haul-Dump Vehicle', SAE International Journal of Engines, 96, pp. 566 - 575,

Lai JC, 1987, 'An Anechoic Chamber at the Australian Defence Force Academy', Acoustics Australia, 15, pp. 14

Bullock KJ; Cooper RE; Kronauer RE; Lai JC, 1987, 'Structural Similarity and Lifetimes of Turbulence Structures in Fully-developed Smooth Pipe Flow', Physics of Fluids, 30, pp. 3006 - 3018

Lai JC, 1986, 'An Automated Data Acquisition System for Experiments on Fully-Developed Pipe Flow', International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 14, pp. 83 - 95

Lai JC; Simmons JM, 1985, 'Instantaneous Velocity Measurements in a Vane-excited Plane Jet', AIAA Journal, 23, pp. 1157 - 1164,

Bullock KJ; Ledwich MA; Lai JC, 1985, 'Numerical Simulation of Transient Response of Heat Transfer from a Hot-wire Anemometer Transducer', International Journal Heat and Fluid Flow, 6, pp. 57 - 65,

Lai JC, 1984, 'Analysis of Discrete Vibration Systems by Transfer Matrix Method', International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 12, pp. 253 - 262

Lai JC, 1984, 'Unsteady Effects in Mechanically-Excited Turbulent Plane Jets', International Journal Heat and Fluid Flow, 5, pp. 215 - 221,

Simmons JM; Lai JC; Platzer MF, 1981, 'Jet Excitation by an Oscillating Vane', AIAA Journal, 19, pp. 673 - 676,

Lai JC; Simmons JM, 1981, 'Numerical Solution of Periodically Pulsed Laminar Free Jets', AIAA Journal, 19, pp. 813 - 815,

Lai JC; Simmons JM, 1980, 'Instantaneous Velocity Measurements in a Periodically-Pulsed Plane Turbulent Jet', AIAA Journal, 18, pp. 1532 - 1534,

Lai JCS; Bremhorst K, 1979, 'Control of corrosion-erosion of tube inlets of shell and tube heat exchangers', Wear, 54, pp. 101 - 112,

Lai JC; Bremhorst K, 1979, 'Control of Corrosion - Erosion of Tube Inlets of Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers', Wear, 54, pp. 101 - 112,

Bremhorst K; Lai JC, 1979, 'The Role of Flow Characteristics in Corrosion-Erosion of Tube Inlets in the Inlet Channel of Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers', Wear, 54, pp. 87 - 100,

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