Select Publications

Journal articles

Waite PM; De Permentier PJ, 1997, 'Effect of neonatal capsaicin and infraorbital nerve section on whisker-related patterns in the rat trigeminal nucleus', Journal of Comparative Neurology, pp. 599 - 615

Shang F; Ashwell KW; Marotte LR; Waite PM, 1997, 'The development of commissural neurons in the wallaby (Macropus eugenii)', Journal of Comparative Neurology, pp. 507 - 523

Marotte LR; Leamey CA; Waite PM, 1997, 'Timecourse of development of the wallaby trigeminal pathway: III. Thalamocortical and corticothalamic projections', Journal of Comparative Neurology, pp. 194 - 214

Ashwell KW; Waite PM; Marotte LR, 1996, 'Ontogeny of the projection tracts and commissural fibres in the forebrain of the Tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii): A comparison of timing with other mammals', Brain Behavior and Evolution, pp. 8 - 22

Shortland PJ; Demaro JA; Shang F; Waite PM; Jacquin MF, 1996, 'Peripheral and central predictors of whisker afferent morphology in the rat brainstem', Journal of Comparative Neurology, pp. 481 - 501

Ashwell KW; Marotte LR; Li L; Waite PM, 1996, 'The anterior commissure of the wallaby (Macropus eugenii): adult morphology and development', Journal of Comparative Neurology, pp. 478 - 494

Leamey CA; Marotte LR; Waite PM, 1996, 'Timecourse of development of the wallaby trigeminal pathway, II Brainstem to thalamus and the emergence of cellular aggregations', Journal of Comparative Neurology, pp. 494 - 514

Waite PME; Marotte LR; Leamey CA, 1994, 'Timecourse of development of the wallaby trigeminal pathway. I. Periphery to brainstem', Journal of Comparative Neurology, 350, pp. 75 - 95,

Waite PME; Li L, 1993, 'Unmyelinated innervation of sinus hair follicles in rats', Anatomy and Embryology, 188, pp. 457 - 465,

Waite PME; Li L; Ashwell KWS, 1992, 'Developmental and lesion induced cell death in the rat ventrobasal complex', NeuroReport, 3, pp. 485 - 488,

Waite PME; Jacquin MF, 1992, 'Dual innervation of the rat vibrissa: Responses of trigeminal ganglion cells projecting through deep or superficial nerves', Journal of Comparative Neurology, 322, pp. 233 - 245,

Jacquin MF; Hu JW; Sessle BJ; Renchan WE; Waite PME, 1992, 'Intra-axonal neurobiotin™ injection rapidly stains the long-range projections of identified trigeminal primary afferents in vivo: comparisons with HRP and PHA-L', Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 45, pp. 71 - 86,

Marotte LR; Rice FL; Waite PME, 1992, 'The morphology and innervation of facial vibrissae in the tammar wallaby, Macropus eugenii', Journal of Anatomy, 180, pp. 401 - 417

Ashwell KWS; Waite PME, 1991, 'Cell death in the developing trigeminal nuclear complex of the rat', Developmental Brain Research, 63, pp. 291 - 295,

Waite PME; Marotte LR; Mark RF, 1991, 'Development of whisker representation in the cortex of the tammar wallaby Macropus eugenii', Developmental Brain Research, 58, pp. 35 - 41,

Waite PM; Cragg BG, 1982, 'The peripheral and central changes resulting from cutting or crushing the afferent nerve supply to the whiskers.', Proc R Soc Lond B Biol Sci, 214, pp. 191 - 211,

Menzies KD; Drysdale DB; Waite PM, 1982, 'Effects of prenatal progesterone on the development of pyramidal cells in rat cerebral cortex.', Exp Neurol, 77, pp. 654 - 667,

Cragg BG; Waite PM, 1981, 'Whiskers and barrels: irreversible induction, or ipsilateral maintenance?', Neurosci Lett, 22, pp. 43 - 46,

Waite PM; Cragg BG, 1979, 'The effect of destroying the whisker follicles in mice on the sensory nerve, the thalamocortical radiation and cortical barrel development.', Proc R Soc Lond B Biol Sci, 204, pp. 41 - 55,

Waite PME, 1979, 'What's in a barrel?', Trends in Neurosciences, 2, pp. 180 - 182,

Waite PM; Taylor PK, 1978, 'Removal of whiskers in young rats causes functional changes in cerebral cortex.', Nature, 274, pp. 600 - 602,

Waite PM, 1977, 'Normal nerve fibers in the barrel region of developing and adult mouse cortex.', J Comp Neurol, 173, pp. 165 - 174,

Brown AW; Waite PM, 1974, 'Responses in the rat thalamus to whisker movements produced by motor nerve stimulation.', J Physiol, 238, pp. 387 - 401,

Waite PM, 1973, 'Somatotopic organization of vibrissal responses in the ventro-basal complex of the rat thalamus.', J Physiol, 228, pp. 527 - 540,

Waite PM, 1973, 'The responses of cells in the rat thalamus to mechanical movements of the whiskers.', J Physiol, 228, pp. 541 - 561,

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