Select Publications

Journal articles

Abelson J; Rawstorne PR; Crawford J; Mao L; Prestage G; Kippax SC, 2006, 'HIV optimism does not explain increases in high-risk sexual behaviour among gay men of positive or negative HIV status in Sydney, Australia', AIDS, 20, pp. 1215 - 1216

Prestage G; Mao L; McGuigan D; Crawford J; Kippax SC; Kaldor JM; Grulich AE, 2006, 'HIV risk and communication between regular partners in a cohort of HIV-negative gay men', AIDS Care - Psychological and Socio - Medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV, 18, pp. 166 - 172

Crawford J; Kippax SC; Mao L; Van De Ven PG; Prestage G; Grulich AE; Kaldor JM, 2006, 'Number of risk acts by relationship status and partner serostatus: Findings from the HIM Cohort of homosexually active men in Sydney, Australia', AIDS and Behavior, 10, pp. 325 - 331

Prestage G; Degenhardt LJ; Jin F; Grulich AE; Imrie JC; Kaldor JM; Kippax SC, 2006, 'Predictors of Frequent use of amphetamine type stimulants among HIV-negative gay men in Sydney, Australia', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 91, pp. 260 - 268

Volk J; Prestage G; Jin F; Kaldor JM; Ellard JM; Kippax SC; Grulich AE, 2006, 'Risk factors for HIV seroconversion in homosexual men in Australia.', Sexual Health, 3, pp. 45 - 51

Korner H; Hendry O; Kippax SC, 2006, 'Safe sex after post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV: Intentions, challenges and ambivalences in narratives of gay men', AIDS Care - Psychological and Socio - Medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV, 18, pp. 879 - 887

Abelson J; Treloar C; Crawford J; Kippax SC; Van Beek IA; Howard J, 2006, 'Some characteristics of early onset injecting drug users prior to and at the time of their first injection', Addiction, 101, pp. 548 - 555

Stephenson N; Kippax SC, 2006, 'Transfiguring relations - Theorizing political change in the everyday', Theory and Psychology, 16, pp. 391 - 415

Jin F; Prestage G; Mao L; Kippax SC; Pell CM; Donovan BJ; Templeton DJ; Taylor J; Mindel A; Kaldor JM; Grulich AE, 2006, 'Transmission of herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 in a prospective cohort of HIV negative gay men: The Health in Men Study', Journal of Infectious Diseases, 194, pp. 561 - 570,

Mindel A; Kippax SC, 2005, 'A national sexually transmissible infections strategy for Australia: The need for an all-embracing approach', Medical Journal of Australia, 183, pp. 502 - 503

Prestage G; Van De Ven PG; Mao L; Grulich AE; Kippax SC; Kaldor JM, 2005, 'Contexts for last occasions of unprotected anal intercourse amongHIV-negative gay men in Sydney: the Health in Men cohort', AIDS Care - Psychological and Socio - Medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV, 17, pp. 23 - 32

Jin F; Prestage G; Kippax SC; Pell C; Donovan BJ; Kaldor JM; Grulich AE, 2005, 'Epidemic syphilis among homosexually active men in Sydney', Medical Journal of Australia, 183, pp. 179 - 183

Jin F; Prestage G; Pell CM; Donovan BJ; Kippax SC; Kaldor JM; Grulich AE, 2005, 'Hepatitis A and B infection and vaccination in the Health in Men (HIM) cohort', Australian HIV Surveillance Report, 21, pp. 1 - 4

Song A; Richters J; Crawford J; Kippax SC, 2005, 'HIV and sexual health knowledge and sexual experience among Australian-born and overseas-born students in Sydney', Journal of Adolescent Health, 37, pp. 243e9 - 243e14

Prestage G; Mao L; Fogarty A; Van De Ven PG; Kippax SC; Crawford J; Rawstorne PR; Kaldor JM; Jin F; Grulich AE, 2005, 'How has the sexual behaviour of gay men changed since the onset of AIDS: 1986-2003', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 29, pp. 530 - 535

Korner H; Hendry O; Kippax SC, 2005, 'It`s not just condoms: Social contexts of unsafe sex in gay men`s narratives of post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV', Health Risk and Society, 7, pp. 47 - 62

Stephenson N, 2005, 'Kippax, S. & Stephenson, N. (2005) How to conduct meaningful evaluations of sex and relationship eduation', Sex Education, 5, pp. 359 - 373

Waldby C; Kippax SC; Crawford J; Houlihan A, 2005, 'Medical Vectors: Surgical HIV Transmission and the Location of Culpability', Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 2, pp. 23 - 30

Korner H; Hendry O; Kippax SC, 2005, 'Negotiating risk and social relations in the context of post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV: Narratives of gay men', Health Risk and Society, 7, pp. 349 - 360

Jin F; Prestage G; Kippax SC; Kaldor JM; Dore GJ; Grulich AE, 2005, 'Prevalence and risk factors of hepatitis C in HIV-negative homosexual men in Sydney, Australia', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 29, pp. 536 - 539

Weaver H; Smith GP; Kippax SC, 2005, 'School-based sex education policies and indicators of sexual health among young people: A comparison of the Netherlands, France, Australia and the United States', Sex Education, 5, pp. 171 - 188

Grulich AE; Cunningham PH; Munier CM; Prestage G; Amin J; Ringland C; Whitby D; Kippax SC; Kaldor JM; Rawlinson WD, 2005, 'Sexual behaviour and human herpesvirus 8 infection in homosexual men in Australia.', Sexual Health, 2, pp. 13 - 18

Grunseit AC; Richters J; Crawford J; Song A; Kippax SC, 2005, 'Stability and change in sexual practices among first-year Australian university students 1990-1999', Archives of Sexual Behavior, 34, pp. 557 - 568

Rawstorne PR; Prestage G; Grierson J; Song A; Grulich AE; Kippax SC, 2005, 'Trends and predictors of HIV-positive community attachment among PLWHA', AIDS Care - Psychological and Socio - Medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV, 17, pp. 589 - 600

Van De Ven PG; Mao L; Fogarty A; Rawstorne PR; Crawford J; Prestage G; Grulich AE; Kaldor JM; Kippax SC, 2005, 'Undetectable viral load is associated with sexual risk taking in HIV serodiscordant gay couples in Sydney', AIDS, 19, pp. 179 - 184

Van De Ven PG; Mao L; Crawford J; Prestage G; Grulich AE; Kaldor JM; Kippax SC, 2005, 'Willingness to participate in HIV vaccine trials among HIV-negative gay men in Sydney, Australia', International Journal of STD and AIDS, 16, pp. 314 - 317

Myers T; Aggleton P; Kippax S, 2004, 'Perspectives on harm reduction: Editorial introduction', Critical Public Health, 14, pp. 325 - 328,

Korner H; Hendry O; Kippax SC, 2004, '`I didn`t think I was at risk`: Interdiscursive relations in narratives of sexual practices and exposure to HIV', Communication and Medicine: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Healthcare, Ethics and Society, 1, pp. 131 - 143

Fin F; Prestage G; Pell CM; Donovan BJ; Van der ven P; Kippax SC; Kaldor JM; Grulich AE, 2004, 'Hepatitis A and B infection and vaccination in a cohort of homosexual men in Sydney, Australia', Sexual Health, 1, pp. 227 - 237

Jin F; Prestage G; Pell CM; Donovan BJ; Van De Ven PG; Kippax SC; Kaldor JM; Grulich AE, 2004, 'Hepatitis A and hepatitis B infection and vaccination in a cohort of homosexual men in Sydney', Sexual Health, 1, pp. 227 - 237

Clements MS; Prestage G; Grulich AE; Van De Ven PG; Kippax SC; Law MG, 2004, 'Modeling trends in HIV incidence among homosexual men in Australia 1995-2006', JAIDS: Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 35, pp. 401 - 406

Kippax SC, 2004, 'Risk and responsibility: Interventions in HIV prevention', Bulletin of the Royal Institute for Inter-Faith Studies, 6, pp. 79 - 95

Van De Ven PG; Murphy DA; Hull PB; Batrouney C; Kippax SC, 2004, 'Risk management and harm reduction among gay men in Sydney', Critical Public Health, 14, pp. 361 - 376

Slavin SF; Richters J; Kippax SC, 2004, 'Understandings of risk among HIV seroconverters in Sydney', Health Risk and Society, 6, pp. 39 - 52

Kippax S; Aggleton P; Crewe M, 2003, 'HIV/AIDS prevention and education in context: Current perspectives, future challenges. Editorial introduction', AIDS Education and Prevention, 15, pp. 291 - 293,

Kippax S; Race K, 2003, 'Sustaining safe practice: twenty years on', SOCIAL SCIENCE & MEDICINE, 57, pp. 1 - 12,

Richters J; Grulich AE; Ellard JM; Hendry O; Kippax SC, 2003, 'HIV transmission among gay men through oral sex and other uncommon routes: case series of HIV seroconverters', AIDS, 17, pp. 2269 - 2271

Crawford J; Kippax SC; Prestage G; Rawstorne PR; Van De Ven PG; Bolding G; Elford J; Sherr L; Adam P; Craib K; Hogg R; Martindale S, 2003, 'HIV treatments optimism among gay men: an international perspective', JAIDS: Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 32, pp. 545 - 550

Smith GP; Kippax SC; Aggleton P; Tyrer P, 2003, 'HIV/AIDS school-based education in selected Asia-Pacific countries', Sex Education, 3, pp. 3 - 21

Kippax SC; Slavin SF; Ellard JM; Hendry O; Richters J; Grulich AE; Kaldor JM, 2003, 'Seroconversion in context', AIDS Care - Psychological and Socio - Medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV, 15, pp. 839 - 852

Kippax SC; Race KD, 2003, 'Sustaining safe sex: Twenty years on', Social Science and Medicine, 57, pp. 1 - 12

Hopwood MN; Southgate EL; Kippax SC; Bammer G; Isaac-Toua G; MacDonald MA, 2003, 'The injection of methadone syrup in New South Wales: Patterns of use and increased harm after partial banning of injecting equipment', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 27, pp. 551 - 555

Richters J; Hendry O; Kippax SC, 2003, 'When safe sex isn`t safe', Culture, Health and Sexuality, 5, pp. 37 - 52

Van de Ven P; Rawstorne P; Nakamura T; Crawford J; Kippax S, 2002, 'HIV treatments optimism is associated with unprotected anal intercourse with regular and with casual partners among Australian gay and homosexually active men', International Journal of STD and AIDS, 13, pp. 181 - 183,

Van De Ven PG; Rawstorne PR; Nakamura T; Crawford J; Kippax SC, 2002, 'HIV treatments optimism is associated with unprotected anal intercourse with regular and with casual partners', International Journal of STD and AIDS, 13, pp. 181 - 183

Van De Ven PG; Kippax SC; Crawford J; Rawstorne PR; Prestage G; Grulich AE; Murphy D, 2002, 'In a minority of gay men, sexual risk practice indicates strategic positioning for perceived risk reduction rather than unbridled sex', AIDS Care - Psychological and Socio - Medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV, 14, pp. 471 - 480

Van De Ven PG; Rawstorne PR; Crawford J; Kippax SC, 2002, 'Increasing proportions of Australian gay men and homosexually active men engage in unprotected anal intercourse with regular and with casual partners', AIDS Care - Psychological and Socio - Medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV, 3, pp. 335 - 341

Law MG; Prestage G; Grulich AE; Van De Ven PG; Kippax SC, 2002, 'Modelling HIV incidence in gay men: increased treatment, unsafe sex and sexually transmissible infections', AIDS, 16, pp. 499 - 501

Jin F; Prestage G; Law MG; Kippax SC; Van De Ven PG; Rawstorne PR; Kaldor JM; Grulich AE, 2002, 'Predictors of recent HIV testing in homosexual men in Australia', HIV Medicine, 3, pp. 271 - 276

Kippax SC; Kinder P, 2002, 'Reflexive practice: the relationship between social research and health promotion in HIV prevention', Sex Education, 2, pp. 91 - 104

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