
My Expertise

Fossil bats; mammals; palaeontology; taxonomy; evolution; Riversleigh fossil project; bat conservation & evolution; Miocene fossils

Fields of Research (FoR)

Palaeontology (incl. Palynology), Evolutionary Biology


Professor Sue Hand is a vertebrate palaeontologist researching the history of Australian mammals, continuing climate and environmental change in Australia, New Zealand and Oceania, implications of that change for forest and island faunas, and the biodiversity, global relationships and evolutionary ecology of bats.

Her research interests are largely in the area of palaeontology, phylogenetics and biogeography, and specifically taxonomy,...view more


Room 133
Samuels Building (F25)
UNSW, Kensington 2052


+61 2 9385 2125
+61 2 9385 1558