Select Publications

Journal articles

Breidt FJ; Davis RA; Dunsmuir WTM, 1992, 'On backcasting in linear time series models', New Directions in Time Series Analysis, 45, pp. 25 - 40

Dunsmuir WTM; Phillips DM, 1991, 'Modelling of annual variation of tropospheric moisture in the Australian region from radiosonde and satellite data', Australian Meteorological Magazine, 39, pp. 87 - 94

Dunsmuir W; Spencer NM, 1991, 'Strong consistency and asymptotic normality of /1 estimates of the autoregressive moving-average model', Journal of Time Series Analysis, 12, pp. 95 - 104,

Dunsmuir WTM; Phillips DM, 1990, 'Modelling of temporal variation of atmospheric moisture at surface level in the Australian region', Australian Meteorological Magazine, 38, pp. 181 - 9

Dunsmuir WTM; Snyder RN, 1989, 'Control of inventories with intermittent demand', European Journal of Operational Research, 40, pp. 16 - 21

Dunsmuir WTM; Tweedie R; Flack L; Mengersen K, 1989, 'Modelling of transitions between employment states for young Australians', Australian Journal of Statistics, 31, pp. 165 - 196

Dunsmuir W, 1983, 'A central limit theorem for estimation in Gaussian stationary time series observed at unequally spaced times', Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 14, pp. 279 - 295

Dunsmuir WTM; Robinson PM, 1981, 'Asymptotic theory for time series containing missing and amplitude modulated observations', Sankhya Series A, 43, pp. 260 - 281, url:%20

Dunsmuir WTM, 1981, 'Estimation of periodically varying means and standard deviations in time series data', Journal of Time Series Analysis, 2, pp. 129 - 153,

Dunsmuir WTM; Robinson PM, 1981, 'Estimation of time series models in the presence of missing data', Journal of the American Statistical Association, 76, pp. 560 - 568,

Robinson P; Dunsmuir WTM, 1981, 'Parametric estimators for stationary time series with missing observations', Advances in applied probability, 13, pp. 129 - 146,

Hannan EJ; Dunsmuir WTM; Deistler M, 1980, 'Estimation of vector ARMAX models', Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 10, pp. 275 - 295

Dunsmuir W, 1979, 'A central limit theorem for parameter estimation in stationary vector time series and its application to models for a signal observed with noise', The Annals of Statistics, pp. 490 - 506

Deistler M; Dunsmuir WTM; Hannan EJ, 1978, 'Vector linear time series models: corrections and extensions', Advances in Applied Probability, pp. 360 - 372,

Dunsmuir W; Hannan EJ, 1976, 'Vector linear time series models', Advances in Applied Probability, pp. 339 - 364,

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