
Miss Wenyuan Ma



Wenyuan's  research project is to provide insights into the geographical patterns of pyrocumulonimbus (pyroCb) occurrence and practical guidance for wildfire management, now and into the future. The main research objectives of this project are: (1) to better understand the drivers of pyroCb development and their impact mechanisms, to quantify the relative contributions of these drivers, and to investigate the geographical differences in these...view more

Wenyuan's  research project is to provide insights into the geographical patterns of pyrocumulonimbus (pyroCb) occurrence and practical guidance for wildfire management, now and into the future. The main research objectives of this project are: (1) to better understand the drivers of pyroCb development and their impact mechanisms, to quantify the relative contributions of these drivers, and to investigate the geographical differences in these drivers and their impacts at the large scale; (2) to quantify pyroCb risk and develop models to predict the longer-term probability of pyroCb occurrence; (3) to understand the temporal and spatial patterns of pyroCb occurrences in Australia, investigate how these patterns might change under future climate projections, and to map the longer-term risks of pyroCb in Australia. This work forms part of an ongoing international collaboration on pyroCb research.

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B26 108

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