
Mr Andrew Breen



Dr Andrew Breen is a senior postdoctoral fellow and deputy group leader of the Engineering Microstructures group within the Transport and Infrastructure theme of the School of Materials Science & Engineering. Andrew received his PhD from USyd in 2014 where he remained as an atom probe support engineer until 2016. He then undertook a Humboldt Fellowship at the Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung (Germany) to directly observe hydrogen in...view more

Dr Andrew Breen is a senior postdoctoral fellow and deputy group leader of the Engineering Microstructures group within the Transport and Infrastructure theme of the School of Materials Science & Engineering. Andrew received his PhD from USyd in 2014 where he remained as an atom probe support engineer until 2016. He then undertook a Humboldt Fellowship at the Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung (Germany) to directly observe hydrogen in metals. In 2019, he returned to USyd as a Senior Postdoctoral Fellow in an AUSMURI funded project focused on understanding structure-property-processing relationships of additively manufactured alloys. Andrew is a leading expert in microstructural characterisation, particularly advanced atom probe analysis techniques, and continues to hold a fractional appointment at USyd.

My Grants

2018: BigMax call for participation project grant, Max Planck Society (Germany)  €176,800

My Qualifications

2009: Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Honours), The University of Sydney, Australia

2014: PhD Materials Science: Developing advanced atom probe tomography characterisation techniques for engineering materials, The University of Sydney, Australia 



My Awards

2017: recipient of the Humboldt Research Fellowship for postdoctoral researchers for two years of research funding. Host institution: Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung (Germany)

My Research Activities

atom probe tomography, data mining, crystallography, engineering alloys, microstructural characterisation

My Research Supervision

Areas of supervision

Through supervision of research students I aim to improve capability in advanced microstructural characterisation of engineering materials to facilitate a better understand structure-property-processing relationships.This includes: developing sophisticated atom probe tomography analysis techniques, develop correlative microscopy and local mechanical property testing approaches, engineer unique microstructures using metal additive manufacturing technologies.        

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Hilmer Building (E10)
UNSW Sydney
NSW 2052 Australia


by Mr Andrew Breen

ORCID as entered in ROS