

Fields of Research (FoR)

Sociology, Health services and systems, Sociology of health, Sexualities


I specialise in social research in the field of HIV prevention and sexual health. I am a qualitative health researcher and sociologist and have worked at the Centre for Social Research in Health (CSRH) since 2018, where I completed my PhD (2018-2022). I am currently employed as Research Fellow (Level B) at CSRH, and I am an Adjunct Research Fellow in the Curtin School of Population Health, and an associate of the Australian Human Rights...view more


Seminar presented on the 30th May 2023 at the Kirby Institute Seminar Series.

Establishing effective routines of taking medication requires ongoing effort amidst the variabilities of everyday life. Drawing on 40 qualitative interviews with Australian PrEP users (who used a variety of dosing strategies, including daily and on-demand), we conceptualise PrEP dosing as a domestic practice, involving routines, planning, and experimentation. This presentation offers insights into how people can be better supported to use PrEP.
Seminar summarising findings from the 'my health, our family' project presented by Anthony K J Smith, Christy Newman, and Kerryn Drysdale on 20 July 2022 at the virtual Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society (ARCSHS) seminar series.
Presentation given at 2020 Joint Australasian HIV&AIDS and Sexual Health Conferences: Virtual, exploring how Australian clinicians approach prescribing HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV-negative people in the context of serodiscordant relationships. Anthony was awarded an ASHM Early Career Award (Social, Political & Cultural Aspects Theme) for this presentation.
Seminar about PrEP access, problematising evidence and equity presented by Christy Newman, Martin Holt and Anthony K J Smith on 4 December 2019 at the Centre for Social Research in Health, UNSW Sydney.

Seminar Details:
Making PrEP work: understanding drug adherence as a domestic practice
Family is complicated: What does this mean for supporting families and people living with HIV, hepatitis C, or hepatitis B?
Prescribing PrEP for ‘peace of mind’ in the context of serodiscordant relationships
Beyond PrEParing: equitable access, problematising evidence, and mainstreaming the implementation of PrEP in Australia