
My Expertise

Interactive works on identity, memory and mnemonic associations, installation work and the nature of self.

Fields of Research (FoR)

Electronic Media Art, Digital and Interaction Design, Computer-Human Interaction, Performance and Installation Art, Other Cinema and Electronic Arts

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Brad Miller is an artist, educator, researcher and curator he lives and works between Sydney and Beijing. His artistic practice bridges the fields of media arts, experimental design studio, participatory urban media architecture, software development and expanded photography. Typically, his large-scale responsive installations explore the emergent relationships between art + technology with a focus on the social balance between observation and...view more


Interview at Underbelly Arts Festival
le_temp @ re-new digital artforum Copenhagen PB43 2013
Installations 2009-2015
COFA @ Underbelly Arts: Brad Miller
le_temp @ Re-new Digital Art Forum 2013
Installations 2009-2015