
Ms Janelle Weise


Fields of Research (FoR)

Health services and systems, Health policy

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Dr Janelle Weise has a Bachelor of Applied Science (Occupational Therapy) (Hons), a Masters of Public Health and her PhD in intellectual disability health.

Dr Weise has worked across clinical, service delivery and managerial roles within the disability and health sectors. She is passionate about addressing the inequitable access to healthcare and poor health outcomes experienced by people with an intellectual disability and other vulnerable...view more

Dr Janelle Weise has a Bachelor of Applied Science (Occupational Therapy) (Hons), a Masters of Public Health and her PhD in intellectual disability health.

Dr Weise has worked across clinical, service delivery and managerial roles within the disability and health sectors. She is passionate about addressing the inequitable access to healthcare and poor health outcomes experienced by people with an intellectual disability and other vulnerable populations. As a researcher she has worked on a range of initiatives to enhance the capacity of the health care sector to deliver accessible, effective and efficient healthcare to people with an intellectual disability. 

She has expertise in mixed methods, co-design, and working with people with lived experience. 


My Qualifications

BApSc(OT) Hons, MPH, PhD

My Research Activities

Preventive health care for people with intellectual disability.

Project page here:

Service pathway tool for people with intellectual disability: Intellectual Disability Health My Way

Website here:

Project page here:

Improving palliative care for people with intellectual distality

Project page here:

Evaluation of the Intellectual Disability Mental Health Hubs

Project page here:

Curriculum development in intellectual disability health

Project page here:

Patient safety for children and young people with intellectual disability



My Research Supervision

Areas of supervision

  • Intellectual disability health

  • Disability health
  • Preventive health care
  • Health literacy


Currently supervising

Phd student, Honours/ILP students

My Teaching

Phase 2 Society and Health: Intellectual Disability Mental Health & Communication

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+61 (2) 9065 9915