
My Expertise

Professor Russell has expertise in the areas of soil mechanics, rock mechanics, microstructure, geotechnical science, geotechnical engineering, unsaturated soils, soil-structure interactions, shallow foundations, retaining walls, physical modelling, analytical modelling, constitutive modelling, cone penetration testing, in situ testing, fibre reinforcement, granular media, particle mechanics, morphology, fractals, particle crushing, particle breakage, tailings, liquefaction, geotechnical earthquake engineering.

Fields of Research (FoR)

Civil Engineering, Civil Geotechnical Engineering


Professor and ARC Future Fellow in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Adrian Russell is a Professor in Geotechnical Engineering and an Australian Research Council Future Fellow in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at UNSW. 

As a geotechnical engineer, Russell looks to understand how infrastructure such as tailings storages, buildings, foundations, roads, tunnels, bridges, railways and ports interact with the...view more


Civil Engineering Building (H20)
Level 5, Room CE504
Kensington Campus


(+61 2) 9385 5035
(+61 2) 9385 6139