Select Publications

Journal articles

Callander D; Stoové M; Carr A; Hoy JF; Petoumenos K; Hellard M; Elliot J; Templeton DJ; Liaw S; Wilson DP; Grulich A; Cooper DA; Pedrana A; Donovan B; McMahon J; Prestage G; Holt M; Fairley CK; McKellar-Stewart N; Ruth S; Asselin J; Keen P; Cooper C; Allan B; Kaldor JM; Guy R; Cooper D; Liaw T, 2016, 'A longitudinal cohort study of HIV 'treatment as prevention' in gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men: The Treatment with Antiretrovirals and their Impact on Positive And Negative men (TAIPAN) study protocol', BMC Infectious Diseases, 16, pp. 752,

O'Dwyer EJ; Bhamra-Ariza P; Rao S; Emmanuel S; Carr A; Holloway CJ, 2016, 'Lower coronary plaque burden in patients with HIV presenting with acute coronary syndrome', Open Heart, 3,

Machalek DA; Jin F; Poynten IM; Hillman RJ; Templeton DJ; Law C; Roberts JM; Tabrizi SN; Garland SM; Farnsworth A; Fairley CK; Grulich AE; Acraman B; Adams M; Carr A; Carroll S; Cooper D; Cornall A; Crampton L; Ekman D; Feeney L; Fraissard E; Howard K; Law M; McCaffery K; McDonald R; McGrath P; Mellor R; Norris R; O'Dwyer M; Pendlebury S; Petoumenos K; Phillips S; Prestage G; Richards A; Schema L; Seeds D; Segelov E; Thurloe J; Tong W; Varma R, 2016, 'Prevalence and risk factors associated with high-grade anal squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSIL)-AIN2 and HSIL-AIN3 in homosexual men', Papillomavirus Research, 2, pp. 97 - 105,

Ezard N; Dunlop A; Clifford B; Bruno R; Carr A; Bissaker A; Lintzeris N, 2016, 'Study protocol: A dose-escalating, phase-2 study of oral lisdexamfetamine in adults with methamphetamine dependence', BMC Psychiatry, 16,

Revell AD; Wang D; Wood R; Morrow C; Tempelman H; Hamers RL; Reiss P; van Sighem AI; Nelson M; Montaner JSG; Lane HC; Larder BA; Harrigan R; de Wit TR; Sigaloff K; Agan B; Marconi V; Wegner S; Sugiura W; Zazzi M; Kaiser R; Schuelter E; Streinu-Cercel A; Alvarez-Uria G; Gatell J; Lazzari E; Gazzard B; Pozniak A; Mandalia S; Webster D; Smith C; Ruiz L; Clotet B; Staszewski S; Torti C; Lane C; Metcalf J; Perez-Elias MJ; Vella S; Dettorre G; Carr A; Norris R; Hesse K; Vlahakis E; Barth R; Hoffmann C; Ene L; Dragovic G; Diaz R; Sucupira C; Sued O; Cesar C; Madero JS; Emery S; Cooper D; Baxter J; Monno L; Picchio G; deBethune MP; Khabo P; Ledwaba L, 2016, 'An update to the HIV-TRePS system: The development and evaluation of new global and local computational models to predict HIV treatment outcomes, with or without a genotype', Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 71, pp. 2928 - 2937,


Lee FJ; Monteiro P; Baker D; Bloch M; Roth N; Finlayson R; Moore R; Hoy J; Martinez E; Carr A, 2016, 'Rosuvastatin vs. protease inhibitor switching for hypercholesterolaemia: a randomized trial', HIV Medicine, 17, pp. 605 - 614,

Roberts JM; Jin F; Thurloe JK; Ekman D; Adams MK; McDonald RL; Biro C; Poynten IM; Grulich AE; Farnsworth A; Aarnsworth R; Acraman B; Carr A; Carroll S; Cooper D; Cornall A; Crampton L; Fairley C; Farnsworth A; Feeney L; Garcia M; Garland S; Gluyas R; Hillman R; Howard K; Lawa F; Law C; Law M; Machalek D; McCaffery K; McGrath P; Mellor R; Pendlebury S; Petoumenos K; Pezzopane P; Phillips S; Mary Poynten I; Prestage G; Richards A; Seeds D; Segelov E; Tabrizi S; Templeton D; Tong W; Varma R, 2016, 'The value of a transformation zone component in anal cytology to detect HSIL', Cancer Cytopathology, 124, pp. 596 - 601,

Vaccher S; Grulich A; McAllister J; Templeton DJ; Bloch M; McNulty A; Holden J; Poynten IM; Prestage G; Zablotska I; Carr A; Cheung C; Foster R; Gianacas C; Guy R; Holt M; Kaldor J; Mackie B; Mayer K; Murphy D; Ooi C; Pell C; Ryder N; De Wit J; Wright E, 2016, 'Protocol for an open-label, single-arm trial of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) among people at high risk of HIV infection: the NSW Demonstration Project PRELUDE', BMJ Open, 6, pp. e012179corr1,

Stellbrink HJ; Le Fevre E; Carr A; Saag MS; Mukwaya G; Nozza S; Valluri SR; Vourvahis M; Rinehart AR; McFadyen L; Fichtenbaum C; Clark A; Craig C; Fang AF; Heera J, 2016, 'Once-daily maraviroc versus tenofovir/emtricitabine each combined with darunavir/ritonavir for initial HIV-1 treatment', AIDS, 30, pp. 1229 - 1238,

Lee FJ; Marriott D; Bloch M; Richardson R; Mackenzie N; Carr A, 2016, 'Post-prandial lipid effects of raltegravir versus darunavir/ritonavir in HIV-1-infected adults commencing combination ART', Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 71, pp. 1127 - 1129,

Cysique LA; Dermody N; Carr A; Brew BJ; Teesson M, 2016, 'The role of depression chronicity and recurrence on neurocognitive dysfunctions in HIV-infected adults', Journal of NeuroVirology, 22, pp. 56 - 65,

Hillman RJ; Gunathilake MPW; Jin F; Tong W; Field A; Carr A, 2016, 'Ability to detect high-grade squamous anal intraepithelial lesions at high resolution anoscopy improves over time', Sexual Health, 13, pp. 177 - 181,

James K; Al-Ali S; Tarn J; Cockell SJ; Gillespie CS; Hindmarsh V; Locke J; Mitchell S; Lendrem D; Bowman S; Price E; Pease CT; Emery P; Lanyon P; Hunter JA; Gupta M; Bombardieri M; Sutcliffe N; Pitzalis C; McLaren J; Cooper A; Regan M; Giles I; Isenberg D; Saravanan V; Coady D; Dasgupta B; McHugh N; Young-Min S; Moots R; Gendi N; Akil M; Griffiths B; Hall F; Bacabac EC; Chadravarty K; Lamabadusuriya S; Adeniba R; Hamburger J; Richards A; Rauz S; Brailsford S; Logan J; Mulherin D; Andrews J; McManus A; Booth A; Dimitroulas T; Kadiki L; Kaur D; Kitas G; Lloyd M; Moore L; Gordon E; Lawson C; Stirton L; Ortiz G; Clunie G; Rose G; Cuckow S; Knight S; Symmons D; Jones B; Carr A; Collins K; Corbett I; Downie C; Edgar S; Carrozzo M; Figuereido F; Foggo H; Hackett K; Macleod I; Mawson P; Natasari A; Stocks P; Jones A; Muir A; White P; Pugmire S; Watkins M; Field A; Kaye S; Mewar D; Medcalf P; Tomlinson P; Whiteside D; Pauling J; James J; Olaitan N; McDermott J; Godia O; Kidd E; Palmer L; Katsande V; Long P; Li C; Chandra U; MacKay K; Fedele S, 2015, 'A transcriptional signature of fatigue derived from patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome', PLoS ONE, 10,

Foster R; McAllister J; Read TR; Pierce AB; Richardson R; McNulty A; Carr A, 2015, 'Single-Tablet Emtricitabine-Rilpivirine-Tenofovir as HIV Postexposure Prophylaxis in Men Who Have Sex with Men', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 61, pp. 1336 - 1341,

Murray DD; Suzuki K; Law M; Trebicka J; Neuhaus J; Wentworth D; Johnson M; Vjecha MJ; Kelleher AD; Emery S; Aagaard B; Aragon E; Arnaiz J; Borup L; Clotet B; Dragsted U; Fau A; Gey D; Grarup J; Hengge U; Herrero P; Jansson P; Jensen B; Jensen K; Juncher H; Lopez P; Lundgren JD; Matthews C; Mollerup D; Pearson M; Phillips A; Reilev S; Tillmann K; Varea S; Angus B; Babiker A; Cordwell B; Darbyshire J; Dodds W; Fleck S; Horton J; Hudson F; Moraes Y; Pacciarini F; Palfreeman A; Paton N; Smith N; Van Hooff F; Bebchuk J; Collins G; Denning E; DuChene A; Fosdick L; Harrison M; Herman-Lamin K; Krum E; Larson G; Neaton J; Nelson R; Quan K; Quan S; Schultz T; Thompson G; Wyman N; Carey C; Chan F; Cooper D; Courtney-Rodgers D; Drummond F; Harrod M; Jacoby S; Kearney L; Lin E; Pett S; Robson R; Seneviratne N; Stewart M; Watts E; Finley E; Gordin F; Sánchez A; Standridge B; Belloso W; Davey R; Duprez D; Gatell J; Hoy J; Lifson A; Pederson C; Perez G; Price R; Prineas R; Rhame F; Sampson J; Worley J; Modlin J; Beral V; Chaisson R; Fleming T; Hill C; Bloch M; Cooper D; Konecny P; Carr A; Medland N; Sullivan J; Han A, 2015, 'Circulating microRNAs in sera correlate with soluble biomarkers of immune activation but do not predict mortality in ART treated individuals with HIV-1 infection: A case control study', PLoS ONE, 10, pp. e0139981,

Sasson SC; McGill K; Wienholt L; Carr A; Brown DA; Kelleher AD; Breit SN; Sewell WA, 2015, 'Comparison of the Freelite serum free light chain (SFLC) assay with serum and urine electrophoresis/immunofixation and the N Latex FLC assay', Pathology, 47, pp. 564 - 569,

Cysique LA; Dermody N; Carr A; Brew BJ; Teesson M, 2015, 'The role of depression chronicity and recurrence on neurocognitive dysfunctions in HIV-infected adults', Journal of NeuroVirology,

Templeton DJ; Wright ST; McManus H; Lawrence C; Russell DB; Law MG; Petoumenos K; Ellis D; Bloch M; Agrawal S; Vincent T; Allen D; Smith D; Allardice K; Baker D; Odgers E; O'Connor CC; Phan S; Jackson E; McCallum K; Grotowski M; Ryder N; Taylor S; Cooper D; Carr A; Lee F; McRae K; Hesse K; Finlayson R; Gupta S; Varma R; Shakeshaft J; Brown K; McGrath V; Halligan S; Arvela N; Wray L; Thng C; Foster R; Lu H; Couldwell D; DSmith E; Furner V; Fernando S; Dubbo ; Watson J; Mulhall B; Wright S; Bendall C; Boyd M; Gunathilake M; Payne R; O'Sullivan M; White S; Russell D; Joslin J; Cashman C; Sowden D; Taing K; McGill K; Orth D; Youds D; Kelly M; Rowling D; Latch N; Warzywoda E; Dickson B; Donohue W; Moore R; Edwards S; Boyd S; NRoth J; Lau H; Read T; Silvers J; Zeng W; Hoy J; Watson K; Bryant M; Price S; Woolley I; Giles M; Korman T; Williams J; Nolan D; Guelfi G; Mills G; Wharry C; Raymond N; Bargh K; Morwood K; Roth N; Choong K; Cooper D; Han A, 2015, 'Antiretroviral treatment use, co-morbidities and clinical outcomes among Aboriginal participants in the Australian HIV Observational Database (AHOD)', BMC Infectious Diseases, 15, pp. 326,

Roberts JM; Jin F; Thurloe JK; Biro C; Poynten IM; Tabrizi SN; Fairley CK; Templeton DJ; Carr AD; Garland SM; Hillman RJ; Cornall AM; Grulich AE; Farnsworth A, 2015, 'High reproducibility of histological diagnosis of human papillomavirus-related intraepithelial lesions of the anal canal', Pathology, 47, pp. 308 - 313,

Wright ST; Law MG; Cooper DA; Keen P; McDonald A; Middleton M; Woolley I; Kelly M; Petoumenos K; Ellis D; Bloch M; Agrawal S; Vincent T; Allen D; Little JL; Smith D; Mincham C; Baker D; Ieroklis V; Templeton DJ; O'Connor CC; Phan S; Jackson E; McCallum K; Grotowski M; Taylor S; Carr A; Lee F; Hesse K; Sinn K; Norris R; Finlayson R; Prone I; Patel A; Varma R; Shakeshaft J; Brown K; McGrath V; Halligan S; Wray L; Read P; Lu H; Couldwell D; Furner V; Fernando S; Chuah J; Watson J; Lawrence C; Mulhall B; McManus H; Bendall C; Boyd M; Ryder N; Payne R; Russell D; Doyle-Adams S; Sowden D; Taing K; McGill K; Orth D; Youds D; Gibson A; Magon H; Dickson B; Donohue W; Moore R; Edwards S; Liddle R; Locke P; Roth NJ; Lau H; Read T; Silvers J; Zeng W; Hoy J; Watson K; Bryant M; Price S; Giles M; Hoy J; Williams J; Nolan D; Robinson J; Morwood K; Roth N; Choong K; Li PCK; Lee MP; Vanar S; Faridah S; Kamarulzaman A; Choi JY; Vannary B; Ditangco R; Tsukada K; Pujari S; Makane A; Ng OT; Sasisopin AJ; Han A, 2015, 'Temporal trends of time to antiretroviral treatment initiation, interruption and modification: Examination of patients diagnosed with advanced HIV in Australia', Journal of the International AIDS Society, 18, pp. 19463,

Carr A; Grund B; Neuhaus J; Schwartz A; Bernardino J; White D; Badel-Faesen S; Avihingsanon A; Ensrud K; Hoy J, 2015, 'Prevalence of and risk factors for low bone mineral density in untreated HIV infection: A substudy of the INSIGHT Strategic Timing of AntiRetroviral Treatment (START) trial', HIV Medicine, 16, pp. 137 - 146,

Mocroft A; Lundgren JD; Ross M; Law M; Reiss P; Kirk O; Smith C; Wentworth D; Neuhaus J; Fux CA; Moranne O; Morlat P; Johnson MA; Ryom L; Powderly B; Shortman N; Moecklinghoff C; Reilly G; Franquet X; Sabin CA; Phillips A; Weber R; Pradier C; d'Arminio Monforte A; Dabis F; El-Sadr WM; De Wit S; Kamara D; Tverland J; Mansfeld M; Nielsen J; Raben D; Salbøl Brandt R; Rickenbach M; Fanti I; Krum E; Hillebregt M; Geffard S; Sundström A; Delforge M; Fontas E; Torres F; McManus H; Wright S; Kjær J; Sjøl A; Meidahl P; Helweg-Larsen J; Schmidt Iversen J; Kesselring AM; Friis-Møller N; Kowalska J; Sabin C; Bruyand M; Kamara DA; Bower M; Fätkenheuer G; Donald A; Grulich A; Prins JM; Kuijpers TW; Scherpbier HJ; van der Meer JTM; Wit FWMN; Godfried MH; van der Poll T; Nellen FJB; Geerlings SE; van Vugt M; Pajkrt D; Bos JC; Wiersinga WJ; van der Valk M; Goorhuis A; Hovius JW; van Eden J; Henderiks A; van Hes AMH; Mutschelknauss M; Nobel HE; Pijnappel FJJ; Westerman AM; Jurriaans S; Back NKT; Zaaijer HL; Berkhout B; Cornelissen MTE; Schinkel CJ; Thomas XV; van den Berge M; Stegeman A; Baas S; Hage de Looff L; Versteeg D; Pronk MJH; Ammerlaan HSM; Korsten-Vorstermans EMHM; de Munnik ES; Jansz AR; Tjhie J; Finlayson R; Cooper D; Carr A; Bloch M; Harrod M; Pett S; Petoumenos K; Gold J; Medland N; Sullivan J; Han A, 2015, 'Development and Validation of a Risk Score for Chronic Kidney Disease in HIV Infection Using Prospective Cohort Data from the D:A:D Study', PLoS Medicine, 12, pp. e1001809,

Han N; Wright ST; O'Connor CC; Hoy J; Ponnampalavanar S; Grotowski M; Zhao HX; Kamarulzaman A; Ellis D; Bloch M; Franic T; Agrawal S; McCann L; Cunningham N; Vincent T; Allen D; Little JL; Smith D; Gray C; Baker D; Vale R; Templeton DJ; Dijanosic C; Jackson E; McCallum K; Taylor S; Cooper D; Carr A; Lee F; Hesse K; Sinn K; Norris R; Finlayson R; Prone I; Shakeshaft J; Brown K; McGrath C; McGrath V; Halligan S; Wray L; Read P; Lu H; Couldwell D; Furner V; Watson J; Lawrence C; Mulhall B; Law M; Petoumenos K; McManus H; Bendall C; Boyd M; Kulatunga A; Knibbs P; Chuah J; Ngieng M; Dickson B; Russell D; Downing S; Sowden D; Broom J; Taing K; Johnston C; McGill K; Orth D; Youds D; Kelly M; Gibson A; Magon H; Donohue W; Moore R; Edwards S; Liddle R; Locke P; Roth NJ; Nicolson J; Lau H; Read T; Silvers J; Zeng W; Watson K; Bryant M; Price S; Woolley I; Giles M; Korman T; Williams J; Nolan D; Skett J; Robinson J; Mean CV; Saphonn V; Vohith K; Zhang FJ; Li PCK; Lee MP; Kumarasamy N; Saghayam S; Ezhilarasi C; Pujari S, 2015, 'HIV and aging: Insights from the Asia Pacific HIV Observational Database (APHOD)', HIV Medicine, 16, pp. 152 - 160,

Tong WWY; Shepherd K; Garland S; Meagher A; Templeton DJ; Fairley CK; Jin F; Poynten IM; Zaunders J; Hillman RJ; Grulich AE; Kelleher AD; Carr A; Acraman B; Fraissard E; Law C; McGrath P; Mellor R; Norris R; O'Dwyer M; Seeds D; Thompson K; Varma R; Adams M; Biro C; Cornall A; Crampton L; Ekman D; Ellard J; Farnsworth A; Feeney L; Howard K; Hyne S; Law M; Machalek D; McCaffery K; McDonald R; Pendlebury S; Petoumenos K; Phillips S; Prestage G; Richards A; Roberts J; Schema L; Segelov E; Tabrizi S; Thurloe J; Bailey M; Cunningham P; Fsadni B; Grassi K; Ip S; Lograsso M; McBride K; Merlin K; Munier M-L; Piperias M; Xu Y, 2015, 'Human Papillomavirus 16-Specific T-Cell Responses and Spontaneous Regression of Anal High-Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesions', Journal of Infectious Diseases, 211, pp. 405 - 415,

Lee FJ; Carr A, 2015, 'Dyslipidemia in hiv-infected patients', , pp. 155 - 176,

Lee FJ; Amin J; Carr A, 2015, 'Limited reporting of major harms in studies of initial combination antiretroviral therapy: A systematic review', AIDS, 29, pp. 921 - 929,

McManus H; Petoumenos K; Brown K; Baker D; Russell D; Read T; Smith D; Wray L; Giles M; Hoy J; Carr A; Law MG; Australian HIV Observational Database , 2015, 'Loss to follow-up in the Australian HIV Observational Database', Antiviral Therapy, 20, pp. 731 - 741,

Langton-Lockton J; Hesse K; Carr A; Field AS; Hillman RJ, 2015, 'P10.04 A new paradigm for follow-up of men with anal squamous cell cancer (ascc)', Sexually Transmitted Infections, 91, pp. A166.1 - A166,

Tong WWY; Turville S; Roberts J; Zaunders J; Jin F; Poynten IM; Hillman RJ; Grulich AE; Kelleher AD; Carr A, 2015, 'P10.10 T-cells in the anal mucosa of men with high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions', Sexually Transmitted Infections, 91, pp. A168.2 - A168,

Sasson SC; McGill K; Wienholt L; Carr A; Brown D; Kelleher AD; Breit SN; Sewell WA, 2015, 'Retrospective audit of the freeliteTM serum free light chain (SFLC) assay: testing patterns, concordance with serum and urine electrophoresis/immunofixation and correlation with the N latex FLC assay', Pathology, 47, pp. S94 - S94,

Romero L; Nieuwenhuijse M; Carr A; Sedrakyan A, 2014, 'Review of clinical outcomes-based anchors of minimum clinically important differences in hip and knee registry-based reports and publications', Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery - American Volume, 96, pp. 98 - 103,

Lee FJ; Amin J; Carr A, 2014, 'Efficacy of initial antiretroviral therapy for HIV-1 infection in adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis of 114 studies with up to 144 weeks' follow-up', PLoS ONE, 9,

Peacock A; Bruno R; Martin FH; Carr A, 2014, 'Self-reported physiological and psychological side-effects of an acute alcohol and energy drink dose', Appetite, 76, pp. 60 - 65,

Haskelberg H; Pocock N; Amin J; Ebeling PR; Emery S; Carr A; Post J; Medland N; Boyd M, 2014, 'Hip structural parameters over 96 weeks in HIV-infected adults switching treatment to tenofovir-emtricitabine or abacavir-lamivudine', PLoS ONE, 9, pp. e94858,

Revell AD; Wang D; Wood R; Morrow C; Tempelman H; Hamers R; Alvarez-Uria G; Streinu-Cercel A; Ene L; Wensing A; Reiss P; van Sighem AI; Nelson M; Emery S; Montaner JSG; Lane HC; Larder BA; Reiss P; van Sighem A; Montaner J; Harrigan R; Rinke de Wit T; Hamers R; Sigaloff K; Agan B; Marconi V; Wegner S; Sugiura W; Zazzi M; Streinu-Cercel A; Alvarez-Uria G; Gatell J; Lazzari E; Gazzard B; Nelson M; Pozniak A; Mandalia S; Ruiz L; Clotet B; Staszewski S; Torti C; Lane C; Metcalf J; Perez-Elias M-J; Carr A; Norris R; Hesse K; Vlahakis E; Tempelman H; Barth R; Morrow C; Wood R; Ene L; Dragovic G; Cooper D; Torti C; Baxter J; Monno L; Torti C; Gatell J; Clotet B; Picchio G; deBethune M-P; Perez-Elias M-J, 2014, 'An update to the HIV-TRePS system: the development of new computational models that do not require a genotype to predict HIV treatment outcomes', Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 69, pp. 1104 - 1110,

Tong WWY; Hillman RJ; Kelleher AD; Grulich AE; Carr A, 2014, 'Anal intraepithelial neoplasia and squamous cell carcinoma in HIV-infected adults', HIV Medicine, 15, pp. 65 - 76,

Duda SN; Farr AM; Lindegren ML; Blevins M; Wester CW; Wools-Kaloustian K; Ekouevi DK; Egger M; Hemingway-Foday J; Cooper DA; Moore RD; McGowan CC; Nash D; Saphonn V; Saramony S; Han N; Lee MP; Zhang F; Bele V; Pujari S; Merati T; Ramadian O; Yuliana F; Yunihastuti E; Oka S; Takano M; Kajindran A; Kamarulzaman A; Low LL; Sim BLH; Capistrano R; Ditangco R; Kuo LH; Wong WW; Chaiwarith R; Khongpattanayothin M; Kiertiburanakul S; Kotarathititum W; Phanuphak P; Piyavong B; Fou E; Ng OT; Choi JY; Han SH; Carr A; Chuah J; Dickson B; Hoy J; Ji J; Norris R; Templeton D; Watson K; Bendall C; Jiamsakul A; Law MG; McManus H; Durier N; Petersen B; Sohn AH; Rodriguez B; Gill MJ; Saag MS; Mugavero MJ; Willig J; Eron JJ; Napravnik S; Kitahata MM; Crane HM; Drozd DR; Sterling TR; Haas D; Bebawy S; Turner M; Gange SJ; Althoff KN; McKaig RG; Justice AC; Freeman AM; Lent C; Van Rompaey SE; Morton L; McReynolds J; Lober WB; Abraham AG; Lau B; Zhang J; Jing Y; Golub E; Modur S; Wong C; Mendes A; Masys DR; Minor B; Wehbe F; Cahn P; Krolewiecki A; Cesar C; Schechter M; Faulhaber JC; Wolff M, 2014, 'Characteristics and comprehensiveness of adult HIV care and treatment programmes in Asia-Pacific, sub-Saharan Africa and the Americas: Results of a site assessment conducted by the International epidemiologic Databases to Evaluate AIDS (IeDEA) Collaboration', Journal of the International AIDS Society, 17,

Lee FJ; Tong WWY; Richardson R; Mackenzie N; Carr A, 2014, 'Metabolic effects of ritonavir-boosted atazanavir and darunavir in HIV-negative adults: A randomised comparison', Journal of AIDS and Clinical Research, 5,

Mcallister J; Read P; Mcnulty A; Tong W; Ingersoll A; Carr A, 2014, 'Raltegravir-emtricitabine-tenofovir as HIV nonoccupational post-exposure prophylaxis in men who have sex with men: Safety, tolerability and adherence', HIV Medicine, 15, pp. 13 - 22,

Bloch M; Tong W; Hoy J; Baker D; Lee F; Richardson R; Carr A, 2014, 'Switch from tenofovir to raltegravir increases low bone mineral density and decreases markers of bone turnover over 48 weeks', HIV Medicine, 15, pp. 373 - 380,

Cysique LA; Heaton RK; Kamminga J; Lane T; Gates TM; Moore DM; Hubner E; Carr A; Brew BJ, 2014, 'HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder in Australia: a case of a high-functioning and optimally treated cohort and implications for international neuroHIV research', Journal of NeuroVirology, 20, pp. 258 - 268,

Guy R; Wand H; McManus H; Vonthanak S; Woolley I; Honda M; Read T; Sirisanthana T; Zhou J; Carr A, 2013, 'Antiretroviral treatment interruption and loss to follow-Up in Two HIV Cohorts in Australia and Asia: Implications for 'Test and Treat' Prevention Strategy', AIDS Patient Care and STDs, 27, pp. 681 - 691,

Worm SW; Bower M; Reiss P; Bonnet F; Law M; Fätkenheuer G; d'Arminio Monforte A; Abrams DI; Grulich A; Fontas E; Kirk O; Furrer H; Wit SD; Phillips A; Lundgren JD; Sabin CA; Butcher D; Delforge M; Fanti I; Franquet X; Geffard S; Gras L; Helweg-Larsen J; Hillebregt M; Kamara D; Kjær J; Krum E; McManus H; Meidahl P; Mocroft A; Nielsen J; Powderl W; Rickenbach M; Rode R; Ryom L; Salbøl Brandt R; Schmidt Iversen J; Shortman N; Sjøl A; Smith C; Torres F; Tverland J; Wright S; Zaheri S; de Wolf F; Smidt J; Ristola M; Katlama C; Viard JP; Girard PM; Livrozet JM; Vanhems P; Pradier C; Dabis F; Neau D; Rockstroh J; Schmidt R; Degen O; van Lunzen J; Stellbrink HJ; Staszewski S; Bogner J; Gargalianos P; Kosmidis J; Perdios J; Xylomenos G; Filandras A; Karabatsaki E; Panos G; Sambatakou H; Banhegyi D; Mulcahy F; Burke M; Turner D; Yust I; Hassoun G; Pollack S; Maayan S; Vella S; Esposito R; Mazeu I; Mussini C; Arici C; Pristera R; Gabbuti A; Mazzotta F; Lichtner M; Vullo V; Boer K; Geerlings SE; Godfried MH; Kuijpers TW; Lange JMA; Nellen FJB; Pajkrt D; Prins JM; Scherpbier HJ; Vrouenraets SME; Wit FWMN; van Vugt M; Cooper D; Petoumenos K; Carr A; Bloch M; Han A, 2013, 'Non-AIDS defining cancers in the D:A:D Study - time trends and predictors of survival: A cohort study', BMC Infectious Diseases, 13, pp. 471,

Tong WWY; Jin F; McHugh LC; Maher T; Sinclair B; Grulich AE; Hillman RJ; Carr A, 2013, 'Progression to and spontaneous regression of high-grade anal squamous intraepithelial lesions in HIV-infected and uninfected men', AIDS, 27, pp. 2233 - 2243,

Guy R; El-Hayek C; Fairley CK; Wand H; Carr A; McNulty A; Hoy J; Bourne C; McAllister J; Tee BK; Baker D; Roth N; Stoove M; Chen M, 2013, 'Opt-Out and Opt-In Testing Increases Syphilis Screening of HIV-Positive Men Who Have Sex with Men in Australia', PLoS ONE, 8,

Peacock A; Bruno R; Martin FH; Carr A, 2013, 'The Impact of Alcohol and Energy Drink Consumption on Intoxication and Risk-Taking Behavior', Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 37, pp. 1234 - 1242,

Jansson J; Wilson DP; Carr A; Petoumenos K; Boyd MA, 2013, 'Currently available medications in resource-rich settings may not be sufficient for lifelong treatment of HIV', AIDS, 27, pp. 1245 - 1251,

Peacock A; Martin FH; Carr A, 2013, 'Energy drink ingredients. Contribution of caffeine and taurine to performance outcomes', Appetite, 64, pp. 1 - 4,

Mcallister J; Beardsworth G; Lavie E; Macrae K; Carr A, 2013, 'Financial stress is associated with reduced treatment adherence in HIV-infected adults in a resource-rich setting', HIV Medicine, 14, pp. 120 - 124,

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