Select Publications
Journal articles
2017, 'The longitudinal relationship between post-traumatic stress disorder and perceived social support in survivors of traumatic injury', Psychological Medicine, 47, pp. 115 - 126,
,2016, 'Attachment style and interpersonal trauma in refugees', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 50, pp. 1161 - 1168,
,2016, 'The generational gap: Mental disorder prevalence and disability amongst first and second generation immigrants in Australia', Journal of Psychiatric Research, 83, pp. 103 - 111,
,2016, 'The Impact of Interpersonal and Noninterpersonal Trauma on Psychological Symptoms in Refugees: The Moderating Role of Gender and Trauma Type', Journal of traumatic stress, 29, pp. 457 - 465,
,2016, 'The Relationship Between Post-Migration Stress and Psychological Disorders in Refugees and Asylum Seekers', Current Psychiatry Reports, 18,
,2016, 'Emotional suppression in torture survivors: Relationship to posttraumatic stress symptoms and trauma-related negative affect', Psychiatry Research, 242, pp. 233 - 239,
,2016, 'Prediction of late-onset psychiatric disorder in survivors of severe injury: Findings of a latent transition analysis', Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 77, pp. 807 - 812,
,2016, 'Heart rate variability and the relationship between trauma exposure age, and psychopathology in a post-conflict setting', BMC Psychiatry, 16,
,2016, 'Challenging future, challenging past: The relationship of social integration and psychological impairment in raumatized refugees', European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 7,
,2016, 'Somatisation and anger are associated with symptom severity of posttraumatic stress disorder in severely traumatised refugees and asylum seekers', Swiss medical weekly, 146, pp. w14311,
,2016, 'The factor structure of complex posttraumatic stress disorder in traumatized refugees', European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 7, pp. 33253,
,2015, 'Early PTSD symptom sub-clusters predicting chronic posttraumatic stress following sexual assault', Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 7, pp. 442 - 447,
,2015, 'Longitudinal analysis of latent classes of psychopathology and patterns of class migration in survivors of severe injury', Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 76, pp. 1193 - 1199,
,2015, 'A Comparison of DSM-5 and DSM-IV Diagnostic Criteria for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Traumatized Refugees', Journal of Traumatic Stress, 28, pp. 267 - 274,
,2015, 'The temporal relationship between change in symptoms of prolonged grief and posttraumatic stress following old age spousal bereavement', Depression and Anxiety, 32, pp. 335 - 340,
,2015, 'Trajectory of post-traumatic stress following traumatic injury: 6-year follow-up', British Journal of Psychiatry, 206, pp. 417 - 423,
,2015, 'Moral injury in traumatized refugees', Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 84, pp. 122 - 123,
,2015, 'Emotion dysregulation mediates the relationship between trauma exposure, post-migration living difficulties and psychological outcomes in traumatized refugees', Journal of Affective Disorders, 173, pp. 185 - 192,
,2015, 'Latent structure of the proposed ICD-11 post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms: Implications for the diagnostic algorithm', British Journal of Psychiatry, 206, pp. 245 - 251,
,2015, 'An evaluation of the DSM-5 factor structure for posttraumatic stress disorder in survivors of traumatic injury', Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 29, pp. 43 - 51,
,2014, 'Treating prolonged grief disorder a randomized clinical trial', JAMA Psychiatry, 71, pp. 1332 - 1339,
,2014, 'Impact of the diagnostic changes to post-traumatic stress disorder for DSM-5 and the proposed changes to ICD-11', British Journal of Psychiatry, 205, pp. 230 - 235,
,2014, 'The mechanisms of psychosocial injury following human rights violations, mass trauma, and torture', Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 21, pp. 172 - 191,
,2014, 'Effects of recurrent violence on post-traumatic stress disorder and severe distress in conflict-affected Timor-Leste: a 6-year longitudinal study', The Lancet Global Health, 2, pp. e293 - e300,
,2014, 'Posttraumatic stress disorder and prolonged grief in refugees exposed to trauma and loss', BMC Psychiatry, 14,
,2014, 'Mechanisms of psychological distress following war in the former Yugoslavia: The role of interpersonal sensitivity', PLoS ONE, 9,
,2014, 'A randomized controlled trial of an internet-based therapist-assisted indicated preventive intervention for prolonged grief disorder', Behaviour Research and Therapy, 61, pp. 23 - 34,
,2014, 'The temporal relationship between posttraumatic stress disorder and: Problem alcohol use following traumatic injury', Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 123, pp. 821 - 834,
,2013, 'Dreams of the Dead Among Cambodian Refugees: Frequency, Phenomenology, and Relationship to Complicated Grief and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder', Death Studies, 37, pp. 750 - 767,
,2013, 'Prolonged Grief in Cambodian Refugees Following Genocide: Rebirth Concerns and Avoidance of Reminders', Journal of Loss and Trauma, 18, pp. 444 - 460,
,2013, 'Perceived military organizational support and peacekeeper distress: A longitudinal investigation', Psychological Services, 10, pp. 177 - 185,
,2013, 'Achieving convergence between a community-based measure of explosive anger and a clinical interview for intermittent explosive disorder in Timor-Leste.', Journal of Affective Disorders, 150, pp. 1242 - 1246,
,2013, 'Effectiveness of a day program for patients with eating disorders', Journal of Eating Disorders, 1,
,2013, 'Patterns of lifetime PTSD comorbidity: A latent class analysis', Depression and Anxiety, 30, pp. 489 - 496,
,2012, 'A comparison of retrieval vantage perspective of positive and negative intrusive memories', Journal of Experimental Psychopathology, 3, pp. 168 - 177,
,2012, 'A prospective investigation of mental health following sexual assault', Depression and Anxiety
,2012, 'Accidental and Intentional Perpetration of Serious Injury or Death: Correlates and Relationship to Trauma Exposure', Journal of Trauma - Injury Infection and Critical Care, 71, pp. 1821 - 1828,
,2012, 'Admixture analysis of the diagnostic subtypes of social anxiety disorder: Implications for the DSM-V', Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 43, pp. 752 - 757,
,2012, 'Comparison of retrieval vantage perspective of positive and negative intrusive memories', Journal of Experimental Psychopathology, 3, pp. 168 - 177,
,2012, 'Functional impairment in social anxiety disorder', Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 26, pp. 393 - 400,
,2012, 'Latent Classes of PTSD Symptoms in Vietnam Veterans', Behavior Modification, 36, pp. 857 - 874,
,2012, 'Normal grief and complicated bereavement among Cambodian refugees: Cultural context and the central role of dreams of the deceased', Culture Medicine and Psychiatry
,2012, 'Prolonged grief in Cambodian refugees following genocide', Loss and Trauma
,2012, 'Sudden gains during psychological treatments of anxiety and depression: A meta-analysis', Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 80, pp. 93 - 101
,2012, 'The impacts of parental loss and adverse parenting on mental health: Findings from the National Comorbidity Survey-Replication', Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy
,2012, 'The relationship between childhood exposure to trauma and intermittent explosive disorder', Psychiatry Research, 197, pp. 128 - 134,
,2012, 'The Relationship between role, attributions of responsibility, and posttraumatic stress disorder following motor vehicle accidents', Depression and Anxiety
,2012, 'The role of attribution of trauma responsibility in posttraumatic stress disorder following motor vehicle accidents', Depression and Anxiety, 30, pp. 483 - 488,
,2011, 'A critical review of psychological treatments of posttraumatic stress disorder in refugees', Clinical Psychology Review, 31, pp. 399 - 417,
,2011, 'Anger regulation in traumatized Cambodian refugees: The perspectives of Buddhist monks', Culture Medicine and Psychiatry, 35, pp. 396 - 416,