Select Publications
Journal articles
2016, '“Whenever they cry, I cry with them”: Reciprocal relationships and the role of ethics in a verbal autopsy study in Papua New Guinea: Dedication: This paper is dedicated to the life and memory of our colleague Mr. Albert Sie.', Social Science and Medicine, 163, pp. 1 - 9,
,2016, 'Field evaluation of xpert HPV point-of-care test for detection of human papillomavirus infection by use of self-collected vaginal and clinician-collected cervical specimens', Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 54, pp. 1734 - 1737,
,2016, 'Feasibility and acceptability of clean birth kits containing misoprostol for self-administration to prevent postpartum hemorrhage in rural Papua New Guinea', International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 133, pp. 301 - 306,
,2015, 'Sexual and reproductive health risks amongst female adolescents who use amphetamine-type stimulants and sell sex: A qualitative inquiry in Yunnan, China', Harm Reduction Journal, 12,
,2015, 'Sex, violence and HIV on the inside: cultures of violence, denial, gender inequality and homophobia negatively influence the health outcomes of those in closed settings', Culture, Health and Sexuality, 17, pp. 990 - 1003,
,2015, 'P10.02 Field evaluation of the xpert hpv test for the detection of human papillomavirus infection in women using self-collected vaginal compared to clinician-collected cervical specimens', Sexually Transmitted Infections, 91, pp. A165 - A165
,2015, 'Factors influencing antiretroviral adherence and virological outcomes in people living with HIV in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea', PLoS ONE, 10, pp. e0134918,
,2015, 'Unsafe abortion requiring hospital admission in the Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea - A descriptive study of women's and health care workers' experiences', Reproductive Health, 12,
,2015, 'Childbirth in a rural highlands community in Papua New Guinea: A descriptive study', Midwifery, 31, pp. 380 - 387,
,2015, 'The current state of play of research on the social, political and legal dimensions of HIV', Cadernos de Saúde Pública, 31, pp. 477 - 486,
,2014, 'Hospital admission following induced abortion in Eastern Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea - A descriptive study', PLoS ONE, 9, pp. e110791,
,2014, 'Building social currency with foreskin cuts: A coping mechanism of Papua New Guinea health workers and the implications for new programmes', Health Policy and Planning, 29, pp. 902 - 911,
,2014, '‘We call it a virus but I want to say it’s the devil inside’: Redemption, moral reform and relationships with God among people living with HIV in Papua New Guinea', Social Science and Medicine, 119, pp. 106 - 113,
,2014, 'Impact of male circumcision on the HIV epidemic in Papua New Guinea: A country with extensive foreskin cutting practices', PLoS ONE, 9, pp. e104531,
,2014, 'It's not business as usual: What should PNG's HIV response be and Is there a place for human rights?', Human Rights Defender, 23, pp. 29 - 31
,2014, 'Birth in the Age of AIDS: Women, Reproduction, and HIV/AIDS in India', ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF ANTHROPOLOGY, 15, pp. 288 - 289,
,2014, 'Is endemic political corruption hampering provision of ART and PMTCT in developing countries?', Journal of the International AIDS Society, 17, pp. 18568,
,2014, ''Mobile men with money': HIV prevention and the erasure of difference', Global Public Health, 9, pp. 257 - 270,
,2014, 'Presence of HIV drug resistance in antiretroviral therapy-naive and -experienced patients from Papua New Guinea', Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 69, pp. 2183 - 2186,
,2014, ''Mobile men with money': HIV prevention and the erasure of difference', Global Public Health,
,2014, 'Anal Sex, Vaginal Sex and HIV Risk Among Female Sex Workers in Papua New Guinea', AIDS and Behavior, 18, pp. 573 - 582,
,2013, 'A systematic review of heterosexual anal intercourse and its role in the transmission of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections in Papua New Guinea', BMC Public Health, 13, pp. 1108,
,2013, 'Public health in/as 'national security': Tuberculosis and the contemporary regime of border control in Australia', Critical Public Health, 23, pp. 418 - 431,
,2013, 'Exploring women's perspectives of access to care during pregnancy and childbirth: A qualitative study from rural papua new guinea', Midwifery, 29, pp. 1222 - 1229,
,2013, 'Infant feeding in the context of HIV: A qualitative study of health care workers' knowledge of recommended infant feeding options in Papua New Guinea', International Breastfeeding Journal, 8, pp. 6,
,2013, 'An anthropology of empathy', Anthropology in Action, 20, pp. 48 - 49
,2013, 'Sociocultural and individual determinants for motivation of sexual and reproductive health workers in Papua New Guinea and their implications for male circumcision as an HIV prevention strategy', Human Resources for Health, pp. 7,
,2013, 'Why women object to male circumcision to prevent HIV in a moderate-prevalence setting', Qualitative Health Research, 23, pp. 180 - 193,
,2013, 'Listening to diverse community voices: the tensions of responding to community expectations in developing a male circumcision program for HIV prevention in Papua New Guinea', BMC Public Health, 13, pp. 749 - 749,
,2013, 'Sexual risk behaviour, marriage and ART: a study of HIV-positive people in Papua New Guinea', AIDS Research and Therapy, 10, pp. 1 - 12,
,, 2012, 'Track D Social Science, Human Rights and Political Science', Journal of the International AIDS Society, 15,
2012, 'Analysis of political governance as a determinant of level of ART coverage using country-level data', JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL AIDS SOCIETY, 15, pp. 213 - 213,
,2012, '"Now we are in a different time; various bad diseases have come." Understanding men's acceptability of male circumcision for HIV prevention in a moderate prevalence setting', BMC Public Health, 12, pp. 67,
,2012, 'A typology of penile cutting in Papua New Guinea: Results of a modified Delphi study among sexual health specialists', AIDS Care - Psychological and Socio - Medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV, 24, pp. 77 - 86,
,2012, 'Intravaginal practices and microbicide acceptability in Papua New Guinea: implications for HIV prevention in a moderate-prevalence setting', BMC Research Notes, 5, pp. 613,
,2012, 'More than just a cut: A qualitative study of penile practices and their relationship to masculinity, sexuality and contagion and their implications for HIV prevention in Papua New Guinea', BMC International Health and Human Rights, 12, pp. Article number10,
,2012, 'Vasectomy as a proxy: extrapolating health system lessons to male circumcision as an HIV prevention strategy in Papua New Guinea', BMC Health Services Research, 12, pp. 299,
,2012, 'Why women object to male circumcision to prevent HIV in a middle prevalence country', Qualitative Health Research, S1:23, pp. 180 - 193,
,2011, 'Health workers, health facilities and penile cutting in papua new guinea: implications for male circumcision as an HIV prevention strategy.', Papua and New Guinea medical journal, 54, pp. 109 - 122
,2011, 'Male circumcision for HIV prevention in Papua New Guinea: a summary of research evidence and recommendations for public health following a national policy forum.', Papua and New Guinea medical journal, 54, pp. 91 - 108
,2011, 'Moresby food isn't good: food security, nutritional information and adherence to antiretroviral therapy in Papua New Guinea.', Papua and New Guinea medical journal, 54, pp. 23 - 34
,2011, 'Living serodiscordantly in Papua New Guinea: sexual practices of HIV-positive people on ART by serostatus of regular heterosexual partner', AIDS Care - Psychological and Socio - Medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV, 23, pp. 734 - 740,
,2010, 'Barriers and facilitators for adherence to antiretroviral therapy in Papua New Guinea', Current HIV Research, 8, pp. 630 - 637,
,2010, 'Gendered talk about sex, sexual relationships and HIV among young people in Papua New Guinea', Culture, Health and Sexuality, 12, pp. 221 - 232,
,2010, 'Lost the feel for the game: Meanings of onset and diagnosis of AIDS dementia for significant others', Qualitative Health Research, 20, pp. 531 - 540,
,2009, 'Christian discourses in young people's narrative of sex and HIV in Eastern Highlands Province in Papua New Guinea', Catalyst: Social Pastoral Journal for Melanesia, 39, pp. 102 - 112
,2009, 'The role of HIV social research in the response efforts to the HIV epidemic in Papua New Guinea', Papua New Guinea Medical Journal, 52, pp. 35 - 43,;dn=360921634885354;res=IELHEA
,2008, 'Forgetting and the memory of forgetting: The material and symbolic role of memory in the intersubjective lives of people with AIDS dementia', Dementia, 7, pp. 451 - 460
,2008, 'Living loss: an exploration of the internal space of liminality', Mortality, 13, pp. 335 - 350
,2008, 'The Body of Christ has AIDS: The Catholic Church Responding Faithfully to HIV and AIDS in Papua New Guinea', Journal of Religion and Health, 48, pp. 16 - 28