Select Publications
Journal articles
2008, 'The intentionality of insight: The meanings given to insight in the lived experiences of AIDS dementia', Dementia, 7, pp. 521 - 544
,2007, 'Strengthening HIV Social Research in PNG', In Development, pp. 2 - 2
,2007, 'Hope is forked: Hope, loss, treatments, and AIDS dementia', Qualitative Health Research, 17, pp. 866 - 872
,2004, 'The Scent of Positive Lives: (Re)Memoralizing Our Loved Ones', Qualitative Inquiry
,2003, '‘My Brain was pickled and fried’: Listening to the narratives of onset and diagnosis of AIDS dementia for those with the condition and their significant others', Nursing Review: Aged Care Supplement, pp. 4 - 4
,2002, 'Making Community: Individuals and families living with and affected by haemophilia, HIV/AIDS and other blood borne viruses', Culture, Health and Sexuality