
My Expertise

Rapid evolution, Introduced species, Responses of Australian plants to climate change, Seed ecology, Plant-animal interactions, Enemy release and biocontrol, Global patterns in plant ecology

Fields of Research (FoR)

Ecology, Evolutionary Biology, Biogeography, Invasive SpeciesEcology, Ecological Impacts of Climate Change

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I am a member of the Evolution & Ecology Research Centre, the ARC College of Experts, the NSW Threatened Species Scientific Committee, the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Advisory Panel, the Australian Flora Foundation Council and Scientific Committee. I am Acting Director - Inspiring Ecology Teaching for the Ecological Society of Australia, and I am the Chair of the School of BEES Equity, Diversity and Inclusion committee.

My lab webpage is...view more


Biological Sciences Building (D26, 4th floor east), Room 401e
Lab: Samuels 121


+61 2 9065 1193


A combination of science communication and beautiful classical music, performed in the City Recital Hall in June 2021.
My talk at 2012 TEDxSydney - about how introduced species are evolving, and whether we will eventually accept them as new native species.
Grand challenge lecture at QUT in 2014
Video made when I received a L'Oreal for Women in Science Fellowship in 2008
This Sounds Like Science: Ecosystems in a Warming World
Our Relationship with Weeds: Angela Moles at TEDxSydney
Grand Challenge Lecture at QUT, 2014
Angela Moles, L'ORÉAL fellow 2008
Frank Fenner Prize for Life Scientist of the Year 2013