Select Publications

Journal articles

Oliver RA; Lovric V; Christou C; Walsh WR, 2021, 'Author Correction: Comparative osteoconductivity of bone void fillers with antibiotics in a critical size bone defect model (Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, (2020), 31, 9, (80), 10.1007/s10856-020-06418-1)', Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, 32,

Parr WCH; Wang T; Tan C; Dan MJ; Walsh WR; Morberg P, 2021, 'Fatigue implications for bending orthopaedic plates', Injury, 52, pp. 2896 - 2902,

Mobbs R; Amin T; Ho D; McEvoy A; Lovric V; Walsh W, 2021, 'Integral fixation titanium/polyetheretherketone cages for cervical arthrodesis: Two-year clinical outcomes and fusion rates using β-tricalcium phosphate or supercritical carbon dioxide treated allograft', Journal of Craniovertebral Junction and Spine, 12, pp. 368 - 375,

Lun KK; Bennie S; Crowley JD; Lucas P; Cross M; Walsh WR; Dan MJ, 2021, 'Sagittal patellar flexion angle measurement determines greater incidence of patella alta in patellar tendinopathy patients', Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, 29, pp. 3115 - 3123,

Browne KL; Crowley JD; Tan CJ; O'Sullivan CB; Walsh WR, 2021, 'Effect of ultraviolet-C light on the environmental bacterial bioburden in various veterinary facilities', AMERICAN JOURNAL OF VETERINARY RESEARCH, 82, pp. 581 - 587,

Browne KL; Crowley JD; Tan CJ; O’sullivan CB; Walsh WR, 2021, 'Effect of ultraviolet-c light on the environmental bacterial bioburden in various veterinary facilities', American Journal of Veterinary Research, 82, pp. 582 - 588,

Causey GC; Picha GJ; Price J; Pelletier MH; Wang T; Walsh WR, 2021, 'In-Vivo response to a novel pillared surface morphology for osseointegration in an ovine model', Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 119,

White MJ; Parr WCH; Wang T; Schick BF; Walsh WR, 2021, 'Effect of Bicortical Interfragmentary Screw Size on the Fixation of Metacarpal Shaft Fractures: A 3-Dimensional-Printed Biomechanical Study', Journal of Hand Surgery Global Online, 3, pp. 154 - 159,

Kelly CN; Lin AS; Leguineche KE; Shekhar S; Walsh WR; Guldberg RE; Gall K, 2021, 'Functional repair of critically sized femoral defects treated with bioinspired titanium gyroid-sheet scaffolds', Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 116,

Basa RM; Parr WCH; Tan CJ; Walsh WR; Johnson KA, 2021, 'Kinematics of the Feline Antebrachiocarpal Joint from Supination to Pronation', Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology, 34, pp. 115 - 123,

Dan MJ; Parr WCH; Crowley JD; Oliver RA; Kai Lun K; Lovric V; Cross M; Broe D; Walsh WR, 2021, 'Moment arm function dictates patella sagittal height anatomy: Rabbit epiphysiodesis model alters limb length ratios and subsequent patellofemoral anatomical development', Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 39, pp. 637 - 647,

Crowley JD; Oliver RA; Dan MJ; Wills DJ; Rawlinson JW; Crasto RA; O'Connor JM; Mitchell GJ; Tan CJ; Walsh WR, 2021, 'Single level posterolateral lumbar fusion in a New Zealand White rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) model: Surgical anatomy, operative technique, autograft fusion rates, and perioperative care', JOR Spine, 4,

Walsh WR; Pelletier M; Wills D; Wang T; Bannigan S; Vizesi F, 2021, 'Authors reply to “does undercut macrostructure cage cause increase of subsidence incidence and decease of disc height?”', Spine Journal, 21, pp. 353 - 354,

McCaffrey K; McCaffrey MH; Pelletier MH; Lovric V; Mobbs RJ; Walsh WR, 2021, 'Load Sharing and Endplate Pressure Distribution in Anterior Interbody Fusion Influenced by Graft Choice', World Neurosurgery, 146, pp. e336 - e340,

Yeola A; Subramanian S; Oliver RA; Lucas CA; Thoms JAI; Yan F; Olivier J; Chacon D; Tursky ML; Srivastava P; Potas JR; Hung T; Power C; Hardy P; Ma DD; Kilian KA; McCarroll J; Kavallaris M; Hesson LB; Beck D; Curtis DJ; Wong JWH; Hardeman EC; Walsh WR; Mobbs R; Chandrakanthan V; Pimanda JE; Subramanian S, 2021, 'Induction of muscle-regenerative multipotent stem cells from human adipocytes by PDGF-AB and 5-azacytidine', Science Advances, 7, pp. eabd1929,

Lun KK; Dan MJ; Broe D; Walsh WR, 2021, 'Inferior Medial Geniculate Artery Branch as an Anatomical Landmark for Hamstring Harvest During Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction', Arthroscopy Techniques, 10, pp. e177 - e180,

Nogata F; Yokota Y; Kawamura Y; Morita H; Uno Y; Mouri T; Walsh WR; Kawamura T; Hotta N; Kagechika K, 2021, 'Biomechanical Considerations in the Unruptured Cerebral Aneurysm Study (UCAS Japan): Rupture Risk and True Stress of Wall', Journal of Biosciences and Medicines, 09, pp. 172 - 189,

Yeola A; Subramanian S; Oliver RA; Lucas CA; Thoms JAI; Yan F; Olivier J; Chacon D; Tursky ML; Hung T; Power C; Hardy P; D D; McCarroll J; Kavallaris M; Hesson LB; Beck D; Curtis DJ; Wong JWH; Hardeman EC; Walsh WR; Mobbs R; Chandrakanthan V; Pimanda JE; Chacon Fajardo D, 2021, 'Induction of Muscle Regenerative Multipotent Stem Cells from Human Adipocytes by PDGF-AB and 5-Azacytidine', Science Advances, pp. 2020.06.04.130872 - 2020.06.04.130872,

Chandrakanthan V; Rorimpandey P; Zanini F; Chacon D; Kang YC; Knezevic K; Huang Y; Qiao Q; Oliver R; Unnikrishnan A; Carter D; Lee B; Brownlee C; Power C; Mendez-Ferrer S; Enikolopov G; Walsh W; Göttgens B; Taoudi S; Beck D; Pimanda J, 2021, 'Mesoderm-Derived PDGFRA+Cells Regulate the Emergence of Hematopoietic Stem Cells in the Dorsal Aorta', ,

Kucko N; Campion C; Wills D; Oliver R; Walsh W; de Groot FB, 2021, 'P1. Efficacy of a calcium phosphate collagen matrix bone graft with needle-shaped submicron surface topography in a rabbit posterolateral lumbar spine fusion model', The Spine Journal, 21, pp. S140 - S140,

Beshara P; Chen JF; Read AC; Lagadec P; Wang T; Walsh WR, 2020, 'The reliability and validity of wearable inertial sensors coupled with the microsoft kinect to measure shoulder range-of-motion', Sensors (Switzerland), 20, pp. 1 - 16,

Browne K; Wood D; Clezy K; Lehm J; Walsh WR, 2020, 'Reduction of bacterial load with the addition of ultraviolet-c disinfection inside the hyperbaric chamber', Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine, 50, pp. 332 - 337,

Cornwall GB; Davis A; Walsh WR; Mobbs RJ; Vaccaro A, 2020, 'Innovation and New Technologies in Spine Surgery, Circa 2020: A Fifty-Year Review', Frontiers in Surgery, 7,

Bai MY; Mobbs RJ; Walsh WR; Betteridge C, 2020, 'mHealth Apps for Enhanced Management of Spinal Surgery Patients: A Review', Frontiers in Surgery, 7,

Browne K; Chakraborty S; Chen R; Willcox MDP; Black DS; Walsh WR; Kumar N, 2020, 'A new era of antibiotics: The clinical potential of antimicrobial peptides', International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21, pp. 1 - 23,

Oliver RA; Lovric V; Christou C; Walsh WR, 2020, 'Comparative osteoconductivity of bone void fillers with antibiotics in a critical size bone defect model', Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, 31,

Walsh WR; Pelletier M; Wills D; Wang T; Bannigan S; Vizesi F, 2020, 'Undercut macrostructure topography on and within an interbody cage improves biomechanical stability and interbody fusion.', The spine journal : official journal of the North American Spine Society,

Burnard JL; Parr WCH; Choy WJ; Walsh WR; Mobbs RJ, 2020, 'Correction to: 3D-printed spine surgery implants: a systematic review of the efficacy and clinical safety profile of patient-specific and off-the-shelf devices (European Spine Journal, (2020), 29, 6, (1248-1260), 10.1007/s00586-019-06236-2)', European Spine Journal, 29, pp. 1786,

Van Dijk LA; Barrère-De Groot F; Rosenberg AJWP; Pelletier M; Christou C; De Bruijn JD; Walsh WR, 2020, 'MagnetOs, Vitoss, and Novabone in a Multi-endpoint Study of Posterolateral Fusion: A True Fusion or Not?', Clinical Spine Surgery, 33, pp. E276 - E287,

Burnard JL; Parr WCH; Choy WJ; Walsh WR; Mobbs RJ, 2020, '3D-printed spine surgery implants: a systematic review of the efficacy and clinical safety profile of patient-specific and off-the-shelf devices', European Spine Journal, 29, pp. 1248 - 1260,

Dan MJ; Cadman J; McMahon J; Parr WCH; Broe D; Cross M; Appleyard R; Walsh WR, 2020, 'Distalising tibial tubercle osteotomy decreases patellar tendon force — A treatment rationale for recalcitrant patellar tendinopathy', Knee, 27, pp. 871 - 877,

Walsh WR; Pelletier MH; Bertollo N; Lovric V; Wang T; Morberg P; Parr WCH; Bergadano D, 2020, 'Bone ongrowth and mechanical fixation of implants in cortical and cancellous bone', Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research, 15, pp. 177,

Parr WCH; Burnard JL; Singh T; McEvoy A; Walsh WR; Mobbs RJ, 2020, 'C3-C5 Chordoma Resection and Reconstruction with a Three-Dimensional Printed Titanium Patient-Specific Implant', World Neurosurgery, 136, pp. 226 - 233,

Russell N; Walsh WR; Lovric V; Kim P; Chen JH; Larson MJ; Vizesi F, 2020, 'In-vivo Performance of Seven Commercially Available Demineralized Bone Matrix Fiber and Putty Products in a Rat Posterolateral Fusion Model', Frontiers in Surgery, 7,

Sun Y; Lovric V; Wang T; Oliver RA; Walsh WR, 2020, 'Effects of SCCO2, gamma irradiation, and sodium dodecyl sulfate treatments on the initial properties of tendon allografts', International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21,

Dan MJ; McMahon J; Parr WCH; Briggs N; MacDessi S; Caldwell B; Walsh WR, 2020, 'Sagittal patellar flexion angle: a novel clinically validated patellar height measurement reflecting patellofemoral kinematics useful throughout knee flexion', Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, 28, pp. 975 - 983,

Singh T; Parr WCH; Choy WJ; Budiono GR; Maharaj M; Mathis X; Phan K; Walsh WR; Mobbs RJ, 2020, 'Three-Dimensional Morphometric Analysis of Lumbar Vertebral End Plate Anatomy', World Neurosurgery, 135, pp. e321 - e332,

Walsh W; Oliver R; Wang T; Wills D; Conway J; Buckland T; Gibson IR, 2020, '235. Evaluation of a nanosynthetic silicated calcium phosphate putty in a posterolateral rabbit spinal fusion model', The Spine Journal, 20, pp. S116 - S116,

Walsh W; Pelletier MH; Wang T; Wills D; Bannigan S; Vizesi F, 2020, '58. Benefits of macroscale topography features on and within interbody cages', The Spine Journal, 20, pp. S28 - S28,

Walsh W; Oliver R; Wang T; Wills D; Pacer M; Vizesi F, 2020, '68. Spinal fusion with a resorbable mesh pouch in a preclinical posterolateral model', The Spine Journal, 20, pp. S33 - S33,

Mundis GM; Russell N; Walsh W; Kim P; Chen J; Vizesi F, 2020, '86. Why are DBMs so variable? Influence of fibers, carrier, and tissue bank', The Spine Journal, 20, pp. S42 - S42,

Rajadurai J; Lovric V; Mobbs RJ; Choy WJ; Walsh WR, 2019, 'The use of demineralised bone fibres (DBF) in conjunction with supercritical carbon dioxide (SCCO2) treated allograft in anterior lumbar interbody fusion (ALIF)', Journal of Spine Surgery, 5, pp. 589 - 595,

Dan MJ; Oliver RA; Crowley JD; Lovric V; Parr WCH; Broe D; Cross M; Walsh WR, 2019, 'The effect of surgery on patellar tendinopathy: Novel use of MRI questions the exploitability of the rat collagenase model to humans', Knee, 26, pp. 1182 - 1191,

Walsh WR; Pelletier MH; Wang T; Lovric V; Morberg P; Mobbs RJ, 2019, 'Does implantation site influence bone ingrowth into 3D-printed porous implants?', Spine Journal, 19, pp. 1885 - 1898,

van Dijk LA; Barbieri D; Barrère-de Groot F; Yuan H; Oliver R; Christou C; Walsh WR; de Bruijn JD, 2019, 'Efficacy of a synthetic calcium phosphate with submicron surface topography as autograft extender in lapine posterolateral spinal fusion', Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part B Applied Biomaterials, 107, pp. 2080 - 2090,

Oliver RA; Lovric V; Christou C; Walsh WR, 2019, 'Evaluation of comparative soft tissue response to bone void fillers with antibiotics in a rabbit intramuscular model', Journal of Biomaterials Applications, 34, pp. 117 - 129,

Jap NSF; Pearce GM; Hellier AK; Russell N; Parr WC; Walsh WR, 2019, 'The effect of raster orientation on the static and fatigue properties of filament deposited ABS polymer', International Journal of Fatigue, 124, pp. 328 - 337,

Dan MJ; Walsh WR; Cross MJ; Caldwell B, 2019, 'Treatment of patella tendinopathy by distalising tibial tubercle osteotomy', BMJ Case Reports, 12,

Dan MJ; Lun KK; Dan L; Efird J; Pelletier M; Broe D; Walsh WR, 2019, 'Wearable inertial sensors and pressure MAT detect risk factors associated with ACL graft failure that are not possible with traditional return to sport assessments', BMJ Open Sport and Exercise Medicine, 5, pp. e000557,

Gambhir S; Wang T; Pelletier MH; Walsh WR; Ball JR, 2019, 'How Does Cage Lordosis Influence Postoperative Segmental Lordosis in Lumbar Interbody Fusion', World Neurosurgery, 126, pp. e606 - e611,

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