Select Publications

Journal articles

Springett NE; Oliver R; Peltz TS; Gianoutsos MP; Walsh WR, 2013, 'Abstract 209', Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 131, pp. 154 - 154,

Malhotra A; Pelletier MH; Yu Y; Walsh WR, 2013, 'Can platelet-rich plasma (PRP) improve bone healing? A comparison between the theory and experimental outcomes', Arch Orthop Trauma Surg., 133, pp. 153 - 165,

Nakahara I; Takao M; Bandoh S; Bertollo N; Walsh WR; Sugano N, 2013, 'In vivo implant fixation of carbon fiber-reinforced PEEK hip prostheses in an ovine model', Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 31, pp. 485 - 492,

Brinkman J-M; Walker P; Bruce WJM; Bubra PS; Walsh WR, 2013, 'Midterm results using a medial pivot total knee replacement compared with the Australian National Joint Replacement Registry data', ANZ Journal of Surgery,

Pelletier MH; Cordaro N; Lau AC; Walsh WR, 2013, 'PEEK Versus Ti Interbody Fusion Devices: Resultant Fusion, Bone Apposition, Initial and 26 Week Biomechanics', Journal of Spinal Disorders and Techniques,

Pelletier MH; Malhotra A; Brighton T; Lindeman R; Walsh WR, 2013, 'Platelet function and constituents of platelet rich plasma', International Journal of Sports Medicine, 34, pp. 74 - 80,

Bertollo N; Pelletier MH; Walsh WR, 2013, 'Relationship between patellar tendon shortening and in vitro kinematics in the ovine stifle joint', Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part H - Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 227, pp. 438 - 447,

Russell NA; Rives A; Pelletier MH; Bruce WJ; Walsh WR, 2013, 'The effect of sterilization on the mechanical properties of intact rabbit humeri in three-point bending, four-point bending and torsion', Cell and Tissue Banking, 14, pp. 231 - 242,

Lovric V; Ledger M; Goldberg J; Harper W; Bertollo N; Pelletier MH; Oliver RA; Yu Y; Walsh WR, 2013, 'The effects of Low-intensity Pulsed Ultrasound on tendon-bone healing in a transosseous-equivalent sheep rotator cuff model', Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy, 21, pp. 466 - 475,

Pelletier MH; Waites M; Lau CB; Kostiainen M; Bruce WJ; Bertollo N; Walsh WR, 2013, 'Viscosity of bone cement influences effectiveness of vacuum mixing', International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials, 62, pp. 95 - 100,

Jarman-Smith M; Brady M; Kurtz SM; Cordaro NM; Walsh WR, 2012, 'Porosity in Polyaryletheretherketone', , pp. 181 - 199,

Phelan A; Petocz P; Walsh W; Darendeliler MA, 2012, 'The force-distance properties of attracting magnetic attachments for tooth movement in combination with clear sequential aligners', AUSTRALIAN ORTHODONTIC JOURNAL, 28, pp. 159 - 169,

Thissen H; Pasic P; Bean P; Johnson G; McLean KM; Walsh WR; Poggie R, 2012, 'Enhancing the cellular response to PEEK substrates for bone contacting applications', JOURNAL OF TISSUE ENGINEERING AND REGENERATIVE MEDICINE, 6, pp. 35 - 36,

Esposito CI; Walter WL; Roques A; Tuke MA; Zicat BA; Walsh WR; Walter WK, 2012, 'Wear in alumina-on-alumina ceramic total hip replacements: A retrieval analysis of edge loading', Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery - Series B, 94 B, pp. 901 - 907,

Yu Y; Ibrahim N; Walsh WR; Yang JL, 2012, 'Targeted therapy of human osteosarcoma cell lines', CANCER RESEARCH, 72,

Peltz TS; Walsh WR, 2012, 'In reply', Journal of Hand Surgery, 37, pp. 188 - 189,

Nakahara I; Takao M; Bandoh S; Bertollo N; Walsh WR; Sugano N, 2012, 'Novel surface modifications of carbon fiber-reinforced polyetheretherketone hip stem in an ovine model', Artificial Organs, 36, pp. 62 - 70,

Varcoe RL; Nammuni I; Lennox AF; Yang JL; Crowe PJ; Walsh WR, 2012, 'Adjunctive Ultrasonography to Minimize Iodinated Contrast Administration During Carotid Artery Stenting: A Randomized Trial', Journal of Endovascular Therapy, 19, pp. 638 - 647,

Varcoe RL; Teo ABP; Pelletier MH; Yu Y; Yang JL; Crowe PJ; Walsh WR, 2012, 'An Arteriovenous Fistula Model of Intimal Hyperplasia for Evaluation of a Nitinol U-Clip Anastomosis', European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, 43, pp. 224 - 231,

Lovric V; Russell N; Heuberer P; Goldberg J; Walsh W, 2012, 'Demineralized bone matrix augmented tendon-bone healing in transosseous-equivalent sheep rotator cuff model', Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 15, pp. S138 - S139,

Lovric V; Chen D; Yu Y; Oliver RA; Genin F; Walsh WR, 2012, 'Effects of demineralized bone matrix on tendon-bone healing in an intra-articular rodent model', American Journal of Sports Medicine, 40, pp. 2365 - 2374,

Parr WCH, 2012, 'Finite element micro-modelling of a human ankle bone reveals the importance of the trabecular network to mechanical performance: and new methods for the generation and comparison of 3D models', Journal of Biomechanics, 46, pp. 200 - 205,

Bertollo N; Da Assuncao R; Hancock NJ; Lau CB; Walsh WR, 2012, 'Influence of Electron Beam Melting Manufactured Implants on Ingrowth and Shear Strength in an Ovine Model', Journal of Arthroplasty, 27, pp. 1429 - 1436,

Ibrahim N; Yu Y; Walsh WR; Yang JL, 2012, 'Molecular targeted therapies for cancer: Sorafenib monotherapy and its combination with other therapies (Review', Oncology Reports, 27, pp. 1303 - 1311,

Jones CW; Smitham P; Walsh WR, 2012, 'Relationship of surgical accuracy and clinical outcomes in Charitè lumbar disc replacement.', Orthop Surg, 4, pp. 145 - 155,

Bertollo N; Pelletier MH; Walsh WR, 2012, 'Simulation of patella alta and the implications for in vitro patellar tracking in the ovine stifle joint', Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 30, pp. 1789 - 1797,

Russell NA; Pelletier MH; Bruce WJ; Walsh WR, 2012, 'The effect of gamma irradiation on the anisotropy of bovine cortical bone', Medical Engineering and Physics, 34, pp. 1117 - 1122,

Maguire M; Goldberg J; Bokor D; Bertollo N; Pelletier MH; Harper W; Walsh WR, 2011, 'Biomechanical evaluation of four different transosseous-equivalent/suture bridge rotator cuff repairs', Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, 19, pp. 1582 - 1587,

Mcmahon S; Hawdon G; Baré J; Yu Y; Bertollo N; Walsh WR, 2011, 'In vivo response of bone defects filled with PMMA in an ovine model', HIP International, 21, pp. 616 - 622,

Lovric V; Kanazawa T; Nakamura Y; Oliver RA; Yu Y; Walsh WR, 2011, 'Effects of gaps induced into the ACL tendon graft on tendon-bone healing in a rodent ACL reconstruction model', Muscles, Ligaments and Tendons Journal, 1, pp. 91 - 99

Hayes DA; Watts MC; Anderson LJ; Walsh WR, 2011, 'Knee arthroplasty: A cross-sectional study assessing energy expenditure and activity', ANZ Journal of Surgery, 81, pp. 371 - 374,

Yuan H; Fernandes H; Habibovic P; de Boer J; Barradas AMC; Walsh WR; van Blitterswijk CA; De Bruijn JD, 2011, ''Smart' biomaterials and osteoinductivity.', Nature reviews. Rheumatology, 7

Yuan H; Fernandes H; Habibovic P; De Boer J; Barradas AMC; De Ruiter A; Walsh WR; Van Blitterswijk CA; De Bruijn JD, 2011, 'Correspondence: 'Smart' biomaterials and osteoinductivity', Nature Reviews Rheumatology, 7, pp. 1,

Chen D; Bertollo N; Lau A; Taki N; Nishino T; Mishima H; Kawamura H; Walsh WR, 2011, 'Osseointegration of porous titanium implants with and without electrochemically deposited DCPD coating in an ovine model', Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research, 6,

Boyle M; Nicholson L; O'Brien M; Collins D; Bihari D; Flynn G; Walsh W, 2011, 'Paracetamol induced skin blood flow and blood pressure changes in febrile intensive care patients: An observational study', AUSTRALIAN CRITICAL CARE, 24, pp. 57 - 57,

Walsh WR; Oliver RA; Gage G; Yu Y; Bell D; Bellemore JM; Adkisson H, 2011, 'Application of resorbable poly(lactide-co-glycolide) with entangled hyaluronic acid as an autograft extender for posterolateral intertransverse lumbar fusion in rabbits', Tissue Engineering: Part A, 17, pp. 213 - 220,

Maguire M; Goldberg J; Bokor D; Bertollo N; Pelletier MH; Harper W; Walsh WR, 2011, 'Biomechanical evaluation fo four different transossseous-equivalent.suture bridge rotator cuff repairs.', Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy, Feb

Haddad R; Peltz T; Walsh WR, 2011, 'Biomechanical evaluation of flexor tendon repair using barbed suture material: a comparative exvivo study.', Journal of Hand Surgery - American Volume, 36, pp. 1565 - 1566

Bertollo N; Chen D; Matsubara M; Kumar M; Shinoda T; Walsh WR, 2011, 'Effect of surgical fit on integration of cancellous bone and implant cortical bone shear stength for a porous titanium.', Journal of Arthroplasty, Jan 2011

Varcoe RL; Nammuni I; Lennox AF; Walsh WR, 2011, 'Endovascular reconstruction of the occluded aortoiliac segement usign "Double-Barrel" self-expanding stents and selective use of the outback LTD catheter.', Journal of Endovascular Therapy, 18, pp. 25 - 31,

Dang K; Pelletier MH; Walsh WR, 2011, 'Factors affecting flexural strength in cement within cement revisions.', Journal of Arthroplasty, march 15

Hui C; Salmon L; Maeno S; Roe J; Walsh WR; Pinczewski L, 2011, 'Five-year comparison of oxidized zirconium and cobalt-chromium femoral components in total knee arthroplasty a randomized controlled trial', Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery - American Volume, 93, pp. 624 - 630,

Luk F; Yu Y; Walsh WR; Yang JL, 2011, 'IGF1R-targeted therapy and its enhancement of doxorubicin chemosensitivity in human osteosarcoma cell lines', Cancer Investigation, 29, pp. 521 - 532,

Walsh WR; Barbieri D; Yuan H; Degroot F; Debruijn J, 2011, 'Influence of different polymeric gels on the ectopic bone forming ability of an osteoinductive biphasic calcium phosphate ceramic.', ACTA Orthopaedica, 7, pp. 2007 - 2014,

Peltz ; Haddad R; Scougall P; Nicklin S; Gianoutsos M; Walsh WR, 2011, 'Influence of locking stitch size in a four-strand cross-locked cruciate flexor tendon repair.', Journal of Hand Surgery - American Volume, 36, pp. 450 - 455,

Bertollo N; Bell D; Walsh WR, 2011, 'Intraoperative patellar kinematics follwing resection of the central one-third of the patellar tendon in the ovine stifle joint', Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology, 24, pp. 197 - 204,

Wong M; Yu Y; Walsh WR; Yang JL, 2011, 'microRNA-34 family and treatment of cancers with mutant or wild-type p53(Review)', International Journal of Oncology, 38, pp. 1189 - 1195

Boyle M; Lau A; Nicholson L; O'Brien M; Flynn G; Collins D; Walsh W; Bihari D, 2011, 'Paracetamol-induced skin blood flow and blood pressure changes', Critical Care, 15,

Yu Y; Yang JL; Luk F; Walsh WR, 2011, 'Ras/Raf/MEK/ERK pathway is associated with lung metastasis of osteosarcoma in an orthotopic mouse model.', Anticancer Research, 31, pp. 1147 - 1152

Francisco J; Yu Y; Oliver RA; Walsh WR, 2011, 'Relationship between age, skeletal site, and time post-ovariectomy on bone mineral and trabecular microarchitecture in rats', Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 29, pp. 189 - 196,

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