Select Publications

Journal articles

Nogata F; Yokota Y; Kawamura Y; Morita H; Uno Y; Walsh WR; Sakai T, 2011, 'Visualization of heart motion based on micro-vibration of the chest surface', IFMBE Proceedings, 37, pp. 415 - 418,

Peltz TS; Haddad R; Walsh WR, 2010, 'The change in three-dimensional geometry of the Kessler flexor tendon repair under tension: A qualitative assessment using radiographs', Journal of Hand Surgery: European Volume, 35, pp. 676 - 677,

Haddad R; Scherman P; Peltz T; Nicklin S; Walsh WR, 2010, 'A Biomechanical Assessment of Repair Versus Nonrepair of Sheep Flexor Tendons Lacerated to 75 Percent', Journal of Hand Surgery, 35, pp. 546 - 551,

Wetton L; Kwei J; Kippen J; Nicklin S; Gillies M; Walsh WR, 2010, 'A model of pressure distribution under peripherally secured foam dressings on a convex surface: does this contribute to skin graft loss?', Eplasty, 10, pp. e19,

Haddad R; Peltz ; Nicklin S; Scherman P; Walsh WR, 2010, 'A biomechanical assessment of repair versus nonrepair of sheep flexor tendons lacerated to75 percent.', Journal of Hand Surgery - American Volume, 35, pp. 456 - 551

Bertollo N; Milne H; Ellis L; Stephens PC; Gillies R; Walsh WR, 2010, 'A comparison of the thermal properties of 2-and 3-fluted drills and the effects on bone cell viability and screw pull-out strength in an ovine model.', Clinical Biomechanics, 25, pp. 613 - 617

Wetton L; Nicklin S; Gillies R; Kwei J; Kippen J; Walsh WR, 2010, 'A model of pressure distribution under peripherally secured foam dressing on a convex surface: does this contribute to skin graft loss?', Journal of Plastic Surgery, 10, pp. 158 - 164

Walsh WR; Oliver RA; Gage G; Yu Y; Bell D; Bellemore J; Adkisson H, 2010, 'Application of resorbale poly(lactide-co-glycolide0 with entangled hyaluronic as an autograft extender for posterolateral intertransverse lumbar fusion in rabbits.', Tissue Engineering: Part A, august 16, pp. 1 - 8

Scherman P; Haddad R; Scougall P; Walsh WR, 2010, 'Cross-sectional area and strength differences of fibrewire, rolene adn ticron sutures.', Journal of Hand Surgery - American Volume, 35, pp. 780 - 784

Bertollo N; Bell D; Yu Y; Walsh WR, 2010, 'Effects of patellar position and defect healing on in vitro stifle joint kinematics following removal of the central one-third of the patellar tendon in an ovine model.', Journal of Orthopaedic Research, EPUB,

Walsh WR; Biant LC; Bruce WJ; Van der wall H, 2010, 'Infection or allergy in the painful metal-on-metal total hip arthroplasty.', Journal of Arthroplasty, 25, pp. 334.e11 - 334.e16,

Owers K; Scougall P; Dabirrahmani D; Wernecke G; Jhamb A; Walsh WR, 2010, 'Lunate trabecular structure: a radiographic cadaver study of risk factors for Kienbock's disease.', Journal of Hand Surgery: British and European Volume, 35, pp. 120 - 124

Yuan H; Fernando H; Habibovic P; De boer J; Barradas A; De ruiter A; Walsh WR; Van blitterswijk C; Debruijn J, 2010, 'Osteoinductive ceramics as a synthetic alternative to autologous bone grafting.', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 107, pp. 13614 - 13619

Boyle M; Nicholson L; O''brien M; Flynn G; Collins DW; Walsh WR; Bihari DJ, 2010, 'Paracetamol induced skin blood flow and blood pressure changes in febrile intensive care patients: an observational study.', Australian critical care: official journal of the confederation of Australian Critical care nurses, 105, pp. 1 - 7

Pelletier MH; Lau AC; Smitham PJ; Nielsen G; Walsh WR, 2010, 'Pore distribution and material properties of bone cement cured at different temperatrures.', ACTA Orthopaedica, 6, pp. 886 - 891,

Francisco J; Yu Y; Oliver RA; Walsh WR, 2010, 'Relationship between age, skeletalsite, and time post0ovariectomy on bone moneral and trabecular microarchitecture in rats.', Journal of Orthopaedic Research, on line 18, pp. 1 - 8

Peltz ; Haddad R; Walsh WR, 2010, 'The change in three dimensional geometry of the Kessler flexor tendon repair under tension: a qualitative assessment using radiographs.', Journal of Hand Surgery: British and European Volume, 35E, pp. 676 - 687

Rahman M; Jefferson N; Stewart DA; Oliver RA; Walsh WR; Gianoutsos M, 2010, 'The histology of facial aesthetic subunits: implications for common nasal reconstructive procedures.', British Journal of Plastic Surgery, 63, pp. 753 - 756

Haddad R; Peltz ; Lau AC; Bertollo N; Nicklin S; Walsh WR, 2010, 'The relationship between gap formation and grip-to-grip displacement during cyclic testing of repaired flexor tendons.', Journal of Biomechanics, 19, pp. 2828 - 2835

Wang L; Wong SW; Crowe PJ; Khor K; Jastrzab G; Parasyn A; Walsh WR, 2010, 'Wound infusion with local anaesthesia after laparotomy: a randomized controlled trial.', ANZ Journal of Surgery, 80, pp. 794 - 801

Nogata F; Yokota Y; Kawamura Y; Walsh WR, 2009, 'A new system for estimating sclerosis of In Vivo common carotid artery by ultrasound B-mode image analysis', AIP Conference Proceedings, 1159, pp. 202 - 205,

Nogata F; Yokota Y; Kawamura Y; Morita H; Uno Y; Walsh WR, 2009, 'Ultrasound image-based estimation system for arteriosclerosis of in vivo blood vessels', Proceedings of the 38th Annual Symposium of Ultrasonic Industry Association, UIA 2009,

Walsh W; Hill R; Lloyd W; Bertollo N; Shinoda T; Merger A; Oliver R; Yu Y, 2009, '136. In Vivo Response to Synthetic Bone Graft Substitutes in a Preclinical Posterolateral Fusion Model', The Spine Journal, 9, pp. 70S - 71S,

Power C; Pwint H; Cho J; Yu Y; Walsh W; Russell PJ, 2009, 'A novel model of bone-metastatic prostate cancer in immunocompetent mice', Prostate, 69, pp. 1613 - 1623

Gothelf T; Bell D; Goldberg J; Harper W; Pelletier MH; Walsh WR, 2009, 'Anatomic and biomedical study of the biceps vinculum, a structure within the biceps sheath.', Arthroscopy - the Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery, 25, pp. 515 - 521

Jones CW; Lam L; Butler AM; Wood D; Walsh WR, 2009, 'Cement penetration after patella venting', Knee, 16, pp. 50 - 53

Djukic LP; Herszberg I; Walsh WR; Schoeppner G; Prusty BG; Kelly DW, 2009, 'Contrast enhancement in visualisation of woven composite tow architecture using a MicroCT Scanner. Part 1: Fabric coating and resin additives.', Composites Part A - Applied Science and Manufacturing, 40, pp. 553 - 565

Djukic LP; Herszberg I; Schoeppner G; Walsh WR; Prusty BG, 2009, 'Contrast Enhancement in Visualisation of Woven Composite Tow Architecture using a MicroCT Scanner. Part 2: Tow and Preform Coating', Composites Part A - Applied Science and Manufacturing, 40, pp. 1870 - 1879,

Walsh WR; Vizesi F; Cornwall G; Bell D; Oliver RA; Yu Y, 2009, 'Posterolateral spinal fusion in a rabbit model using a collagen -mineral composite bone graft substitute.', European Spine Journal, 18, pp. 1610 - 1620

Biant LC; Bruce WJ; Walker PM; Walsh WR, 2009, 'Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty in Severe Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip. Ten-Year Results Using a Cementless Modular Stem', Journal of Arthroplasty, 24, pp. 27 - 32

Pelletier MH; Malisano L; Smitham PJ; Okamoto K; Walsh WR, 2009, 'The Compressive Properties of Bone Cements Containing Large Doses of Antibiotics', Journal of Arthroplasty, 24, pp. 454 - 460

Shiramizu K; Vizesi F; Bruce WJ; Herrmann S; Walsh WR, 2009, 'Tibiofemoral contact areas and pressures in six high flexion knees', International Orthopaedics, 33, pp. 403 - 406

Walsh WR; Khaliq S; Poser J; Pieper J, 2008, 'Evaluation of a novel carrier with osteoinductive potential for demineralized bone matrix using the rabbit posterolateral lumbar spinal fusion model', 8th World Biomaterials Congress 2008, 4, pp. 2122

Nogata F; Yokota Y; Kawamura Y; Walsh WR; Morita H; Uno Y, 2008, 'Mechanical properties of arteries with aging and its noninvasive estimation method', IFMBE Proceedings, 22, pp. 1935 - 1938,

Nogata F; Yokota Y; Kawamura Y; Walsh WR, 2008, 'System for estimating sclerosis of in vivo arteries based on ultrasound B-mode image analysis', 2008 10th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, ICARCV 2008, pp. 1779 - 1782,

Biant LC; Bruce WJM; Assini JB; Walker PM; Walsh WR, 2008, 'The anatomically difficult primary total hip replacement: Medium- to long-term results using a cementless modular stem', Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery - Series B, 90, pp. 430 - 435,

Walsh WR; Vizesi F; Michael D; Auld J; Langdown A; Oliver R; Yu Y; Irie H; Bruce W, 2008, 'β-TCP bone graft substitutes in a bilateral rabbit tibial defect model', Biomaterials, 29, pp. 266 - 271,

Delaner D; Oliver RA; Webb N; Farnsworth RH; Walsh WR, 2008, 'Flow characteristics of paediatric ureteric stents using an in vitro cadaveric animal model', British Journal of Urology, 101, pp. 3 - 3,

Bertollo N; Gothelf T; Walsh WR, 2008, '3-fluted orthopaedic drills exhibit superior bending stiffness to their 2-fluted rivals: Clinical implications for targeting ability and the incidence of drill-bit failure.', Injury - International Journal of the Care of the Injured, 39, pp. 734 - 741

Stewart DA; Smitham PJ; Nicklin S; Walsh WR, 2008, 'A new technique for distal fixation of flexor digitorum profundus tendon', British Journal of Plastic Surgery, 61, pp. 475 - 477,

Erak S; Pelletier MH; woods K; Smith P; Walsh WR, 2008, 'Acromioclavicular reconstructions with hamstring tendon grafts: a comparative biomechanical study.', Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, 17, pp. 772 - 778

Walsh WR; Vizesi F; Michaels D; Auld J; Langdown A; Oliver RA; Yu Y; Bruce WJ, 2008, 'B-TCP bone graft substitutes in a bilateral rabbit tibial defect model.', Biomaterials, 29, pp. 266 - 271

Walsh WR; Langdown A; Auld J; Stephens PC; Yu Y; Vizesi F; Bruce WJ; Pounder N, 2008, 'Effect of low intensity pulsed ultrasound on healing of an ulna defect filled with a bone graft substitute.', Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B - Applied Biomaterials, 86B, pp. 74 - 81

Shiramizu K; Lovric V; Leung A; Walsh WR, 2008, 'How do porosity inducing techniques affect antibiotic elution from bone cement? An in vitro comparisn between hydrogen peroxide and a mechanical mixer.', Journal of Orthpaed Traumatol, 9, pp. 17 - 22

Nicklin S; Ingram S; Gianoutsos M; Walsh WR, 2008, 'In Vitro Comparison of Lagged and Nonlagged Screw Fixation of Metacarpal Fractures in Cadavers', Journal of Hand Surgery - American Volume, 33A, pp. 1732 - 1736

Nottrott M; Molster AO; Moldestad IO; Walsh WR; Gjerdet NR, 2008, 'performance of bone cementa; are current preclincal specifications adequate?', ACTA Orthopaedica, 79, pp. 826 - 831

Nottrott M; Mlster A; Moldestad IO; Walsh WR; Gjerdet NR, 2008, 'Performance of bone cements Are current preclinical specifications adequate?', ACTA Orthopaedica, 79, pp. 826 - 831

Pelletier MH; Langdown A; Gillies R; Sonnabend DH; Walsh WR, 2008, 'Photoelastic comparison of strains in the underlying glenoid with metal-backed and all-polyethylene implants.', Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, 17, pp. 779 - 783

Vizesi F; Jones C; Lotz N; Gianoutsos M; Walsh WR, 2008, 'Stress relaxation and creep: viscoelastic properties of common suture materials used for flexor tendon repair.', Journal of Hand Surgery - American Volume, 33, pp. 241 - 246

Biant LC; Yeoh K; Walker PM; Bruce WJ; Walsh WR, 2008, 'The accuracy of bone resectoins made during computer navigated total knee replacement. Do we resect what the computer plans we reset?', Knee, 15, pp. 238 - 241

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