Select Publications

Journal articles

Biant LC; Bruce WJ; Walker PM; Walsh WR, 2008, 'The anatomically difficult primary total hip replacement.', Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery - British Volume, 90 B, pp. 430 - 435

Walsh WR; Vizesi F; Michaels D; Auld J; Langdown A; Oliver RA; Yu Y; Irie H; Bruce WJ, 2007, 'B-TCP bone graft substitues ina bilateral rabbit tibial defect model.', Biomaterials, 29, pp. 266 - 271

Stewart DA; Smitham PJ; Gianoutsos M; Walsh WR, 2007, 'Biomechanical influence of the Vincula tendinum on digital motion after isolated flexor tendon injury: a cadaveric study.', Journal of Hand Surgery - American Volume, 32, pp. 1190 - 1194

Chen J; Yu Y; Yang JL; Morgan DA; Walsh WR, 2007, 'BMP-7 and CBFA1 in allograft bone in vivo bone formation and the influence of y-irradiation.', Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, 80A, pp. 435 - 443

Yu Y; Bliss J; Bruce W; Walsh WR, 2007, 'Bone morphogenetic proteins and Smad expression in ovine tendon-bone healing', Arthroscopy - the Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery, 23, pp. 205 - 210

Walsh WR; Cotton N; Stephens PC; Brunelle JE; Langdown A; Auld J; Vizesi F; Bruce WJ, 2007, 'Comparison of Poly-L-Lactide and Polylactide carbonate interference screws in an ovine anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction model.', Arthroscopy - the Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery, 23, pp. 757 - 765

Walsh WR; Stephens PC; Vizesi F; Bruce WJ; Huckle J; Yu Y, 2007, 'Effects of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound on tendon-bone healing in an intra-articular sheep knee model', Arthroscopy - the Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery, 23, pp. 197 - 204

NOGATA F; KAWAMURA Y; YOKOTA Y; MARUYAMA M; OGURA C; MORITA H; UNO Y; MURAKAMI A; Walsh WR, 2007, 'F15 A new system for estimating mechanical health of in vivo carotid artery using ultrasound images', The Proceedings of Conference of Kyushu Branch, 2007.60, pp. 195 - 196,

Oliver RA; Yee G; Yu Y; Matthews J; Ingham E; Walsh WR, 2007, 'Fracture healing in the presence of polyethylene wear debris and oestrogen deficiency.', Key Engineering Materials, 353-358, pp. 831 - 834

Vizesi F; Oliver RA; Smitham PJ; Gothelf T; Yu Y; Walsh WR, 2007, 'Influence of surgical preparation on the in-vivo response of osteochondral defects.', Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part H - Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 221, pp. 489 - 498

Sebastian H; Datta B; Maffulli N; Neil MJ; Walsh WR, 2007, 'Mechanical properties of reconstructed achilles tendon with transfer of peroneous brevis or flexor hallucis longus tendon.', Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery, 46, pp. 424 - 428

Low A; Yu Y; Gifford K; Walsh WR, 2007, 'Molecular aspect of osteoporotic fracture healing', Key Engineering Materials, 353-358, pp. 2159 - 2162

STEWART D; SMITHAM P; NICKLIN S; WALSH W, 2006, '16.6 A new technique for repair of flexor digitorum profundus avulsion', The Journal of Hand Surgery: Journal of the British Society for Surgery of the Hand, 31, pp. 78 - 78,

SMITHAM P; STEWART D; STEPHENS P; WALSH W, 2006, '16.8 Does length matter? Testing the bite size', The Journal of Hand Surgery: Journal of the British Society for Surgery of the Hand, 31, pp. 79 - 79,

Schreuder F; Scougall P; Puchert E; Vizesi F; Walsh WR, 2006, 'Effect of suture material on gap formation and failure in type 1 FDP avulsion repairs in a cadaver model.', Clinical Biomechanics, 21, pp. 481 - 484

Walsh WR; Evans RO; Iliopoulos J; Cornwall G; Thomas KA, 2006, 'Evaluation of a bioresorable polylactide sheet for the reduction of pelvic soft tissue attachemnt in a porcine animal model.', Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B - Applied Biomaterials, 79, pp. 166 - 175

Dona E; Walsh WR, 2006, 'Flexor tendon pulley V-Y plasty: an alternative to pulley venting or resection.', Journal of Hand Surgery: British and European Volume, 31, pp. 133 - 137

Hitchcock R; Sears W; Gillies RM; Milthorpe BK; Walsh WR, 2006, 'In vitro study of shear force on interbody implants.', Journal of Spinal Disorder Technique, 19, pp. 32 - 36

Schreuder F; Scougall P; Puchert E; Vizesi F; Walsh W, 2006, 'The effect of mitek anchor insertion angle to attachment of FDP avulsion injuries', Journal of Hand Surgery: British and European Volume, 31B, pp. 292 - 295

Boufous S; Finch CF; Lord SR; Close J; Gothelf T; Walsh WR, 2006, 'The epidemiology of hospitalised wrist fractures in older people, New South Wales, Australia', Bone, 39, pp. 1144 - 1148

Langdown A; Tsai N; Auld J; Walsh WR; Walker PM; Bruce WJ, 2006, 'The influence of ambient theater temperature on cement seting time.', Journal of Arthroplasty, 21, pp. 381 - 384

Strick M; Filan S; Hile M; McKenzie C; Walsh WR; Tonkin MA, 2005, 'Adhesion formation after flexor tendon repair: comparison of two and four strand repair without epitendinous suture.', Journal of Hand Surgery - American Volume, 10, pp. 193 - 197

Hughes PJ; Evans RO; Miller B; Goldberg J; Sonnabend DH; Walsh WR, 2005, 'Boundary conditions at the tendon-bone interface.', Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy, 13, pp. 55 - 59

Matheson G; Nicklin S; Gianoutsos M; Walsh WR, 2005, 'Comparison of zone II flexor tendon repairs using an in vitro linear cyclic testing protocol.', Clinical Biomechanics, 20, pp. 718 - 722

Turner AW; Gillies RM; Sekel R; Morris P; Bruce WJ; Walsh WR, 2005, 'Computational bone remodelling simulations and comparisons with DEXA results.', Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 23, pp. 705 - 712

LAtendresses K; Dona E; Scougall P; Schreuder F; Puchert E; Walsh WR, 2005, 'Cyclic testing of pullout sutures and micro-mitek suture anchors in flexor digitorum profundus tendon distal fixation.', Journal of Hand Surgery - American Volume, 30, pp. 471 - 478

Gerard MP; Hodgson DR; Rose RJ; Walsh WR, 2005, 'Effects of recombinant equine growth hormone on in vitro biomechanical properties of the superficial digital flexor tendon of standardbred yearlings in training.', Veterinary Surgery, 34, pp. 253 - 259

Yu Y; Chen J; Yang JL; Morgan DA; Walsh WR, 2005, 'Evaluation of gamma irradiated human bone in nude rats', Key Engineering Materials, 288-289, pp. 269 - 272

Knabe C; Nicklin S; Yu Y; Walsh WR; Radkabski RJ; Marks C; Hoffmeister B, 2005, 'Growth factor expression following clincal mandibular distraction osteogenesis in humans and its comparison with existing animal studies.', Journal of Cranio - Maxillofacial Surgery, 33, pp. 361 - 369

Butler AM; Morgan DA; Verheul R; Walsh WR, 2005, 'Mechanical properties of gamma irradiated morselized bone during compaction.', Biomaterials, 26, pp. 6009 - 6013

Walter WL; Clabeaux J; Wright T; Walsh WR; Walter WL; Sculco T, 2005, 'Mechanisms for pumping fluid through cementles acetabular components with holes.', Journal of Arthroplasty, 20, pp. 1042 - 1048

Svehla M; Morberg P; Bruce WJ; Walsh WR, 2005, 'No effect of a type 1 Collagen gel coating in uncemented implant fixation.', Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B - Applied Biomaterials, 74B, pp. 423 - 429

Svehla M; Morberg P; Bruce WJ; Walsh WR, 2005, 'No effect of a type I collagen gel coating in uncemented implant fixation', Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B - Applied Biomaterials, 74B, pp. 423 - 428

Nightingale EJ; Walsh WR, 2005, 'Radiofrequency energy effects on the mechanical properties of tendon and capsule.', Journal of Arthroplasty, 21, pp. 1479 - 1485

Deakin M; Stubbs D; Goldberg J; Gillies RM; Walsh WR; Bruce WJ, 2005, 'Suture strength and angle of load application in a suture anchor eyelet', Arthroscopy - the Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery, 21, pp. 1447 - 1451

Deakin M; Stubbs D; Bruce WJ; Goldberg J; Gillies RM; Walsh WR, 2005, 'Suture strengths and angle of load applicaiton in a suture anchor eyelet.', Journal of Arthroplasty, 21, pp. 1447 - 1451

van der Meulen JH; Borschel G; Lynch J; Nicklin S; Gianoutsos M; Walsh WR, 2005, 'The effect of rate of distraction osteogenesis on structure and function of anterior digastric muscle fibers.', Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 115, pp. 831 - 837

Butler AM; Isaka N; Walsh WR, 2004, 'Catastrophic failure and retreival analysis of a metal tibial base plate', Transactions - 7th World Biomaterials Congress, pp. 1873

Walsh WR; Yu Y; Stephens P; Chen JB; Dona E; Neichoda B; Walsh P; Deakin M; Stubbs D; Hartright D; Butler A; Gillies RM; Bruce WJM, 2004, 'Considerations in Bone Defect Animal Models', Transactions - 7th World Biomaterials Congress, pp. 216

Turner AWL; Gillies RM; Walsh WR, 2004, 'Effect of model parameters on theoretical bone adaptation following primary hip arthroplasty', Transactions - 7th World Biomaterials Congress, pp. 800

Cornwall GB; Thomas KA; Evans RON; Iliopoulos J; Walsh WR, 2004, 'Evaluation of a resorbable polylactide film for the reduction of pelvic adhesions in a porcine animal model', Transactions - 7th World Biomaterials Congress, pp. 457

Gan J; Yu Y; Chen JB; Gillies RM; Walsh WR, 2004, 'Femoral condylar defect model in mice', Transactions - 7th World Biomaterials Congress, pp. 326

Niechoda B; Yu Y; Gianoutsos M; Walsh WR, 2004, 'Healing bone with adipose tissue derived stromal stem cells - The histomorphometry of the ovine defect model', Transactions - 7th World Biomaterials Congress, pp. 11

Chen JB; Yu Y; Nicklin S; Stephens PC; Walsh WR, 2004, 'In vitro osteoblast characteristics of adult human adipose-derived cells', Transactions - 7th World Biomaterials Congress, pp. 904

Walsh WR; Borden M; Butler A; Hartright D; Acton D; Perry A; Stanford R; Yee L; Gillies RM, 2004, 'In vivo and in vitro evaluation of a novel ceramic-polylactide composite', Transactions - 7th World Biomaterials Congress, pp. 995

Cornwall GB; Walsh WR; Iliopoulos J; Thomas K; Dona E; Kleinhenz K; Manganas C; Newman D, 2004, 'Long term evaluation of a polylactide film in a retrosternal pericardial adhesion model', Transactions - 7th World Biomaterials Congress, pp. 1050

Ben-Nissan B; Milev A; Vago R; Conway MR; Walsh WR; Diwan A, 2004, 'Nano-Coated Coralline Hydroxyapatite for Load Bearing Applications', Transactions - 7th World Biomaterials Congress, pp. 925

Yu Y; Yang JL; Chen JB; Walsh WR, 2004, 'Protein/DNA arrays for transcription factors in relation to osteoinductivity', Transactions - 7th World Biomaterials Congress, pp. 1243

Rajaratnam R; Yee G; Low AK; Yu Y; Jansen J; Diwan A; Walsh WR, 2004, 'The effects of long term ovariectomy on fracture healing in a rat osteopenia model', Transactions - 7th World Biomaterials Congress, pp. 699

Gross KA; Walsh W; Swarts E, 2004, 'Analysis of retrieved hydroxyapatite-coated hip prostheses', Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 13, pp. 190 - 199,

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