Select Publications

Journal articles

Svehla M; Morberg P; Bruce WJ; Zicat B; Walsh WR, 2002, 'The effect of substrate roughness and hydroxyapatite coating thickness on implant shear strength.', Journal of Arthroplasty, 17 (3), pp. 304 - 311

Morberg P; Chapman-Sheath P; Morris P; Cain S; Walsh WR, 2002, 'The function of the posterior cruciate ligament in an Anterposterior-gliding rotating platform total knee arthroplasty.', Journal of Arthroplasty, 17 (4), pp. 484 - 489

Gillies RM; Morberg P; Bruce WJ; Turnbull A; Walsh WR, 2002, 'The influence of design parameters on cortical strain distribution of a cementless titanium femoral stem.', Medical Engineering and Physics, 24 (2), pp. 109 - 114

Howard MB; Bruce WJ; Walsh WR; Goldberg J, 2002, 'Total hip arthroplasty for arthrodesed hips', Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery, 10, pp. 29 - 33

Chircop MP; Yu Y; Berney CR; Yang J; Crowe P; Walsh W, 2002, 'Wound healing and growth factor expression in T lymphocyte deficiency', ANZ Journal of Surgery, 72, pp. 491 - 495

Walsh WR; Shakeshaft AP; Cartmill J; Martin CJ, 2001, 'A curved edge moderates high pressure generated by a laparoscopic grasper', Surgical Endoscopy and Other Interventional Techniques, 15, pp. 1232 - 1234

Walsh WR; Stanford RE; Harrison J; Goldberg J; Sonnabend DH; Alvis M, 2001, 'A novel resorbable suture anchor: pullout strength from the human cadaver greater tuberosity', Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, 10, pp. 286 - 291,

Harris RI; Vu DH; Sonnabend DH; Goldberg J; Walsh WR, 2001, 'Anatomic variance of the coracoclavicular ligaments', Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, 10, pp. 585 - 588

Nicklin S; Yu Y; Gianoutsos M; Walsh WR, 2001, 'Bone morphogenetic proteins may improve healing in mandibular distraction osteogenesis.', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Surgery, pp. 76 - 76

Walsh WR; Ben-Nissan B; Russell JJ; Hu J; Milev A; Vago R; Green D; Conway RM, 2001, 'Comparison of surface morphology in Sol-Gel treated coralline Hydroxyapatite structures for implant purposes', Key Engineering Materials, 192-195, pp. 959 - 962

Nicklin S; Matheson G; Walsh WR; Gianoutsos M, 2001, 'Cyclic testing of felxor tendon repairs to simulate active post-operative mobilisation.', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Surgery, pp. 47 - 47

Walsh WR; Sonnabend DH; Yu Y; Howlett R; Harper G, 2001, 'Laminated tears of the human rotator cuff: a histologic and immunochemical study', Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, 10, pp. 109 - 115

Marucci DD; Cartmill J; Walsh WR, 2001, 'Parallel action jaw closure mechanism for use in minimally invasive surgery.', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Surgery, pp. 43 - 43

Walsh WR; Jones V; Williams IR; Auger DD; Fisher J, 2001, 'Quantification of third body damage to the tibial counterface in mobile bearing knees', Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part H - Journal of Engineering in Medicine, pp. 171 - 179

Walsh WR; Frick T; Marucci DD; Cartmill J; Martin CJ, 2001, 'Resistance forces acting on suture needles', Journal of Biomechanics, pp. 1335 - 1340

Cosman P; Walsh WR; Cregan P; Cartmill J, 2001, 'Simualtion and serendipities: side effects of training needs analysis', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Surgery, pp. 41 - 41

Francis IC; Walsh WR; Sonnabend DH; D Mello AC; Coroneo MT, 2001, 'Stabilization of the Posterior Limb of the Medical Canthal Tendon Using Biodegradable Tag Anchors: A Cadaveric Model', Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 17, pp. 28 - 35

Marucci DD; Nicklin S; Walsh WR; Gianoutsos M, 2001, 'Tissue ph, PCO2,PO2 and temperature in the assessment of flap viability.', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Surgery, pp. 72 - 72

Newman AS; Negrine JP; Zecovic M; Stanford P; Walsh WR, 2000, 'A biomechanical comparison of the Z step-cut and basilar crescentic osteotomies of the first metatarsal', Foot and Ankle International, 21, pp. 584 - 587,

Bruce WJM; Rizkallah SM; Kwon YM; Goldberg JA; Walsh WR, 2000, 'A New Technique of Subtrochanteric Shortening in Total Hip Arthroplasty: Surgical Technique and Results of 9 Cases', Journal of Arthroplasty, 15, pp. 617 - 626,

Gardiner EM; Baldock PA; Thomas GP; Sims NA; Henderson NK; Hollis B; White CP; Sunn KL; Morrison NA; Walsh WR; Eisman JA, 2000, 'Increased formation and decreased resorption of bone in mice with elevated vitamin D receptor in mature cells of the osteoblastic lineage', FASEB Journal, 14, pp. 1908 - 1916,

Walsh WF; Harrison J; Wallace DB; Van Sickle D; Martin DJ; Sonnabend DH, 2000, 'A novel Suture anchor of High-Density Collagen Compared with a Metallic Anchor; Results of a 12-week study in sheep.', American Journal of Sports Medicine, pp. 883 - 887

Walsh WF; Giangi M; Dickinson RE; Farhadieh R, 2000, 'Effect of distraction Rate on Biomedical. Mineralization and Histologic Properties of an Ovine mandible Model.', Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 105/3, pp. 889 - 895

Bruce WJ; Rooney J; Hutabarat S; Atkinson M; Goldberg J; Walsh WR, 2000, 'Exposure in difficult total knee arthroplasty using coronal tibial tubercle osteotomy.', Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery, 8, pp. 61065

Walsh WF; Nicklin S; Waller C; Walker P; Chung KC, 2000, 'In vitro Structural Properties of Braided Tendon Grafts.', American Journal of Sports Medicine, pp. 790 - 793

Walsh WF; Harrison J; Loefler A; Martin TR; Vansickle S; Brown MA; Sonnabend DH, 2000, 'Mechanical and Histological Evaluation of Collagraft® in an Ovine Lumbar Fusion Model.', Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, pp. 258 - 266

Walsh WF; Svehla M; Morberg P; Zicat B; Bruce WJ; Sonnabend DH, 2000, 'Morphometric and Mechanical Evaluation of Titanium Implant Integration: A Comparison of Five Surface Structures.', Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, pp. 15 - 22

Ashton A; Bruce WJ; Goldberg J; Walsh WR, 2000, 'Prevention of heterotopic bone formation in high risk patients post-total arthroplasty', Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery, 8, pp. 53 - 57

Pocock NA; Babichev A; Culton NL; Graney K; Rooney J; Bell DJ; Chu J, 2000, 'Temperature dependency of quantitative ultrasound', Osteoporosis International, 11, pp. 316 - 320

Chu J; Pocock NA; Babichev A; Culton NL; Graney K; Rooney J; Bell DJ, 2000, 'Temperature dependency of quantitative ultrasound.', Osteoporosis International, 11/4, pp. 316 - 320

Thomas GP; Baldock PA; Henderson NK; Hollis BW; Walsh WR; Eisman JA; Gardiner EM, 1999, 'Mature osteoblasts negatively regulate bone resorption in transgenic mice.', JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH, 14, pp. S303 - S303,

Morberg P; Harris M; Bruce W; Kiddle G; Kohan L; Rowden N; Sonnabend D; Walsh W, 1999, 'New method to dynamically measure the pressure distribution in knee prostheses', Clinical Biomechanics, 14, pp. 560

Harris ML; Morberg P; Bruce WJ; Walsh WF, 1999, 'An Improved Method for Measuring Tibo-Femoral Contact Areas in Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Comparison of K-Scan Sensor and Fuji Film.', Journal of Biomechanics, pp. 951 - 958

Wallace A; Walsh WF; Sonnabend DH, 1999, 'Dissociation of the glenoid component in cementless total shoulder arthroplasty', Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, pp. 81 - 84

Tavakoli K; Yu Y; Shahidi S; Bonar F; Walsh WF; Poole MD, 1999, 'Expression of Growth Factors in the Mandibular Distraction Sheep Study', British Journal of Plastic Surgery, pp. 434 - 439

Cartmill J; Shakeshaft AP; Walsh WF; Martin CJ, 1999, 'High Pressures are generated at the tip of Laparocopic Graspers.', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Surgery, pp. 127 - 130

Wallace A; Phillips RL; Macdougal G; Sonnabend DH; Walsh WF, 1999, 'Resurfacing of the Glenoid in total Shoulder Arthroplasty. A comparison, at a mean of five years, of prostheses inserted with and without cement.', Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery - American Volume, pp. 510 - 518

Dickinson RE; Yu Y; Giannoutsos M; Walsh WF; Farhadieh R, 1999, 'The role of Transforming Growth Factor-Beta, Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1, and Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor in Distraction osteogenesis of the Mandible.', Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, 10, pp. 80 - 86

Kotha SP; Walsh WR; Pan Y; Guzelsu N, 1998, 'Varying the mechanical properties of bone tissue by changing the amount of its structurally effective bone mineral content', Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering, 8, pp. 321 - 334

Wallace AL; Harris ML; Walsh WR; Bruce WJM, 1998, 'Intraoperative assessment of tibiofemoral contact stresses in total knee arthroplasty', Journal of Arthroplasty, 13, pp. 923 - 927,

Mohammed K; Sonnabend DH; Goldberg J; Hutabarat S; Walker P; Walsh WF, 1998, 'Biomechanical performance of Bankart repairs in a human cadaver shoulder model.', American Journal of Sports Medicine, 26, pp. 831 - 835

Shakeshaft AP; Cartmill J; Walsh WF; Martin CJ, 1998, 'Curved Edge moderates High Pressure Generated by a Laparoscopic Grasper.', Journal of Surgical Research

Yu Y; Walsh WF; Sonnabend DH; Yang JL; Bonar F; Markovic B; Bruce WJ; Kohan L; Neil MJ, 1998, 'Cytokines and Matrix Metalloproteinases mRNA Expression in Archival Human Tissue from Failed Total Hip Arthroplasty Using in situ Hybridization and Colour Video Images Analysis', Bulletin Hospital for Joint Diseases, 57, pp. 23 - 29

Wallace A; Walsh WF; Herbert T; Sonnabend DH, 1998, 'Difficulties in the salvage of forearm stability in radio-ulnar dissociation.', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Surgery, pp. 154 - 157

Abate JA; Fadale PD; Hulstyn MJ; Walsh WF, 1998, 'Initial fixation strength of polylactic acid interference screws in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.', Arthroscopy - the Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery, 143, pp. 278 - 284

Stewart K; Lvoff G; White S; Bonar F; Walsh WF; Smart RC; Poole MD, 1998, 'Mandibular distraction osteogenesis: a comparison of distraction rates in the rabbit model.', Journal of Cranio - Maxillofacial Surgery, 26, pp. 43 - 49

Walker P; Bates E; Chung W; Walsh W; Leicester A, 1997, 'Effects of hyperbaric pressure on the growth plates of rats', South Pacific Underwater Medicine Society Journal, 27, pp. 125 - 130

Walsh WF; Sherman P; Howlett CR; Sonnabend DH; Ehrlich MG, 1997, 'Fracture healing in a rat osteopenia model', Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, pp. 218 - 227

Wallace A; Walsh WF; Van Rooijen ML; Hughes J; Sonnabend DH, 1997, 'The interosseous membrane in radio-ulnar dissocation', Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery - British Volume, pp. 422 - 427

Wallace AL; Walsh WR; van Rooijen M; Hughes JS; Sonnabend DH, 1997, 'THE INTEROSSEOUS MEMBRANE IN RADIO-ULNAR DISSOCIATION', The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. British volume, 79-B, pp. 422 - 427,

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