Select Publications

Journal articles

Ding X; Zhang X; Huang L; Xiong S; Li Z; Zhao Y; Zhou B; Yin X; Xu B; Wu Y; Neal B; Tian M; Yan LL, 2025, 'Salt Substitution and Recurrent Stroke and Death: A Randomized Clinical Trial.', JAMA Cardiol,

Barrett EM; Pettigrew S; Neal B; Rayner M; Coyle DH; Jones A; Maganja D; Gaines A; Mozaffarian D; Taylor F; Ghammachi N; Wu JHY, 2025, 'Modifying the Health Star Rating nutrient profiling algorithm to account for ultra-processing', Nutrition and Dietetics, 82, pp. 53 - 63,

Chatur S; Vaduganathan M; Fletcher RA; Perkovic V; Heerspink H; Arnott C; Pollock C; Mahaffey KW; Neal B; Jardine M; Solomon SD; Neuen BL, 2025, 'Canagliflozin reduces oral loop diuretic intensification in patients with type 2 diabetes: A participant-level pooled analysis of the CANVAS and CREDENCE trials', European Journal of Heart Failure,

Wang F; Pi Y; Zhao Y; Zhang Y; Zhou B; Li Z; Sun J; Yu Y; Tian M; Yang M; Huang L; Song H; Neal B; Kissock KR, 2024, 'Effect of salt substitution on fracture—a secondary analysis of the Salt Substitute and Stroke Study (SSaSS)', BMC Medicine, 22, pp. 366,

Wu JHY; Maganja D; Huang L; Trieu K; Taylor F; Barrett EM; Arnott C; Feng X; Schutte AE; Di Tanna GL; Mhurchu CN; Cameron AJ; Huffman MD; Neal B, 2024, 'Effectiveness of an online food shopping intervention to reduce salt purchases among individuals with hypertension – findings of the SaltSwitch Online Grocery Shopping (OGS) randomised trial', International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 21,

KHAN MS; JANUZZI JL; LIU YUXI; XU J; SHAW W; SATTAR N; MAHAFFEY KW; NEAL B; HANSEN MK; BUTLER J, 2024, 'Natriuretic Peptides and Prognosis in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and High Risk for Cardiovascular Events', Journal of Cardiac Failure, 30, pp. 1544 - 1551,

Shahid M; Shah P; Mach K; Rodgers-Hunt B; Finnigan T; Frost G; Neal B; Hadjikakou M, 2024, 'The environmental impact of mycoprotein-based meat alternatives compared to plant-based meat alternatives: A systematic review', Future Foods, 10,

Talbot B; Fletcher RA; Neal B; Oshima M; Adshead F; Moore K; McGain F; McAlister S; Barraclough KA; Knight J; Neuen BL; Arnott C, 2024, 'The potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions through disease prevention: a secondary analysis of data from the CREDENCE trial', The Lancet Planetary Health, 8, pp. e1055 - e1064,

Shahid M; Gaines A; Shah P; Hadjikakou M; Neal B, 2024, 'Application of environmentally extended input-output data to estimate greenhouse gas emissions attributable to packaged foods and beverages in Australia', Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 109,

Trieu K; Huang L; Aminde LN; Cobiac L; Coyle DH; Wanjau MN; Thout SR; Neal B; Wu JHY; Veerman L; Marklund M; Gupta R, 2024, 'Estimated health benefits, costs, and cost-effectiveness of implementing WHO's sodium benchmarks for packaged foods in India: a modelling study', The Lancet Public Health, 9, pp. e852 - e860,

Marklund M; Trieu K; Aminde LN; Cobiac L; Coyle DH; Huang L; Neal B; Veerman L; Wu JHY, 2024, 'Estimated health effect, cost, and cost-effectiveness of mandating sodium benchmarks in Australia's packaged foods: a modelling study', The Lancet Public Health, 9, pp. e861 - e870,

Bullen J; Yin X; Kissock K; Fisher L; Neal B; Trieu K, 2024, 'Health Claims, Product Features and Instructions for Use on the Labels of Potassium-enriched Salt Products: A Content Analysis', Current Developments in Nutrition, 8, pp. 104473,

Chatur S; Neuen BL; Fletcher RA; Perkovic V; Heerspink H; Arnott C; Pollock C; Mahaffey KW; Neal B; Jardine M; Solomon SD; Vaduganathan M, 2024, 'Canagliflozin reduces oral loop diuretic intensification in patients with type 2 diabetes: a participant level pooled analysis of CREDENCE and CANVAS', European Heart Journal, 45,

Koshino A; Heerspink HJL; Jongs N; Badve S; Arnott C; Neal B; Jardine M; Mahaffey KW; Pollock C; Perkovic V; Hansen MK; Bakker SJL; Wada T; Neuen BL, 2024, 'Canagliflozin and iron metabolism in the CREDENCE trial', NEPHROLOGY DIALYSIS TRANSPLANTATION,

Chen AX; Fletcher R; Neuen BL; Neal B; Arnott C, 2024, 'An overview of the CANVAS Program and CREDENCE trial: The primary outcomes and key clinical implications for those managing patients with type 2 diabetes', Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, 26, pp. 5 - 13,

Jones A; Maganja D; Shahid M; Neal B; Pettigrew S, 2024, 'Voluntary versus mandatory food labels, Australia', Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 102, pp. 691 - 698,

Rasmussen DGK; Hansen MK; Frederiksen P; Luo Y; Pehrsson M; Neal B; Karsdal MA; Genovese F, 2024, 'Association of type III collagen turnover with cardiovascular outcomes and impact with canagliflozin in the CANVAS Program: A post hoc analysis', Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, 26, pp. 4060 - 4068,

Vaduganathan M; Cannon CP; Jardine MJ; Heerspink HJL; Arnott C; Neuen BL; Sarraju A; Gogate J; Seufert J; Neal B; Perkovic V; Mahaffey KW; Kosiborod MN, 2024, 'Effects of canagliflozin on total heart failure events across the kidney function spectrum: Participant-level pooled analysis from the CANVAS Program and CREDENCE trial', European Journal of Heart Failure, 26, pp. 1967 - 1975,

Patel SM; Kang YM; Im KA; Neuen BL; Anker SD; Bhatt DL; Butler J; Cherney DZI; Claggett BL; Fletcher RA; Herrington WG; Inzucchi SE; Jardine MJ; Mahaffey KW; McGuire DK; McMurray JJV; Neal B; Packer M; Perkovic V; Solomon SD; Staplin N; Vaduganathan M; Wanner C; Wheeler DC; Zannad F; Zhao Y; Heerspink HJL; Sabatine MS; Wiviott SD, 2024, 'Sodium-Glucose Cotransporter-2 Inhibitors and Major Adverse Cardiovascular Outcomes: A SMART-C Collaborative Meta-Analysis', Circulation, 149, pp. 1789 - 1801,

Gaines A; Shahid M; Coyle D; Barrett E; Hadjikakou M; Wu JHY; Taylor F; Pettigrew S; Neal B; Seferidi P, 2024, 'Switches in food and beverage product purchases can reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Australia', Nature Food, 5, pp. 524 - 532,

Yu J; Arnott C; Li Q; Di Tanna GL; Tian M; Huang L; Yin X; Zhang X; Pearson SA; Labarthe DR; Elliott P; Yan LL; Zhou B; Wu Y; Neal B, 2024, 'Secondary Analysis of the Salt Substitute and Stroke Study (SSaSS): Effects of Potassium-Enriched Salt on Cardiac Outcomes', Hypertension, 81, pp. 1031 - 1040,

Haghdoost F; Gnanenthiran SR; Shan S; Kaistha P; Huang L; Tian M; Liu Y; Yin X; Zhang X; Hao Z; Wu Y; Di Tanna GL; Neal B; Rodgers A, 2024, 'The effect of salt substitution on frequency and severity of headache: results from the SSaSS cluster-randomised controlled trial of 20,995 participants', European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 78, pp. 401 - 406,

Bullen JD; Kissock KR; Yin X; Mkambula P; Trieu K; Hastings B; Neal B; Paige E, 2024, 'The potential for current sodium and potassium production to support a global switch to the use of potassium-enriched salt: A desktop research study', Public Health Nutrition, 27, pp. e125 - 23,

Huang L; Li Q; Wu JHY; Tian M; Yin X; Yu J; Liu Y; Zhang X; Wu Y; Paige E; Trieu K; Marklund M; Rodgers A; Neal B, 2024, 'The contribution of sodium reduction and potassium increase to the blood pressure lowering observed in the Salt Substitute and Stroke Study', Journal of Human Hypertension, 38, pp. 298 - 306,

Marklund M; Trieu K; Aminde L; Cobiac L; Coyle D; Huang L; Neal BC; Veerman JL; Wu JH, 2024, 'Abstract MP67: Estimated Health Impact, Cost, and Cost-Effectiveness of Mandating Sodium Benchmarks in Australia’s Packaged Foods', Circulation, 149,

Xu X; Zeng L; Jha V; Cobb LK; Shibuya K; Appel LJ; Neal B; Schutte AE, 2024, 'Potassium-Enriched Salt Substitutes: A Review of Recommendations in Clinical Management Guidelines', Hypertension, 81, pp. 400 - 414,

Neuen BL; Heerspink HJL; Vart P; Claggett BL; Fletcher RA; Arnott C; de Oliveira Costa J; Falster MO; Pearson SA; Mahaffey KW; Neal B; Agarwal R; Bakris G; Perkovic V; Solomon SD; Vaduganathan M, 2024, 'Estimated Lifetime Cardiovascular, Kidney, and Mortality Benefits of Combination Treatment With SGLT2 Inhibitors, GLP-1 Receptor Agonists, and Nonsteroidal MRA Compared With Conventional Care in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes and Albuminuria', Circulation, 149, pp. 450 - 462,

Koshino A; Neuen BL; Oshima M; Toyama T; Hara A; Arnott C; Neal B; Jardine M; Badve SV; Mahaffey KW; Pollock C; Hansen MK; Wada T; Heerspink HJL, 2024, 'Autoantibodies to Erythropoietin Receptor and Clinical Outcomes in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes and CKD: A Post Hoc Analysis of CREDENCE Trial', Kidney International Reports, 9, pp. 347 - 355,

Lai X; Yuan Y; Wang H; Zhang R; Qiao Q; Feng X; Jin A; Li H; Li J; Si L; Gao P; Jan S; Fang H; Wu Y; Neal B, 2024, 'Cost-Effectiveness of Salt Substitute and Salt Supply Restriction in Eldercare Facilities: The DECIDE-Salt Cluster Randomized Clinical Trial', JAMA Network Open, 7, pp. E2355564,

Kissock KR; Garrett GS; Mkambula P; Bullen JD; Trieu K; Fisher LJ; Paige E; Gary MS; Neal B, 2024, 'Switching the World's Salt Supply—Learning from Iodization to Achieve Potassium Enrichment', Advances in Nutrition, 15, pp. 100148,

Moedt E; Koshino A; Jongs N; Ju W; Hansen MK; Arnott CG; Neal B; Bakker SJL; Heerspink HJL, 2024, 'Association of Urinary Epidermal Growth Factor with Kidney Outcomes and Effects of SGLT2 Inhibition: Results from the CANVAS and CREDENCE Trials', Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 35,

Ge A; Wang T; Yin X; Liu X; Bao C; Xin Y; Li Q; Wang Y; Pan Y; Neal B; Tian M, 2024, 'Effects of Price Subsidy and Health Education on Sales of Reduced-Sodium Potassium-Enriched Salt: A Cluster Factorial Trial', Current Developments in Nutrition, 8, pp. 102450 - 102450,

Marklund M; Aminde L; Huang L; Thout SR; Cobiac L; Coyle D; Wanjau MN; Neal B; Wu J; Veerman L; Trieu K; Gupta R, 2024, 'Estimated Health Benefits, Costs, and Cost-Effectiveness of Implementing WHO Global Sodium Benchmarks in India', Current Developments in Nutrition, 8, pp. 103593 - 103593,

Neuen BL; Ferguson TW; Jardine M; Neal B; Perkovic V; Bakris GL; Agarwal R; Schloemer P; Farjat AE; Jongs N; Heerspink HJL; Wheeler DC; Chertow GM; Tangri N, 2024, 'Prognostic Enrichment Using the Klinrisk Model: Insights from Landmark Kidney Disease Clinical Trials', Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 35,

Rosewarne E; Santos JA; Di Tanna GL; Shahid M; Grimes C; Bolton KA; Webster J; Neal B; Woodward M; Coyle D; Trieu K; Santos JA, 2023, 'Changes in sodium levels in Australian packaged foods between 2014 and 2019: an interrupted time series analysis of the impact of the Victorian Salt Reduction Partnership’s media advocacy strategy', International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 20, pp. 71,

Crosby S; Malavisi A; Huang L; Jan S; Holden R; Neal B, 2023, 'Factors influencing the time to ethics and governance approvals for clinical trials: a retrospective cross-sectional survey', Trials, 24, pp. 779,

Rao S; Nazarzadeh M; Canoy D; Li Y; Huang J; Mamouei M; Salimi-Khorshidi G; Schutte AE; Neal B; Smith GD; Rahimi K, 2023, 'Sodium-based paracetamol: impact on blood pressure, cardiovascular events, and all-cause mortality', European Heart Journal, 44, pp. 4448 - 4457,

Gaines AM; Davies T; Shahid M; Taylor F; Wu JH; Hadjikakou M; Pettigrew S; Seferidi P; Neal B, 2023, 'A novel approach to estimate product-specific greenhouse gas emissions for 23,550 Australian packaged foods and beverages', Journal of Cleaner Production, 425, pp. 138816,

Sen T; Ju W; Nair V; Ladd P; Menon R; Otto EA; Pyle L; Vigers T; Nelson RG; Arnott C; Neal B; Hansen MK; Kretzler M; Bjornstad P; Heerspink HJL, 2023, 'Sodium glucose co-transporter 2 inhibition increases epidermal growth factor expression and improves outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes', Kidney International, 104, pp. 828 - 839,

Law KK; Coyle DH; Neal B; Huang L; Barrett EM; Arnott C; Chow CK; Di Tanna GL; Lung T; Mozaffarian D; Berkowitz SA; Wong J; Wu T; Twigg S; Gauld A; Simmons D; Piya MK; MacMillan F; Khoo CL; Tian M; Trieu K; Wu JHY, 2023, 'Protocol for a randomized controlled trial of medically tailored meals compared to usual care among individuals with type 2 diabetes in Australia', Contemporary Clinical Trials, 132,

Januzzi JL; Mohebi R; Liu Y; Sattar N; Heerspink HJL; Tefera E; Vaduganathan M; Butler J; Yavin Y; Li J; Pollock CA; Perkovic V; Neal B; Hansen MK, 2023, 'Cardiorenal Biomarkers, Canagliflozin, and Outcomes in Diabetic Kidney Disease: The CREDENCE Trial', Circulation, 148, pp. 651 - 660,

Grimes CA; Bolton KA; Trieu K; Reimers J; Armstrong S; Bolam B; Beckford K; Santos JA; Rosewarne E; Dunford EK; Jan S; Webster J; Neal B; Nowson C; Woodward M; Santos JA, 2023, 'Evaluation of a state-wide intervention on salt intake in primary schoolchildren living in Victoria, Australia', Public Health Nutrition, 26, pp. 1456 - 1467,

Fletcher RA; Arnott C; Rockenschaub P; Schutte AE; Carpenter L; Vaduganathan M; Agarwal R; Bakris G; Chang TI; Heerspink HJL; Jardine MJ; Mahaffey KW; Neal B; Pollock C; Jun M; Rodgers A; Perkovic V; Neuen BL, 2023, 'Canagliflozin, Blood Pressure Variability, and Risk of Cardiovascular, Kidney, and Mortality Outcomes: Pooled Individual Participant Data From the CANVAS and CREDENCE Trials', Journal of the American Heart Association, 12, pp. e028516,

Inker LA; Collier W; Greene T; Miao S; Chaudhari J; Appel GB; Badve SV; Caravaca-Fontán F; Del Vecchio L; Floege J; Goicoechea M; Haaland B; Herrington WG; Imai E; Jafar TH; Lewis JB; Li PKT; Maes BD; Neuen BL; Perrone RD; Remuzzi G; Schena FP; Wanner C; Wetzels JFM; Woodward M; Heerspink HJL; Estacio RO; Hanratty R; Chalmers J; Canetta P; Barrett B; Neal B; Perkovic V; Mahaffey KW; Johnson D; Jardine M; von Eynatten M; Verde E; Verdalles U; Arroyo D; Chapman A; Torres V; Yu A; Brosnahan G; Hannedouche T; Chow KM; Szeto CC; Leung CB; Xie D; Hou FF; Dwyer J; Pohl MA; Raz I; Hunsicker LG; Vanacker A; Malfait T; Maschio G; Locatelli F; Blankestijn PJ; van Zuilen A; Kobayashi F; Makino H; Chan JCN; Andrulli S; Pozzi C; Casartelli D; Praga M; Trujillo H; Cavero T; Sevillano A; Ruggenenti P; Perna A; Carrara F; Keane WF; Manno C; Haynes R; Baigent C; Landray M; Rauen T; Seikrit C; Wied S; Toto RD; de Jong PE; Saddelli M, 2023, 'A meta-analysis of GFR slope as a surrogate endpoint for kidney failure', Nature Medicine, 29, pp. 1867 - 1876,

Yi TW; Smyth B; Di Tanna GL; Arnott C; Cardoza K; Kang A; Pollock C; Agarwal R; Bakris G; Charytan DM; de Zeeuw D; Heerspink HJL; Neal B; Wheeler DC; Cannon CP; Zhang H; Zinman B; Perkovic V; Levin A; Mahaffey KW; Jardine M; Brenner BM; Greene T; Jardine MJ; Meininger G; Li N; Kolesnyk I; Aizenberg D; Pecoits-Filho R; Cherney D; Obrador G; Chertow G; Chang T; Hawley C; Ji L; Wada T; Jha V; Lim SK; Lim-Abrahan MA; Santos F; Chae DW; Hwang SJ; Vazelov E; Rychlík I; Hadjadj S; Krane V; Rosivall L; De Nicola L; Dreval A; Nowicki M; Schiller A; Distiller L; Górriz JL; Kolesnyk M; David ; Wheeler C; Guerrero RAA; Albisu JP; Alvarisqueta A; Bartolacci I; Berli MA; Bordonava A; Calella P; Cantero MC; Cartasegna LR; Cercos E; Coloma GC; Colombo H; Commendatore V; Cuadrado J; Cuneo CA; Cusumano AM; Douthat WG; Dran RD; Farias E; Fernandez MF; Finkelstein H; Fragale G; Fretes JO; Garcia NH; Gastaldi A; Gelersztein E; Glenny JA; Gonzalez JP; Colaso PDCG; Goycoa C; Greloni GC; Guinsburg A; Hermida S; Juncos LI; Klyver MI; Kraft F; Krynski F; Lanchiotti PV; Leon de la Fuente RA; Marchetta N; Mele P; Nicolai S; Novoa PA; Orio SI, 2023, 'Kidney and Cardiovascular Effects of Canagliflozin According to Age and Sex: A Post Hoc Analysis of the CREDENCE Randomized Clinical Trial', American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 82, pp. 84 - 96.e1,

Shahid M; Gaines A; Coyle D; Alessandrini R; Finnigan T; Frost G; Marklund M; Neal B, 2023, 'The effect of mycoprotein intake on biomarkers of human health: a systematic review and meta-analysis', American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 118, pp. 141 - 150,

Arnott C; Neal B, 2023, 'Good for your heart and safe for your toes: A patient-level meta-analysis of DAPA-HF and DELIVER', European Heart Journal, 44, pp. 2184 - 2186,

Charytan DM; Mahaffey KW; Jardine MJ; Cannon CP; Neal B; Lambers Heerspink HJ; Agarwal R; Bakris GL; De Zeeuw D; Levin A; Pollock C; Zhang H; Zinman B; Rosenthal N; Perkovic V; Di Tanna GL; Yu J; Rogers K; Arnott C; Wheeler DC, 2023, 'Cardiorenal protective effects of canagliflozin in CREDENCE according to glucose lowering', BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care, 11, pp. e003270,

Tye SC; Oshima M; Arnott C; Neuen BL; Fletcher RA; Neal B; Heerspink HJL, 2023, 'The importance of targeting multiple risk markers in patients with type 2 diabetes: A post-hoc study from the CANVAS programme', Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, 25, pp. 1638 - 1645,

Karlsson K; Radholm K; Dunford E; Wu J; Neal B; Sundstrom J, 2023, 'Sodium content in Swedish processed food items compared to other countries', European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, 30,

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