Select Publications

Journal articles

Chalmers J; Neal B; MacMahon S, 2000, 'PROGRESS (Perindopril Protection Against Recurrent Stroke Study): Regional characteristics of the study population at baseline', Journal of Hypertension, Supplement, 18

MacMahon S; Neal B, 2000, 'Differences between blood-pressure-lowering drugs', Lancet, 356, pp. 352 - 353,

O Brien J; Duncan H; Kirsh G; Allen V; King P; Hargraves R; Mendes L; Perera T; Catto P; Schofield S; Ploschke H; Hefner T; Churchland M; Woolnough S; Wuttke R; Manning M; Jeffries T; Hensley L; Bath P; Bainbridge D; Guinane F; McMahon L; Zavattaro D; Wilson D; Blake K; Morton J; Sharman D; Locke R; Ghabrial J; McNeil S; Rehfisch P; Van Der Merwe S; Einoder B; Douglas D; Ashwell J; Morrissey A; Brown A; Simm R; Fisch C; Crawford W; Everding T; Tanham D; Hooper J; Aldana C; Goldwasser M; Mibus M; Rowden N; Mills J; Johnson P; Stilwell J; Williams R; Stevenson T; Zwar J; Bauze R; Nyunt B; Russell R; Day G; Cameron M; Clements P; Beck T; Ellis A; Phipps S; Quaill W; Skirving A; McGuiness M; Gray P; Rankin J; Wood D; Senior J; Courtenay B; Green M; Harris I; Rush J; Kilgour M; Davies J; Newcombe J; Lewis C; Leitl S; Chilcott R; Pianta R; Aguila A; Hawe C; Nade S; Smith M; Robertson P; Rothwell A; May S; Williams S; Rothwell A; Shamy S; Martin G; Steele V; Jeffery K; Kelman I; McKillan J; Dayaram P; Culling J; Lawson D; Winfield P; Kuzel R, 2000, 'Prevention of pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis with low dose aspirin: Pulmonary Embolism Prevention (PEP) trial', Lancet, 355, pp. 1295 - 1302,

Neal BC; Rodgers A; Clark T; Gray H; Reid IR; Dunn L; MacMahon SW, 2000, 'A systematic survey of 13 randomized trials of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for the prevention of heterotopic bone formation after major hip surgery', Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica, 71, pp. 122 - 128,

Neal BC; Rodgers A; Gray H; Clark T; Beaumont DD; House T; Douglas JE; Reid IR; MacMahon SW, 2000, 'No effect of low-dose aspirin for the prevention of heterotopic bone formation after total hip replacement: A randomized trial of 2,649 patients', Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica, 71, pp. 129 - 134,

Neal B; Rodgers A; Dunn L; Fransen M, 2000, 'Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for preventing heterotopic bone formation after hip arthroplasty.', Cochrane database of systematic reviews (Online)

Neal B, 2000, 'UNDER THE MICROSCOPE', Evidence-based Cardiovascular Medicine, 4, pp. 28 - 30,

Zhang X; MacMahon S; Rodgers A; Neal B, 1999, 'Determinants of cardiovascular disease in the Asian Pacific Region: Protocol for a collaborative overview of cohort studies', CVD Prevention, 2, pp. 281 - 289

Rodgers A; Neal B, 1999, 'Less salt does not necessarily mean less taste', Lancet, 353, pp. 1332,

Chalmers J; MacMahon S; Mancia G; Whitworth J; Beilin L; Hansson L; Neal B; Rodgers A; Mhurchu CN; Clark T, 1999, '1999 World Health Organization International Society of Hypertension guidelines for the management of hypertension', JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION, 17, pp. 151 - 183,

Chalmers J, 1999, '1999 World Health Organization - International Society of Hypertension Guidelines for the Management of Hypertension', Blood Pressure, Supplement, 8, pp. 9 - 43

Chalmers J; MacMahon S; Bousser MG; Cutler J; Donnan G; Hansson L; Harrap S; Liu L; Mancia G; Omae T; Reid J; Rodgers A; Warlow C, 1999, 'PROGRESS - Perindopril Protection Against Recurrent Stroke Study: Characteristics of the study population at baseline', Journal of Hypertension, 17, pp. 1647 - 1655

Neal B; MacMahon S, 1999, 'The world health organization- international society of hypertension blood pressure lowering treatment trialists' collaboration: Prospective collaborative overviews of major randomized trials of blood pressure-lowering treatments', Current Hypertension Reports, 1, pp. 346 - 356,

Neal B, 1999, 'Captopril and conventional treatment had similar effects on cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in patients with primary hypertension', Evidence-based Cardiovascular Medicine, 3, pp. 74 - 74,

Black H; Boissel JP; Brenner B; Brown M; Bulpitt C; Chalmers J; Collins R; Cutler J; Dahlof B; Davis B; Fagard R; Fletcher A; Furberg C; Hansson L; Kuramoto K; Lewis E; MacMahon S; Mancia G; Pitt B; Poulter N; Remuzzi G; Sleight P; Turner R; Sever P; Whelton P; Wing L; Yusuf S; Zanchetti A; Martin I; Cohn J; Alderman M; Hansson L; Neal B; Rodgers A; Baigent C; Collins R, 1998, 'Protocol for prospective collaborative overviews of major randomized trials of blood-pressure-lowering treatments', Journal of Hypertension, 16, pp. 127 - 137

NEAL B, 1998, 'Blood pressure and the risk of recurrent vascular disease', American Journal of Hypertension, 11, pp. 25A - 25A,

Alderman M; Arakawa K; Beilin L; Chalmers J; Cohn J; Collins R; Fenichel RR; Frohlich ED; Hamet P; Hansson L; Hennekens C; Kuschnir E; Lisheng L; MacMahon S; Mancia G; Martin I; Menard J; Sleight P; Whitworth J; Yusuf S; Zanchetti A; Neal B, 1997, 'Effects of calcium antagonists on the risks of coronary heart disease, cancer and bleeding', Hypertension Research - Clinical and Experimental, 20, pp. 61 - 72

MacMahon S; Rodgers A; Neal B; Chalmers J, 1997, 'Blood pressure lowering for the secondary prevention of myocardial infarction and stroke', Hypertension, 29, pp. 537 - 538,

Chalmers J, 1997, 'Effects of calcium antagonists on the risks of coronary heart disease, cancer and bleeding', Journal of Human Hypertension, 11, pp. 331 - 342,

Neal B; Rodgers A; Mackie MJ; MacMahon S, 1996, 'Forty years of randomised trials in the New Zealand Medical Journal', New Zealand Medical Journal, 109, pp. 372 - 373

Neal B; Anderson C; Chalmers J; MacMahon S; Rodgers A, 1996, 'Blood pressure lowering in patients with cerebrovascular disease: Results of the progress (perindopril protection against recurrent stroke study) pilot phase', Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology, 23, pp. 444 - 446,

Neal B; MacMahon S, 1995, 'PROGRESS (perindopril protection against recurrent stroke study): rationale and design. PROGRESS Management Committee [corrected]', Journal of hypertension, 13, pp. 1869 - 1873

Neal B; MacMahon S; Bousser MG; Chalmers J; Cutler J; Donnan G; Hansson L; Harrap S; Lisheng L; Mancia G; Menard J; Omae T; Reid J; Rodgers A, 1995, 'The PROGRESS study: Rationale and design', Journal of Hypertension, 13, pp. 1869 - 1873,

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