Select Publications

Journal articles

Neal B, 2014, 'Dietary salt is a public health hazard that requires vigorous attack', Canadian Journal of Cardiology, 30, pp. 502 - 506,

Webster J; Dunford E; Kennington S; Neal B; Chapman S, 2014, 'Drop the Salt! Assessing the impact of a public health advocacy strategy on Australian government policy on salt', Public health nutrition, 17, pp. 212 - 218,

van Dieren S; Kengne AP; Chalmers J; Beulens JWJ; Davis TME; Fulcher G; Heller SR; Patel A; Colagiuri S; Hamet P; Mancia G; Marre M; Neal B; Williams B; Peelen LM; van der Schouw YT; Woodward M; Zoungas S, 2014, 'Intensification of medication and glycaemic control among patients with type 2 diabetes-The ADVANCE trial', Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, 16, pp. 426 - 432,

Johnson C; Mohan S; Praveen D; Woodward M; Maulik PK; Shivashankar R; Amarchand R; Webster J; Dunford E; Thout SR; MacGregor G; He F; Srinath Reddy K; Krishnan A; Prabhakaran D; Neal B, 2014, 'Protocol for developing the evidence base for a national salt reduction programme for India', BMJ Open, 4, pp. e006629,

Trevena H; Dunford E; Neal B; Webster J, 2014, 'The Australian Food and Health Dialogue - The implications of the sodium recommendation for pasta sauces', Public Health Nutrition, 17, pp. 1647 - 1653,

Herrington W; Emberson J; Staplin N; Blackwell L; Fellström B; Walker R; Levin A; Hooi LS; Massy ZA; Tesar V; Reith C; Haynes R; Baigent C; Landray MJ; Wheeler DC; Tomson C; Wanner C; Krane V; Cass A; Craig J; Neal B; Jiang L; Agodoa L; Gaziano M; Kasiske B; Feldt-Rasmussen B; Krairittichai U; Ophascharoensuk V; Holdaas H; Wiecek A; Grobbee D; De Zeeuw D; Gronhagen-Riska C; Dasgupta T; Lewis D; Mafham M; Majoni W; Wallendszus K; Grimm R; Pedersen T; Tobert J; Armitage J; Baxter A; Bray C; Chen Y; Chen Z; Hill M; Knott C; Parish S; Simpson D; Sleight P; Young A; Collins R, 2014, 'The effect of lowering LDL cholesterol on vascular access patency: Post hoc analysis of the study of heart and renal protection', Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 9, pp. 914 - 919,

Blomster JI; Zoungas S; Chalmers J; Li Q; Chow CK; Woodward M; Mancia G; Poulter N; Williams B; Harrap S; Neal B; Patel A; Hillis GS, 2014, 'The relationship between alcohol consumption and vascular complications and mortality in individuals with type 2 diabetes', Diabetes Care, 37, pp. 1353 - 1359,

Hillis GS; Welsh P; Chalmers J; Perkovic V; Chow CK; Li Q; Jun M; Neal B; Zoungas S; Poulter N; Mancia G; Williams B; Sattar N; Woodward M, 2014, 'The relative and combined ability of high-sensitivity cardiac troponin t and n-terminal pro-b-type natriuretic peptide to predict cardiovascular events and death in patients with type 2 diabetes', Diabetes Care, 37, pp. 295 - 303,

Volkova E; Neal B; Rayner M; Swinburn B; Eyles H; Jiang Y; Michie J; Mhurchu CN, 2014, 'Effects of interpretive front-of-pack nutrition labels on food purchases: Starlight randomised controlled trial', Obesity Research & Clinical Practice, 8, pp. 110 - 111,

Bell KJL; Beller E; Sundström J; McGeechan K; Hayen A; Irwig L; Neal B; Glasziou P, 2014, 'PT266 The Incremental Value of Ambulatory Blood Pressure For The Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease In Older Men', Global Heart, 9, pp. e218 - e218,

Anderson CS; Heeley E; Huang Y; Wang J; Stapf C; Delcourt C; Lindley R; Robinson T; Lavados P; Neal B; Hata J; Arima H; Parsons M; Li Y; Wang J; Heritier S; Li Q; Woodward M; Simes RJ; Davis SM; Chalmers J, 2014, 'Rapid Blood-Pressure Lowering in Patients With Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage', Survey of Anesthesiology, 58, pp. 24 - 26,

Johnson C; Dunford E; Guggilla R; Neal B, 2014, 'The compliance of packaged food products in India with national and international nutritional labelling standards', Journal of Nutrition & Intermediary Metabolism, 1, pp. 29 - 29,

Webster R; Patel A; Billot L; Cass A; Burch C; Neal B; Usherwood T; Thom S; Poulter N; Stanton A; Bots ML; Grobbee DE; Prabhakaran D; Reddy KS; Field J; Bullen C; Elley CR; Selak V; Rafter N; Wadham A; Berwanger O; Rodgers A, 2013, 'Prospective meta-analysis of trials comparing fixed dose combination based care with usual care in individuals at high cardiovascular risk: The SPACE Collaboration', International Journal of Cardiology, 170, pp. 30 - 35,

Neal B; Land MA; Woodward M, 2013, 'An update on the salt wars - Genuine controversy, poor science, or vested interest?', Current Hypertension Reports, 15, pp. 687 - 693,

Li N; Yan LL; Niu W; Labarthe D; Feng X; Shi J; Zhang J; Zhang R; Zhang Y; Chu H; Neiman A; Engelgau M; Elliott P; Wu Y; Neal B, 2013, 'A large-scale cluster randomized trial to determine the effects of community-based dietary sodium reduction - The China Rural Health Initiative Sodium Reduction Study', American Heart Journal, 166, pp. 815 - 822,

Eyles H; Webster J; Jebb S; Capelin C; Neal B; Ni Mhurchu C, 2013, 'Impact of the UK voluntary sodium reduction targets on the sodium content of processed foods from 2006 to 2011: Analysis of household consumer panel data', Preventive Medicine, 57, pp. 555 - 560,

Perkovic V, 2013, 'Blood pressure lowering and major cardiovascular events in people with and without chronic kidney disease: Meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials', BMJ (Online), 347,

Sacks G; Swinburn B; Kraak V; Downs S; Walker C; Barquera S; Friel S; Hawkes C; Kelly B; Kumanyika S; L'Abbé M; Lee A; Lobstein T; Ma J; Macmullan J; Mohan S; Monteiro C; Neal B; Rayner M; Sanders D; Snowdon W; Vandevijvere S, 2013, 'A proposed approach to monitor private-sector policies and practices related to food environments, obesity and non-communicable disease prevention', Obesity Reviews, 14, pp. 38 - 48,

Swinburn B; Sacks G; Vandevijvere S; Kumanyika S; Lobstein T; Neal B; Barquera S; Friel S; Hawkes C; Kelly B; L'Abbé M; Lee A; Ma J; Macmullan J; Mohan S; Monteiro C; Rayner M; Sanders D; Snowdon W; Walker C, 2013, 'INFORMAS (International Network for Food and Obesity/non-communicable diseases Research, Monitoring and Action Support): Overview and key principles', Obesity Reviews, 14, pp. 1 - 12,

Swinburn B; Vandevijvere S; Kraak V; Sacks G; Snowdon W; Hawkes C; Barquera S; Friel S; Kelly B; Kumanyika S; L'Abbé M; Lee A; Lobstein T; Ma J; Macmullan J; Mohan S; Monteiro C; Neal B; Rayner M; Sanders D; Walker C, 2013, 'Monitoring and benchmarking government policies and actions to improve the healthiness of food environments: A proposed government healthy food environment policy index', Obesity Reviews, 14, pp. 24 - 37,

Vandevijvere S; Monteiro C; Krebs-Smith SM; Lee A; Swinburn B; Kelly B; Neal B; Snowdon W; Sacks G, 2013, 'Monitoring and benchmarking population diet quality globally: A step-wise approach', Obesity Reviews, 14, pp. 135 - 149,

Kelly B; King L; Baur L; Rayner M; Lobstein T; Monteiro C; Macmullan J; Mohan S; Barquera S; Friel S; Hawkes C; Kumanyika S; L'Abbé M; Lee A; Ma J; Neal B; Sacks G; Sanders D; Snowdon W; Swinburn B; Vandevijvere S; Walker C, 2013, 'Monitoring food and non-alcoholic beverage promotions to children', Obesity Reviews, 14, pp. 59 - 69,

L'Abbé M; Schermel A; Minaker L; Kelly B; Lee A; Vandevijvere S; Twohig P; Barquera S; Friel S; Hawkes C; Kumanyika S; Lobstein T; Ma J; Macmullan J; Mohan S; Monteiro C; Neal B; Rayner M; Sacks G; Sanders D; Snowdon W; Swinburn B; Walker C, 2013, 'Monitoring foods and beverages provided and sold in public sector settings', Obesity Reviews, 14, pp. 96 - 107,

Brinsden H; Lobstein T; Landon J; Kraak V; Sacks G; Kumanyika S; Swinburn B; Barquera S; Friel S; Hawkes C; Kelly B; L'Abbé M; Lee A; Ma J; Macmullen J; Mohan S; Monteiro C; Neal B; Rayner M; Sanders D; Snowdon W; Vandevijvere S; Walker C, 2013, 'Monitoring policy and actions on food environments: Rationale and outline of the INFORMAS policy engagement and communication strategies', Obesity Reviews, 14, pp. 13 - 23,

Rayner M; Wood A; Lawrence M; Mhurchu CN; Albert J; Barquera S; Friel S; Hawkes C; Kelly B; Kumanyika S; L'Abbé M; Lee A; Lobstein T; Ma J; Macmullan J; Mohan S; Monteiro C; Neal B; Sacks G; Sanders D; Snowdon W; Swinburn B; Vandevijvere S; Walker C, 2013, 'Monitoring the health-related labelling of foods and non-alcoholic beverages in retail settings', Obesity Reviews, 14, pp. 70 - 81,

Friel S; Hattersley L; Snowdon W; Thow AM; Lobstein T; Sanders D; Barquera S; Mohan S; Hawkes C; Kelly B; Kumanyika S; L'Abbe M; Lee A; Ma J; Macmullan J; Monteiro C; Neal B; Rayner M; Sacks G; Swinburn B; Vandevijvere S; Walker C, 2013, 'Monitoring the impacts of trade agreements on food environments', Obesity Reviews, 14, pp. 120 - 134,

Neal B; Sacks G; Swinburn B; Vandevijvere S; Dunford E; Snowdon W; Webster J; Barquera S; Friel S; Hawkes C; Kelly B; Kumanyika S; L'Abbé M; Lee A; Lobstein T; Ma J; Macmullan J; Mohan S; Monteiro C; Rayner M; Sanders D; Walker C, 2013, 'Monitoring the levels of important nutrients in the food supply', Obesity Reviews, 14, pp. 49 - 58,

Lee A; Mhurchu CN; Sacks G; Swinburn B; Snowdon W; Vandevijvere S; Hawkes C; L'Abbé M; Rayner M; Sanders D; Barquera S; Friel S; Kelly B; Kumanyika S; Lobstein T; Ma J; Macmullan J; Mohan S; Monteiro C; Neal B; Walker C, 2013, 'Monitoring the price and affordability of foods and diets globally', Obesity Reviews, 14, pp. 82 - 95,

Dunford E, 2013, 'Progress with a global branded food composition database', Food Chemistry, 140, pp. 451 - 457,

Hata J; Arima H; Rothwell PM; Woodward M; Zoungas S; Anderson C; Patel A; Neal B; Glasziou P; Hamet P; Mancia G; Poulter N; Williams B; MacMahon S; Chalmers J, 2013, 'Effects of visit-to-visit variability in systolic blood pressure on macrovascular and microvascular complications in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: The advance trial', Circulation, 128, pp. 1325 - 1334,

Land MA; Christoforou A; Downs S; Webster J; Billot L; Li M; Peña-Rosas JP; Neal B, 2013, 'Iodine fortification of foods and condiments, other than salt, for preventing iodine deficiency disorders', Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2013,

Cappuccio FP; Neal B; Campbell NR; MacGregor GA, 2013, 'Salt: friend or foe?', The Lancet, 382, pp. 683,

Neal B, 2013, 'Fat chance for physical activity', Population Health Metrics, 11,

Anderson C; Heeley E; Heritier S; Arima H; Woodward M; Lindley R; Neal B; Huang Y; Wang JG; Parsons M; Stapf C; Robinson T; Lavados P; Delcourt C; Davis S; Chalmers J, 2013, 'Statistical analysis plan for the second INTEnsive blood pressure Reduction in Acute Cerebral hemorrhage Trial (INTERACT2): A large-scale investigation to solve longstanding controversy over the most appropriate management of elevated blood pressure in the hyperacute phase of intracerebral hemorrhage', International Journal of Stroke, 8, pp. 327 - 328,

Fransen M; Neal B, 2013, 'Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for preventing heterotopic bone formation after hip arthroplasty', Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2013,

Glozier N; Christensen H; Naismith S; Cockayne N; Donkin L; Neal B; Mackinnon A; Hickie I, 2013, 'Internet-Delivered Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Adults with Mild to Moderate Depression and High Cardiovascular Disease Risks: A Randomised Attention-Controlled Trial', PLoS ONE, 8, pp. e59139,

Hata J; Arima H; Zoungas S; Fulcher G; Pollock C; Adams M; Watson J; Joshi R; Kengne AP; Ninomiya T; Anderson C; Woodward M; Patel A; Mancia G; Poulter N; MacMahon S; Chalmers J; Neal B, 2013, 'Effects of the Endpoint Adjudication Process on the Results of a Randomised Controlled Trial: The ADVANCE Trial', PLoS ONE, 8,

Celermajer DS; Neal B, 2013, 'Excessive sodium intake and cardiovascular disease: A-salting our vessels', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 61, pp. 344 - 345,

Christoforou AK; Dunford EK; Neal BC, 2013, 'Changes in the sodium content of australian ready meals between 2008 and 2011', Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 22, pp. 138 - 143,

Wong MG; Perkovic V; Woodward M; Chalmers J; Li Q; Hillis GS; Yaghobian Azari D; Jun M; Poulter N; Hamet P; Williams B; Neal B; Mancia G; Cooper M; Pollock CA, 2013, 'Circulating bone morphogenetic protein-7 and transforming growth factor-β1 are better predictors of renal end points in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus', Kidney International, 83, pp. 278 - 284,

Lincoff AM; Tardif JC; Neal B; Nicholls SJ; Rydén L; Schwartz GG; Malmberg K; Buse JB; Henry RR; Wedel H; Weichert A; Cannata R; Grobbee DE, 2013, 'Evaluation of the dual peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α/γ agonist aleglitazar to reduce cardiovascular events in patients with acute coronary syndrome and type 2 diabetes mellitus: Rationale and design of the AleCardio trial', American Heart Journal, 166,

Powles J; Fahimi S; Micha R; Khatibzadeh S; Shi P; Ezzati M; Engell RE; Lim SS; Danaei G; Mozaffarian D, 2013, 'Global, regional and national sodium intakes in 1990 and 2010: a systematic analysis of 24 h urinary sodium excretion and dietary surveys worldwide', BMJ OPEN, 3,

Batty GD; Li Q; Huxley R; Zoungas S; Taylor BA; Neal B; de Galan B; Woodward M; Harrap SB; Colagiuri S; Patel A; Chalmers J, 2013, 'Oral disease in relation to future risk of dementia and cognitive decline: Prospective cohort study based on the Action in Diabetes and Vascular Disease: Preterax and Diamicron Modified-Release Controlled Evaluation (ADVANCE) trial', European Psychiatry, 28, pp. 49 - 52,

Moodie R; Stuckler D; Monteiro C; Sheron N; Neal B; Thamarangsi T; Lincoln P; Casswell S, 2013, 'Profits and pandemics: Prevention of harmful effects of tobacco, alcohol, and ultra-processed food and drink industries', The Lancet, 381, pp. 670 - 679,

Anderson CS; Heeley E; Huang Y; Wang J; Stapf C; Delcourt C; Lindley R; Robinson T; Lavados P; Neal B; Hata J; Arima H; Parsons M; Li Y; Wang J; Heritier S; Li Q; Woodward M; Simes RJ; Davis SM; Chalmers J, 2013, 'Rapid blood-pressure lowering in patients with acute intracerebral hemorrhage', New England Journal of Medicine, 368, pp. 2355 - 2365,

Neal B; Perkovic V; De Zeeuw D; Mahaffey KW; Fulcher G; Stein P; Desai M; Shaw W; Jiang J; Vercruysse F; Meininger G; Matthews D, 2013, 'Rationale, design, and baseline characteristics of the Canagliflozin Cardiovascular Assessment Study (CANVAS) - A randomized placebo-controlled trial', American Heart Journal, 166,

Donkin L; Hickie IB; Christensen H; Naismith SL; Neal B; Cockayne NL; Glozier N, 2013, 'Rethinking the dose-response relationship between usage and outcome in an online intervention for depression: Randomized controlled trial', Journal of Medical Internet Research, 15,

Arima H; Anderson C; Omae T; Woodward M; MacMahon S; Mancia G; Bousser M-G; Tzourio C; Harrap S; Neal B; Chalmers J, 2013, 'Abstract 204: Blood Pressure Reduction And Stroke Recurrence: The Progress Trial', Stroke, 44,

Neal B, 2013, 'Changing our food environment – Potential for non-regulatory policy approaches to improve health outcomes', Obesity Research & Clinical Practice, 7, pp. e16 - e17,

Hillis G; Welsh P; Chalmers J; Chow C; Li Q; Perkovic V; Neal B; Zoungas S; Jun M; Poulter N; Mancia G; Williams B; Sattar N; Woodward M, 2013, 'The Relative and Combined Ability of High Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin T and N-Terminal pro-BNP to Predict Cardiovascular Events and Death in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 22, pp. S68 - S68,

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