
My Expertise

Analytical chemistry, electrochemistry, metrology, quality assurance, chemometrics, corrosion, sensors, electronic noses, drug detection, scientific fraud, cranks, computers in chemistry, forensic science


Fields of Research (FoR)

Electrochemistry, Electrochemical energy storage and conversion, Analytical chemistry, Forensic chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Quality Assurance, Chemometrics, Traceability and Metrological Chemistry, Sensor Technology (Chemical aspects)

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Emeritus Professor Hibbert FRSN AM occupied the Chair of Analytical Chemistry at the University of New South Wales in Sydney from 1987 until his retirement in 2013. He is presently (since 2020) Honorary Dean of Emeriti.
His research interests are in electroanalytical chemistry and chemometrics and metrology in chemistry, but he also does a side line in expert opinion, scientific fraud and presenting science to the public.

He has published...view more


Dalton Building Room G7


+61-2-9065 5199 or +61-2-9398 9134

Research Activities

The project will develop a robust approach to use maximum entropy methods to model likelihood functions for a Bayesian analysis of chemical data. This will allow values and confidence intervals to be obtained from chemical measurements that are better (more statistically valid) than those obtained by present methods. The new approach will be applied to important current problems in chemical measurement: the uncertainty of atomic weights of elements, limits on the detection of illegal drugs, and for sports drug testing.

The project will develop a robust approach to use maximum…
