Select Publications

Journal articles

Pitman A; Saribatir E; Greenhill C; Green S; Pitman S, 2025, 'Assessing the risk of climate change to a business', ,

Pitman AJ; Saribatir E; Greenhill C; Green S; Pitman SJ; Fiedler T, 2024, 'Linking physical climate risk with mandatory business risk disclosure requirements', Environmental Research Letters, 19,

Greenhill C; Mans B; Pourmiri A, 2023, 'Balanced allocation on hypergraphs', Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 138,

Greenhill C; Isaev M; Makai T; McKay BD, 2023, 'Degree sequences of sufficiently dense random uniform hypergraphs', Combinatorics Probability and Computing, 32, pp. 183 - 224,

Ayre P; Coja-Oghlan A; Greenhill C, 2022, 'Lower Bounds on the Chromatic Number of Random Graphs', Combinatorica, 42, pp. 617 - 658,

Greenhill C, 2022, 'Spanning trees in random regular uniform hypergraphs', Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, 31, pp. 29 - 53,

Erdős PL; Greenhill C; Mezei TR; Miklós I; Soltész D; Soukup L, 2022, 'The mixing time of switch Markov chains: A unified approach', European Journal of Combinatorics, 99,

Dyer M; Greenhill C; Kleer P; Ross J; Stougie L, 2021, 'Sampling hypergraphs with given degrees', Discrete Mathematics, 344, pp. 112566,

Dyer M; Greenhill C; Müller H, 2021, 'Counting independent sets in graphs with bounded bipartite pathwidth', Random Structures and Algorithms, 59, pp. 204 - 237,

Greenhill C; Isaev M; McKay BD, 2021, 'Subgraph counts for dense random graphs with specified degrees', Combinatorics Probability and Computing, 30, pp. 460 - 497,

Gao P; Greenhill C, 2021, 'Mixing time of the switch Markov chain and stable degree sequences', Discrete Applied Mathematics, 291, pp. 143 - 162,

Aldosari HS; Greenhill C, 2021, 'The average number of spanning hypertrees in sparse uniform hypergraphs', Discrete Mathematics, 344, pp. 112192,

Chen C; Greenhill C, 2021, 'Threshold functions for substructures in random subsets of finite vector spaces', Journal of Combinatorics, 12, pp. 157 - 183,

Chen C; Greenhill C, 2021, 'Threshold functions for substructures in random subsets of finite vector spaces', JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS, 12, pp. 157 - 183

Altman D; Greenhill C; Isaev M; Ramadurai R, 2020, 'A threshold result for loose Hamiltonicity in random regular uniform hypergraphs', Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B, 142, pp. 307 - 373,

Erdős PL; Greenhill CS; Mezei TR; Miklós I; Soltész D; Soukup L, 2019, 'Mixing time of the swap Markov chain and P-stability', Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae, 88, pp. 659 - 665

Ayre P; Coja-Oghlan A; Greenhill C, 2019, 'Hypergraph coloring up to condensation', Random Structures and Algorithms, 54, pp. 615 - 652,

Cooper C; Dyer M; Greenhill C, 2019, 'Triangle-creation processes on cubic graphs',

Aldosari HS; Greenhill C, 2019, 'Enumerating sparse uniform hypergraphs with given degree sequence and forbidden edges', European Journal of Combinatorics, 77, pp. 68 - 77,

Cooper C; Dyer M; Greenhill C; Handley A, 2019, 'The flip Markov chain for connected regular graphs', Discrete Applied Mathematics, 254, pp. 56 - 79,

Dyer M; Greenhill C; Müller H, 2019, 'Counting Independent Sets in Graphs with Bounded Bipartite Pathwidth', Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 11789 LNCS, pp. 298 - 310,

Ayre P; Greenhill C, 2019, 'Rigid colorings of hypergraphs and contiguity', SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 33, pp. 1575 - 1606,

Gao P; Greenhill C, 2019, 'Uniform generation of spanning regular subgraphs of a dense graph', Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 26,

Greenhill C; Sfragara M, 2018, 'The switch Markov chain for sampling irregular graphs and digraphs', Theoretical Computer Science, 719, pp. 1 - 20,

Bright D; Greenhill C; Britz T; Ritter A; Morselli C, 2017, 'Criminal network vulnerabilities and adaptations', Global Crime, 18, pp. 424 - 441,

Greenhill C; Isaev M; Kwan M; McKay BD, 2017, 'The average number of spanning trees in sparse graphs with given degrees', European Journal of Combinatorics, 63, pp. 6 - 25,

Blinovsky V; Greenhill C, 2016, 'Asymptotic enumeration of sparse uniform linear hypergraphs with given degrees', ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS, 23

Blinovsky V; Greenhill C, 2016, 'Asymptotic enumeration of sparse uniform hypergraphs with given degrees', European Journal of Combinatorics, 51, pp. 287 - 296,

Bright DA; Greenhill C; Reynolds M; Ritter A; Morselli C, 2015, 'The Use of Actor-Level Attributes and Centrality Measures to Identify Key Actors: A Case Study of an Australian Drug Trafficking Network', Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 31, pp. 262 - 278,

Bright DA; Greenhill C; Ritter A; Morselli C, 2015, 'Networks within networks: using multiple link types to examine network structure and identify key actors in a drug trafficking operation', Global Crime, 16, pp. 219 - 237,

Dyer M; Frieze A; Greenhill C, 2015, 'On the chromatic number of a random hypergraph', Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B, 113, pp. 68 - 122,

Dyer M; Greenhill C; Ullrich M, 2014, 'Structure and eigenvalues of heat-bath Markov chains', Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 454, pp. 57 - 71,

Greenhill C; Kwan M; Wind D, 2014, 'On the number of spanning trees in random regular graphs', Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 21,

Bordewich M; Greenhill C; Patel V, 2014, 'Mixing of the Glauber dynamics for the ferromagnetic Potts model', Random Structures & Algorithms, pp. n/a - n/a,

Greenhill C; Mckay BD, 2013, 'Asymptotic enumeration of sparse multigraphs with given degrees', SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 27, pp. 2064 - 2089,

Cooper C; Dyer M; Greenhill C, 2012, 'Corrigendum: Sampling regular graphs and a peer-to-peer network', ,

Greenhill CS; McKay BD, 2012, 'Counting loopy graphs with given degrees', Linear Algebra and its Applications, 436, pp. 901 - 926,

Greenhill CS, 2011, 'A polynomial bound on the mixing time of a Markov chain for sampling regular directed graphs', Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 18, pp. #234 (49pp)

Canfield ER; Gao Z; Greenhill CS; McKay BD; Robinson RW, 2010, 'Asymptotic enumeration of correlation-immune boolean functions', Cryptography and Communications, 2, pp. 111 - 126

Greenhill CS; Janson S; Rucinski A, 2010, 'On the number of perfect matchings in random lifts', Combinatorics Probability and Computing, 19, pp. 791 - 817,

Greenhill CS; McKay BD, 2009, 'Random dense bipartite graphs and directed graphs with specified degrees', Random Structures and Algorithms, 35, pp. 222 - 249

Canfield E; Greenhill CS; McKay BD, 2008, 'Asymptoic enumeration of dense 0-1 matrices with specified line sums', Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A, 115, pp. 32 - 66

Greenhill CS; McKay BD, 2008, 'Asymptotic enumeration of sparse nonnegative integer matrices with specified row and column sums', Advances in Applied Mathematics, 41, pp. 459 - 481

Greenhill CS; Holt F; Wormald NC, 2008, 'Expansion properties of a random regular graph after random vertex deletions', European Journal of Combinatorics, 29, pp. 1139 - 1150,

Cavenagh N; Greenhill CS; Wanless IM, 2008, 'The cycle structure of two rows in a random Latin square', Random Structures and Algorithms, 33, pp. 286 - 309

Cooper C; Dyer M; Greenhill CS, 2007, 'Sampling regular graphs and a peer-to-peer network', Combinatorics Probability and Computing, 16, pp. 557 - 593

Greenhill CS; McKay BD; Wang XJ, 2006, 'Asymptotic enumeration of sparse 0-1 matrices with irregular row and column sums', Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A, 113, pp. 291 - 324

Greenhill CS; Rucinski A, 2006, 'Neighbour-distinguishing edge colourings of random regular graphs', Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 13

Gerke S; Greenhill CS; Wormald NC, 2006, 'The generalized acyclic edge chromatic number of random regular graphs', Journal of Graph Theory, 53, pp. 101 - 125

Cooper C; Dyer M; Greenhill C, 2005, 'Sampling regular graphs and a peer-to-peer network', Proceedings of the Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, pp. 980 - 988

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