Select Publications

Conference Papers

Sun C; Vallotton P, 2007, 'Priority-based path growing for linear feature detection', in Proceedings - Digital Image Computing Techniques and Applications: 9th Biennial Conference of the Australian Pattern Recognition Society, DICTA 2007, pp. 360 - 365,

Sun C; Vallotton P, 2006, 'Fast linear feature detection using multiple directional non-maximum suppression', in Proceedings - International Conference on Pattern Recognition, pp. 288 - 291,

Changming Sun ; Beare R; Hilsenstein V; Jackway P, 2005, 'Mosaicing of Microscope Images', in Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA'05), IEEE, pp. 50 - 50, presented at Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications, 06 December 2005 - 08 December 2005,

Seow N; Sowmya A; Sun C, 2005, 'Multi-image 2D-PAGE Feature Detection', in Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications DICTA 2005, IEEE Computer Society, Cairns, Australia, presented at Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications 2005, Cairns, Australia, 06 December 2005 - 08 December 2005

Seow N; Sowmya A; Changming Sun , 2005, 'Multi-Image 2D-PAGE Feature Detection', in Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA'05), IEEE, pp. 20 - 20, presented at Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications, 06 December 2005 - 08 December 2005,

Leung C; Appleton B; Lovell BC; Sun C, 2004, 'An energy minimisation approach to stereo-temporal dense reconstruction', in Proceedings - International Conference on Pattern Recognition, pp. 72 - 75,

Sun C, 2001, 'Rectangular subregioning and 3-D maximum-surface techniques for fast stereo matching', in Proceedings - IEEE Workshop on Stereo and Multi-Baseline Vision, SMBV 2001, pp. 44 - 53,

Aksoy S; Ye M; Schauf ML; Song M; Wang Y; Haralick RM; Parker JR; Pivovarov J; Royko D; Sun C; Farnebäck G, 2000, 'Algorithm performance contest', in Proceedings - International Conference on Pattern Recognition, pp. 870 - 875

Sun C; Si D, 1997, 'Skew and slant correction for document images using gradient detection', in Proceedings of the International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, ICDAR, pp. 142 - 146

WILSON LS; BROWN MS; TALHAMI HE; GILL RW; SUN C; DOUST BD, 1995, 'An ''Expert assistant'' for chest x-rays based on anatomical models', in Lemke HU; Inamura K; Jaffe CC; Vannier MW (eds.), COMPUTER ASSISTED RADIOLOGY, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, GERMANY, BERLIN, pp. 336 - 341, presented at International Symposium on Computer and Communication Systems for Image Guided Diagnosis and Therapy (CAR 95), GERMANY, BERLIN, 21 June 1995 - 24 June 1995,

SUN CM; SHERRAH JR, 1995, '3D symmetry detection using extended Gaussian image', in Mohr R; Wu CK (ed.), PROCEEDINGS OF EUROPE-CHINA WORKSHOP ON GEOMETRICAL MODELING & INVARIANTS FOR COMPUTER VISION, XIDIAN UNIVERSITY PRESS, PEOPLES R CHINA, XIAN, pp. 55 - 62, presented at Europe/China Workshop on Geometrical Modeling and Invariants for Computer Vision, PEOPLES R CHINA, XIAN, 27 April 1995 - 29 April 1995,

WILSON L; BROWN M; TALHAMI H; GILL R; SUN CM; DOUST B, 1995, 'Medical image understanding using anatomical models: Application to chest X-rays', in Bizais Y; Barillot C; DiPaola R (eds.), INFORMATION PROCESSING IN MEDICAL IMAGING, KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBL, FRANCE, ILE DE BERDER, pp. 239 - 250, presented at 14th International Conference on Information Processing in Medical Imaging, FRANCE, ILE DE BERDER,

SUN CM, 1994, 'ROBUST ESTIMATION FOR MOTION PARAMETERS', in Hancock ER (ed.), BMVC94 - PROCEEDINGS OF THE 5TH BRITISH MACHINE VISION CONFERENCE, VOLS 1 AND 2, BRITISH MACHINE VISION CONF, ENGLAND, UNIV YORK, YORK, pp. 741 - 750, presented at 5th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC94), ENGLAND, UNIV YORK, YORK, 13 September 1994 - 16 September 1994,

Sun CM; Forrest AK, 1993, 'Depth reversal in binocular vision with symmetrical convergence', in Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, pp. 207 - 214

Sun CM; Forrest AK, 1992, 'Relationship between hovering depth and viewing position', in Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, pp. 483 - 490,

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