Select Publications

Journal articles

Boisson B; Wang YD; Bosompem A; Ma CS; Lim A; Kochetkov T; Tangye SG; Casanova JL; Conley ME, 2013, 'A recurrent dominant negative E47 mutation causes agammaglobulinemia and BCR- B cells', Journal of Clinical Investigation, 123, pp. 4781 - 4785,

Deenick EK; Avery DT; Chan A; Berglund LJ; Ives ML; Moens L; Stoddard JL; Bustamante J; Boisson-Dupuis S; Tsumura M; Kobayashi M; Arkwright PD; Averbuch D; Engelhard D; Roesler J; Peake J; Wong M; Adelstein S; Choo S; Smart JM; French MA; Fulcher DA; Cook MC; Picard C; Durandy A; Klein C; Holland SM; Uzel G; Casanova JL; Ma CS; Tangye SG, 2013, 'Naive and memory human B cells have distinct requirements for STAT3 activation to differentiate into antibody-secreting plasma cells', Journal of Experimental Medicine, 210, pp. 2739 - 2753,

He J; Tsai LM; Leong YA; Hu X; Ma CS; Chevalier N; Sun X; Vandenberg K; Rockman S; Ding Y; Zhu L; Wei W; Wang C; Karnowski A; Belz GT; Ghali JR; Cook MC; Riminton DS; Veillette A; Schwartzberg PL; Mackay F; Brink R; Tangye SG; Vinuesa CG; Mackay CR; Li Z; Yu D, 2013, 'Circulating precursor CCR7loPD-1hi CXCR5+ CD4+ T cells indicate tfh cell activity and promote antibody responses upon antigen reexposure', Immunity, 39, pp. 770 - 781,

Byun M; Ma Cindy S. CS; Akçay A; Pedergnana V; Palendira U; Myoung J; Avery DT; Liu Y; Abhyankar A; Lorenzo L; Schmidt M; Lim HK; Cassar O; Migaud M; Rozenberg F; Canpolat N; Aydogan G; Fleckenstein B; Bustamante J; Picard C; Gessain A; Jouanguy E; Cesarman E; Olivier M; Gros P; Abel L; Croft M; Tangye SG; Casanova JL, 2013, 'Inherited human OX40 deficiency underlying classic kaposi sarcoma of childhood', Journal of Experimental Medicine, 210, pp. 1743 - 1759,

Crawford G; Enders A; Gileadi U; Stankovic S; Zhang Q; Lambe T; Crockford TL; Lockstone HE; Freeman A; Arkwright PD; Smart JM; Ma CS; Tangye SG; Goodnow CC; Cerundolo V; Godfrey DI; Su HC; Randall KL; Cornall RJ, 2013, 'DOCK8 is critical for the survival and function of NKT cells', Blood, 122, pp. 2052 - 2061,

Ives ML; Ma CS; Palendira U; Chan A; Bustamante J; Boisson-Dupuis S; Arkwright PD; Engelhard D; Averbuch D; Magdorf K; Roesler J; Peake J; Wong M; Adelstein S; Choo S; Smart JM; French MA; Fulcher DA; Cook MC; Picard C; Durandy A; Tsumura M; Kobayashi M; Uzel G; Casanova JL; Tangye SG; Deenick EK, 2013, 'Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) mutations underlying autosomal dominant hyper-IgE syndrome impair human CD8+ T-cell memory formation and function', Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 132, pp. 400 - 411.e9,

Zwolak A; Yang C; Feeser EA; Ostap EM; Svitkina T; Dominguez R, 2013, 'CARMIL leading edge localization depends on a non-canonical PH domain and dimerization.', Nat Commun, 4, pp. 2523,

Tangye SG; Ma CS; Brink R; Deenick EK, 2013, 'The good, the bad and the ugly-T FH cells in human health and disease', Nature Reviews Immunology, 13, pp. 412 - 426,

Ma C, 2012, 'Human RHOH deficiency causes T cell defects and susceptibility to EV-HPV infections', Journal of Clinical Investigation, 122,

Ma C; Avery D; Chan A; Batten ML; Bustamante J; Boisson-Dupuis S; Arkwright PD; Kreins AY; Averbuch D; Engelhard D; Magdorf K; Kilic S; Minegishi Y; Gray PE, 2012, 'Functional STAT3 deficiency compromises the generation of human T follicular helper cells', Blood, 119, pp. 3997 - 4008,

Crequer A; Troeger A; Patino E; Ma CS; Picard C; Pedergnana V; Fieschi C; Lim A; Abhyankar A; Gineau L; Mueller-Fleckenstein I; Schmidt M; Taieb A; Kreuger J; Abela L; Tangye SG; Orth G; Williams DA; Casanova J-L; Jouanguy E, 2012, 'Human RHOH deficiency causes T cell defects and susceptibility to EV-HPV infections', Journal of Clinical Investigation, 122, pp. 3239 - 3247,

Tangye SG; Deenick EK; Palendira U; Ma CS, 2012, 'T cell-B cell interactions in primary immunodeficiencies', Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1250, pp. 1 - 13,

McGuire HM; Vogelzang A; Ma CS; Hughes WE; Silveira PA; Tangye SG; Christ DU; Fulcher DA; Falcone M; King C, 2011, 'A subset of interleukin-21(+) chemokine receptor CCR9(+) T helper cells target accessory organs of the digestive system in autoimmunity', Immunity, 34, pp. 602 - 615,

Chevalier N; Jarrossay D; Ho E; Avery D; Ma CS; Yu D; Sallusto F; Tangye SG; MacKay CR, 2011, 'CXCR5 expressing human central memory CD4 T Cells and their relevance for humoral immune responses', Journal of Immunology, 186, pp. 5556 - 5568,

Zielinski CE; Corti D; Mele F; Pinto D; Lanzavecchia A; Sallusto F, 2011, 'Dissecting the human immunologic memory for pathogens.', Immunol Rev, 240, pp. 40 - 51,

Deenick EK; Ma CS; Brink R; Tangye SG, 2011, 'Regulation of T follicular helper cell formation and function by antigen presenting cells', Current Opinion in Immunology, 23, pp. 111 - 118,

Deenick EK; Ma CS, 2011, 'The regulation and role of T follicular helper cells in immunity', Immunology, 134, pp. 361 - 367,

Tangye SG; Palendira U; Low C; Deenick EK; Chan A; Ma CS; Brink R; Alvaro F; Cook MC; Sean Riminton D; Nichols KE; Schwartzberg PL, 2010, 'Sap is necessary for mediating antigen-specific effector functions of CD4+ AND CD8+ T cells', Pathology, 42, pp. S45 - S45,

Ma CS; Suryani S; Avery D; Chan A; Nanan R; Santner-Nanan B; Tangye SG; Deenick E, 2009, 'Early commitment of naive human CD4(+) T cells to the T follicular helper (T(FH)) cell lineage is induced by IL-12', Immunology and Cell Biology, 87, pp. 590 - 600,

Ma CS; Tangye SG, 2009, 'Helping the Helpers!', Immunity, 31, pp. 12 - 14

Yu D; Rao S; Tsai L; Lee S; He Y; Sutcliffe E; Srivastava M; Linterman M; Zheng L; Simpson N; Ellyard J; Parish I; Ma C; Li Q; Parish C; Mackay C; Vinuesa C, 2009, 'The transcriptional repressor BcI-6 directs T follicular helper cell lineage commitment', Immunity, 31, pp. 457 - 468,

Yu D; Rao S; Tsai LM; Lee S; He Y; Sutcliffe E; Srivastava M; Linterman M; Zheng L; Simpson N; Ellyard J; Parish I; Ma CS; Li Q; Parish CR; MacKay CR; Vinuesa C, 2009, 'The Transcriptional Repressor Bcl-6 Directs T Follicular Helper Cell Lineage Commitment', Immunity, 31, pp. 457 - 468

Zhang S-Y; Boisson-Dupuis S; Chapgier A; Yang K; Bustamante J; Puel A; Picard C; Abel L; Jouanguy E; Casanova J-L, 2008, 'Inborn errors of interferon (IFN)-mediated immunity in humans: insights into the respective roles of IFN-alpha/beta, IFN-gamma, and IFN-lambda in host defense', IMMUNOLOGICAL REVIEWS, 226, pp. 29 - 40,

Wehler TC; Karg M; Distler E; Konur A; Nonn M; Meyer RG; Huber C; Hartwig UF; Herr W, 2008, 'Rapid identification and sorting of viable virus-reactive CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells based on antigen-triggered CD137 expression.', J Immunol Methods, 339, pp. 23 - 37,

Ma CS; Chew G; Simpson N; Priyadarshi A; Wong M; Grimbacher B; Fulcher DA; Tangye SG; Cook M, 2008, 'Deficiency of Th17 cells in hyper IgE syndrome due to mutations in STAT3', Journal of Experimental Medicine, 205, pp. 1551 - 1557

Chaganti S; Ma C; Bell A; Croom-Carter D; Hislop A; Tangye SG; Rickinson A, 2008, 'Epstein-Barr virus persistence in the absence of conventional memory B cells: IgM(+)IgD(+)CD27(+) B cells harbor the virus in X-linked lymphoproliferative disease patients', Blood, 112, pp. 672 - 679,

Avery D; Bryant V; Ma C; Malefyt R; Tangye SG, 2008, 'IL-21-induced isotype switching to IgG and IgA by human naive B cells is differentially regulated by IL-4', Journal of Immunology, 181, pp. 1767 - 1779

Avery D; Ma C; Bryant V; Santner-Nanan B; Nanan R; Wong MB; Fulcher DA; Cook M; Tangye SG, 2008, 'STAT3 is required for IL-21-induced secretion of IgE from human naive B cells', Blood, 112, pp. 1784 - 1793

Tangye SG; Avery DT; Bryant VL; Ma CS, 2007, 'Follicular CD4+T helper cells induce human B cells to undergo Ig isotype switching and differentiation to Ig-secreting cells through the production of IL-21', JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, 178,

Bryant V; Ma C; Avery D; Li Y; Good K; Corcoran L; Malefyt R; Tangye SG, 2007, 'Cytokine-mediated regulation of human B cell differentiation into Ig-secreting cells: Predominant role of IL-21 produced by CXCR5(+) T follicular helper cells', Journal of Immunology, 179, pp. 8180 - 8190

Wilson NJ; Boniface K; Chan JR; McKenzie BS; Blumenschein WM; Mattson JD; Basham B; Smith K; Chen T; Morel F; Lecron J-C; Kastelein RA; Cua DJ; McClanahan TK; Bowman EP; de Waal Malefyt R, 2007, 'Development, cytokine profile and function of human interleukin 17-producing helper T cells.', Nat Immunol, 8, pp. 950 - 957,

Ma C; Nichols K; Tangye SG, 2007, 'Regulation of cellular and humoral immune responses by the SLAM and SAP families of molecules', Annual Review of Immunology, 25, pp. 337 - 379

Hare NJ; Ma CS; Alvaro F; Nichols KE; Tangye SG, 2006, 'Missense mutations in SH2D1A identified in patients with X-linked lymphoproliferative disease differentially affect the expression and function of SAP', International Immunology, 18, pp. 1055 - 1065,

Ma CS; Pittaluga S; Avery DT; Hare NJ; Maric I; Klion AD; Nichols KE; Tangye SG, 2006, 'Selective generation of functional somatically mutated IgM +CD27+, but not Ig isotype-switched, memory B cells in X-linked lymphoproliferative disease', Journal of Clinical Investigation, 116, pp. 322 - 333,

Ma CS; Hare NJ; Nichols KE; Dupré L; Andolfi G; Roncarolo MG; Adelstein S; Hodgkin PD; Tangye SG, 2005, 'Impaired humoral immunity in X-linked lymphoproliferative disease is associated with defective IL-10 production by CD4+ T cells', Journal of Clinical Investigation, 115, pp. 1049 - 1059,

Nichols KE; Hom J; Gong SY; Ganguly A; Ma CS; Cannons JL; Tangye SG; Schwartzberg PL; Koretzky GA; Stein PL, 2005, 'Regulation of NKT cell development by SAP, the protein defective in XLP', Nature Medicine, 11, pp. 340 - 345,

Nichols KE; Ma CS; Cannons JL; Schwartzberg PL; Tangye SG, 2005, 'Molecular and cellular pathogenesis of X-linked lymphoproliferative disease', Immunological Reviews, 203, pp. 180 - 199,

Ma CS; Hodgkin PD; Tangye SG, 2004, 'Automatic generation of lymphocyte heterogeneity: Division-dependent changes in the expression of CD27, CCR7 and CD45 by activated human naive CD4+ T cells are independently regulated', Immunology and Cell Biology, 82, pp. 67 - 74,

Tangye SG; Ferguson A; Avery DT; Ma CS; Hodgkin PD, 2002, 'Isotype switching by human B cells is division-associated and regulated by cytokines', Journal of Immunology, 169, pp. 4298 - 4306,

Zurrida S; Agresti R; Cefalo G, 1994, 'Juvenile classic Kaposi's sarcoma: a report of two cases, one with family history.', Pediatr Hematol Oncol, 11, pp. 409 - 416,

Stein PL; Lee HM; Rich S; Soriano P, 1992, 'pp59fyn mutant mice display differential signaling in thymocytes and peripheral T cells.', Cell, 70, pp. 741 - 750,

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