Select Publications

Journal articles

Beesley VL; Janda M; Burmeister EA; Goldstein D; Gooden H; Merrett ND; O'Connell DL; Wyld DK; Chan RJ; Young JM; Neale RE, 2018, 'Association between pancreatic cancer patients' perception of their care coordination and patient-reported and survival outcomes', Palliative and Supportive Care, 16, pp. 534 - 543,

Tan SYS; O’Neill S; Goldstein D; Ward RL; Daniels B; Vajdic CM, 2018, 'Predictors of care for patients with cancer of unknown primary site in three Australian hospitals', Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology, 14, pp. e512 - e520,

Thompson SR; Lee ISY; Carroll S; Bishop S; Douglas P; Lam F; Brown C; Williams J; Goldstein D, 2018, 'Radiotherapy for anal squamous cell carcinoma: must the upper pelvic nodes and the inguinal nodes be treated?', ANZ Journal of Surgery, 88, pp. 870 - 875,

Dumbrava MI; Burmeister EA; Wyld D; Goldstein D; O'Connell DL; Beesley VL; Gooden HM; Janda M; Jordan SJ; Merrett ND; Payne ME; Waterhouse MA; Neale RE, 2018, 'Chemotherapy in patients with unresected pancreatic cancer in Australia: A population-based study of uptake and survival', Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology, 14, pp. 326 - 336,

Shitara K; Özgüroğlu M; Bang YJ; Di Bartolomeo M; Mandalà M; Ryu MH; Fornaro L; Olesiński T; Caglevic C; Chung HC; Muro K; Goekkurt E; Mansoor W; McDermott RS; Shacham-Shmueli E; Chen X; Mayo C; Kang SP; Ohtsu A; Fuchs CS; Lerzo G; O'Connor JM; Mendez GA; Lynam J; Tebbutt N; Wong M; Strickland A; Karapetis C; Goldstein D; Vasey P; Van Laethem JL; Van Cutsem E; Berry S; Vincent M; Muller B; Rey F; Zambrano A; Guerra J; Krogh M; Baeksgaard L; Yilmaz M; Elme A; Magi A; Auvinen P; Alanko T; Moehler M; Kunzmann V; Seufferlein T; Thuss-Patience P; Hoehler T; Haag G; Al-Batran SE; Castro H; Lopez K; Aguilar Vasquez M; Sandoval M; Lam KO; Cuffe S; Kelly C; Geva R; Hubert A; Beny A; Brenner B; Giuseppe A; Falcone A; Maiello E; Passalacqua R; Montesarchio V; Hara H; Chin K; Nishina T; Komatsu Y; Machida N; Hironaka S; Satoh T; Tamura T; Sugimoto N; Cho H; Omuro Y; Kato K; Goto M; Hyodo I; Yoshida K; Baba H; Esaki T; Furuse J; Wan Mohammed WZ; Hernandez Hernandez C; Casas Garcia J; Dominguez Andrade A; Clarke K; Hjortland G; Glenjen N; Kubiatowski T; Jacek J; Wojtukiewicz M; Lazarev S; Lancukhay Y, 2018, 'Pembrolizumab versus paclitaxel for previously treated, advanced gastric or gastro-oesophageal junction cancer (KEYNOTE-061): a randomised, open-label, controlled, phase 3 trial', The Lancet, 392, pp. 123 - 133,

Battaglini E; Park SB; Barnes EH; Goldstein D, 2018, 'A double blind, placebo controlled, phase II randomised cross-over trial investigating the use of duloxetine for the treatment of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy', Contemporary Clinical Trials, 70, pp. 135 - 138,

Wang X; Goldstein D; Crowe PJ; Yang JL, 2018, 'Antitumour effects and mechanisms of action of the panHER inhibitor, dacomitinib, alone and in combination with the STAT3 inhibitor, S3I-201, in human sarcoma cell lines', International Journal of Oncology, 52, pp. 2143 - 2154,

Bekaii-Saab T; Okusaka T; Goldstein D; O'Neill B; Tabernero J; Li C; Reni M; Jin B; Oh C; Borodyansky L; Van Cutsem E, 2018, 'CanStem111P trial: A Phase 3 Study of napabucasin (NAPA) plus nab-paclitaxel (nPTX) with gemcitabine (Gem) in adult patients with metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma (mPDAC) - Trial in progress', Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology, 29, pp. v51 - v52,

Chiorean EG; Von Hoff D; Wan Y; Margunato-Debay S; Botteman M; Goldstein D, 2018, 'Performance status dynamics during treatment with nab-paclitaxel plus gemcitabine versus gemcitabine alone for metastatic pancreatic cancer', Cancer Management and Research, 10, pp. 1389 - 1396,

Lee B; Lipton LR; Cohen J; Tie J; Javed AA; Li L; Goldstein D; Cooray P; Nagrial A; Burge ME; Tebbutt NC; Nikfarjam M; Harris M; Lennon AM; Wolfgang CL; Tomasetti C; Papadopoulos N; Kinzler KW; Vogelstein B; Gibbs P, 2018, 'Circulating tumor DNA as a prognostic biomarker in early stage pancreatic cancer.', JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, 36,

Blinman PL; Martin AJ; Jefford M; Goldstein D; Boadle D; Morris MF; Tebbutt NC; Aiken C; Paul J; Segelov E; Haydon AM; Iveson T; Stockler MR, 2018, 'Patients' preferences for 3 months versus 6 months of adjuvant chemotherapy (ACT) for colon cancer in the SCOT trial: what survival benefits make longer chemotherapy worthwhile?', JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, 36,

Martin AJ; Gibbs E; Sjoquist K; Pavlakis N; Simes J; Price T; Shannon J; Gill S; Jain V; Liu G; Kannourakis G; Kim YH; Kim JW; Goldstein D, 2018, 'Health-related quality of life associated with regorafenib treatment in refractory advanced gastric adenocarcinoma', Gastric Cancer, 21, pp. 473 - 480,

Best M; Newson AJ; Meiser B; Juraskova I; Goldstein D; Tucker K; Ballinger ML; Hess D; Schlub TE; Biesecker B; Vines R; Vines K; Thomas D; Young MA; Savard J; Jacobs C; Butow P, 2018, 'The PiGeOn project: Protocol of a longitudinal study examining psychosocial and ethical issues and outcomes in germline genomic sequencing for cancer', BMC Cancer, 18, pp. 389,

Elander NO; Aughton K; Ghaneh P; Neoptolemos JP; Palmer DH; Cox TF; Campbell F; Costello E; Halloran CM; Mackey JR; Scarfe AG; Valle JW; McDonald AC; Carter R; Tebbutt NC; Goldstein D; Shannon J; Dervenis C; Glimelius B; Deakin M; Charnley RM; Anthoney A; Lerch MM; Mayerle J; Oláh A; Büchler MW; Greenhalf W, 2018, 'Expression of dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPD) and hENT1 predicts survival in pancreatic cancer', British Journal of Cancer, 118, pp. 947 - 954,

Elander NO; Aughton K; Ghaneh P; Neoptolemos JP; Palmer DH; Cox TF; Campbell F; Costello E; Halloran CM; Mackey JR; Scarfe AG; Valle JW; McDonald AC; Carter R; Tebbutt NC; Goldstein D; Shannon J; Dervenis C; Glimelius B; Deakin M; Charnley RM; Anthoney A; Lerch MM; Mayerle J; Oláh A; Büchler MW; Greenhalf W, 2018, 'Intratumoural expression of deoxycytidylate deaminase or ribonuceotide reductase subunit M1 expression are not related to survival in patients with resected pancreatic cancer given adjuvant chemotherapy', British Journal of Cancer, 118, pp. 1084 - 1088,

Kandula T; Farrar MA; Krishnan AV; Murray J; Timmins HC; Goldstein D; Lin CSY; Kiernan MC; Park SB, 2018, 'Multimodal quantitative examination of nerve function in colorectal cancer patients prior to chemotherapy', Muscle and Nerve, 57, pp. 615 - 621,

Feather CE; Lees JG; Makker PGS; Goldstein D; Kwok JB; Moalem-Taylor G; Polly P, 2018, 'Oxaliplatin induces muscle loss and muscle-specific molecular changes in Mice', Muscle and Nerve, 57, pp. 650 - 658,

Clifford BK; Mizrahi D; Sandler CX; Barry BK; Simar D; Wakefield CE; Goldstein D, 2018, 'Barriers and facilitators of exercise experienced by cancer survivors: a mixed methods systematic review', Supportive Care in Cancer, 26, pp. 685 - 700,

ter Veer E; van Rijssen LB; Besselink MG; Mali RMA; Berlin JD; Boeck S; Bonnetain F; Chau I; Conroy T; Van Cutsem E; Deplanque G; Friess H; Glimelius B; Goldstein D; Herrmann R; Labianca R; Van Laethem JL; Macarulla T; van der Meer JHM; Neoptolemos JP; Okusaka T; O'Reilly EM; Pelzer U; Philip PA; van der Poel MJ; Reni M; Scheithauer W; Siveke JT; Verslype C; Busch OR; Wilmink JW; van Oijen MGH; van Laarhoven HWM, 2018, 'Consensus statement on mandatory measurements in pancreatic cancer trials (COMM-PACT) for systemic treatment of unresectable disease', The Lancet Oncology, 19, pp. e151 - e160,

Tie J; Cohen JD; Wang Y; Li L; Christie M; Simons K; Elsaleh H; Kosmider S; Wong R; Yip D; Lee M; Tran B; Rangiah D; Burge M; Goldstein D; Singh M; Skinner I; Faragher I; Croxford M; Bampton C; Haydon A; Jones IT; S Karapetis C; Price T; Schaefer MJ; Ptak J; Dobbyn L; Silliman N; Kinde I; Tomasetti C; Papadopoulos N; Kinzler K; Volgestein B; Gibbs P, 2018, 'Serial circulating tumour DNA analysis during multimodality treatment of locally advanced rectal cancer: A prospective biomarker study', Gut, 68, pp. 663 - 671,

Payne M; Burmeister EA; Waterhouse M; Jordan SJ; O'Connell DL; Merrett ND; Goldstein D; Wyld D; Beesley VL; Gooden H; Janda M; Neale RE, 2018, 'Biliary Stenting in Patients with Pancreatic Cancer: Results from a Population-Based Cohort Study', Pancreas, 47, pp. 80 - 86,

Timmins HC; Li T; Grimison P; Murray JE; Cox KM; Horvath LG; Lewis CR; Goldstein D; Kiernan MC; Park SB, 2018, '5. Neurophysiological dysfunction in chemotherapy-treated patients: Comparison of different platinum analogues', Clinical Neurophysiology, 129, pp. e2 - e3,

Pang T; Xu Z; Pothula S; Yang MH; Becker T; Goldstein D; Heeschen C; Pirola R; Wilson J; Apte MV, 2018, '517 - World-First Identification of Circulating Pancreatic Stellate Cells in Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer', Gastroenterology, 154, pp. S - 114,

Goldstein D; Schacher M, 2018, 'NORMS IN CENTRAL SIMPLE ALGEBRAS', PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, 292, pp. 373 - 388,


McCrary JM; Goldstein D; Boyle F; Cox K; Grimison P; Kiernan MC; Krishnan AV; Lewis CR; Webber K; Baron-Hay S; Horvath L; Park SB, 2017, 'Optimal clinical assessment strategies for chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN): a systematic review and Delphi survey', Supportive Care in Cancer, 25, pp. 3485 - 3493,

Segelov E; Lordick F; Goldstein D; Chantrill LA; Croagh D; Lawrence B; Arnold D; Chau I; Obermannova R; Price TJ, 2017, 'Current challenges in optimizing systemic therapy for patients with pancreatic cancer: expert perspectives from the Australasian Gastrointestinal Trials Group (AGITG) with invited international faculty', Expert Review of Anticancer Therapy, 17, pp. 951 - 964,

Hyatt A; Lipson-Smith R; Schofield P; Gough K; Sze M; Aldridge L; Goldstein D; Jefford M; Bell ML; Butow P, 2017, 'Communication challenges experienced by migrants with cancer: A comparison of migrant and English-speaking Australian-born cancer patients', Health Expectations, 20, pp. 886 - 895,

Lim BT; Butow P; Mills J; Miller A; Goldstein D, 2017, 'Information needs of the Chinese community affected by cancer: A systematic review', Psycho-Oncology, 26, pp. 1433 - 1443,

Brungs D; Aghmesheh M; Sjoquist K; Goldstein D, 2017, 'Systemic treatment in advanced biliary cancers: A multicenter Australian analysis and review', Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology, 13, pp. e291 - e297,

Watts KJ; Meiser B; Zilliacus E; Kaur R; Taouk M; Girgis A; Butow P; Kissane D; Hale S; Perry A; Aranda SK; Goldstein D, 2017, 'Perspectives of oncology nurses and oncologists regarding barriers to working with patients from a minority background: systemic issues and working with interpreters.', European Journal of Cancer Care, 27, pp. e12758,

van Rijssen LB; ter Veer E; Besselink MG; Mali RMA; Berlin J; Boeck S; Bonnetain F; Conroy T; Deplanque G; Goldstein D; Glimelius B; Neoptolemos JP; Reni M; Scheithauer W; van der Meer J; Wilmink JW; van der Poel MJ; Busch OR; van Oijen MGH; van Laarhoven HWM, 2017, 'COnsensus statement on mandatory measurements in PAncreatic cancer trials for systemic treatment of unresectable disease (COMMPACT)', ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY, 28,

Casali PG; Le Cesne A; Poveda A; Kotasek D; Rutkowski P; Hohenberger P; Fumagalli E; Judson I; Italiano A; Gelderblom H; Penel N; Kopp H-G; Goldstein D; Martin Broto J; Gronchi A; Wardelmann E; Marreaud S; Zalcberg J; Litiere S; Blay J-Y, 2017, 'Time to definitive failure to the first tyrosine kinase inhibitor in localized gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) treated with imatinib as an adjuvant: Final results of the EORTC STBSG, AGITG, UNICANCER, FSG, ISG, and GEIS randomized trial', ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY, 28,

Cubillo Gracian A; Dean A; Munoz A; Hidalgo M; Pazo-Cid R; Martin M; Macarulla Mercade T; Lipton L; Harris M; Manzano-Mozo JL; Maurel J; Guillen-Ponce C; Tebbutt N; Cooray P; Sohal D; Zalupski M; Kolevska T; Stagg R; Goldstein D, 2017, 'YOSEMITE: A 3 arm double-blind randomized phase 2 study of gemcitabine, paclitaxel protein-bound particles for injectable suspension, and placebo (GAP) versus gemcitabine, paclitaxel protein-bound particles for injectable suspension and either 1 or 2 truncated courses of demcizumab (GAD)', ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY, 28,

Kandula T; Farrar MA; Kiernan MC; Krishnan AV; Goldstein D; Horvath L; Grimison P; Boyle F; Baron-Hay S; Park SB, 2017, 'Neurophysiological and clinical outcomes in chemotherapy-induced neuropathy in cancer', Clinical Neurophysiology, 128, pp. 1166 - 1175,

Pang TCY; Xu Z; Pothula S; Becker T; Goldstein D; Pirola RC; Wilson JS; Apte MV, 2017, 'Circulating pancreatic stellate (stromal) cells in pancreatic cancer-a fertile area for novel research', Carcinogenesis, 38, pp. 588 - 591,

Goldstein D; Von Hoff D; Chiorean E; Reni M; Tabernero J; Ramanathan R; Wilkerson J; Botteman M; Aly A; Margunato-Debay S; Lu B; Louis C; Renschler M; McGovern D; Lee C, 2017, 'Relative contribution of baseline variables in a nomogram to predict survival in patients treated with nab-paclitaxel plus gemcitabine or gemcitabine alone for metastatic pancreatic cancer', Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology, 28, pp. iii142 - iii144,

Yang JL; Gupta RD; Goldstein D; Crowe PJ, 2017, 'Significance of phosphorylated epidermal growth factor receptor and its signal transducers in human soft tissue sarcoma', International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 18, pp. 1159,

Sjoquist KM; Pavlakis N; Martin AJ; Tsobanis E; Yip S; Bang Y-J; Alcindor T; O'Callaghan CJ; Shitara K; Bekaii-Saab TS; Grothey A; Chen L-T; Simes J; Zalcberg JR; Goldstein D, 2017, 'Integrate II: A randomised phase 3 double-blind placebo-controlled study of regorafenib in refractory advanced gastro-oesophageal cancer (AGOC)—An international study organized by the Australasian Gastrointestinal Trials Group (AGITG).', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 35, pp. TPS4136 - TPS4136,

Schernberg A; Vernerey D; Goldstein D; Van Laethem JL; Glimelius B; Van Houtte P; Bonnetain F; Louvet C; Hammel P; Huguet F, 2017, 'Neutrophil count and efficacy of chemoradiation in patients with locally advanced unresectable pancreatic carcinoma: An ancillary study of in the LAP 07 trial.', JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, 35,

Goldstein D; Von Hoff DD; Chiorean EG; Reni M; Tabernero J; Ramanathan RK; Aly A; Botteman M; Wilkersen J; Margunato-Debay S; Lu B; Louis CU; Renschler MF; McGovern DMT; Lee CK, 2017, 'Nomogram for predicting overall survival (OS) in patients (pts) treated with nab-paclitaxel (nab-P) plus gemcitabine (Gem) or Gem alone for metastatic pancreatic cancer (MPC).', JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, 35,

Lee B; Cohen J; Lipton LR; Tie J; Javed AA; Li L; Goldstein D; Cooray P; Nagrial A; Burge ME; Tebbutt NC; Nikfarjam M; Harris M; O'Broin-Lennon AM; Wolfgang CL; Tomasetti C; Papadopoulos N; Kinzler KW; Vogelstein B; Gibbs P, 2017, 'Potential role of circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) in the early diagnosis and post-operative management of localised pancreatic cancer.', JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, 35,

Tie J; Cohen J; Wang Y; Li L; Kinde I; Elsaleh H; Wong R; Kosmider S; Yip D; Lee M; Tran B; Burge ME; Goldstein D; Singh MS; Diaz LA; Tomasetti C; Papadopoulos N; Kinzler KW; Vogelstein B; Gibbs P, 2017, 'The potential of circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) to guide adjuvant chemotherapy decision making in locally advanced rectal cancer (LARC).', JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, 35,

McNamara MG; Bridgewater J; Lopes A; Wasan H; Malka D; Jensen LH; Okusaka T; Knox JJ; Wagner D; Cunningham D; Shannon J; Goldstein D; Moehler M; Bekaii-Saab T; Valle JW, 2017, 'Systemic therapy in younger and elderly patients with advanced biliary cancer: Sub-analysis of ABC-02 and twelve other prospective trials', BMC Cancer, 17, pp. 262,

Sandler CX; Goldstein D; Horsfield S; Bennett BK; Friedlander M; Bastick PA; Lewis CR; segelov E; Boyle FM; Chin MT; webber K; Barry BK; Lloyd AR, 2017, 'Randomized evaluation of cognitive-behavioral therapy and graded exercise therapy for post-cancer fatigue.', Journal of Pain and Symptom Management,

Janda M; Neale RE; Klein K; O'Connell DL; Gooden H; Goldstein D; Merrett ND; Wyld DK; Rowlands IJ; Beesley VL, 2017, 'Anxiety, depression and quality of life in people with pancreatic cancer and their carers', Pancreatology, 17, pp. 321 - 327,

Lees JG; Makker PGS; Tonkin RS; Abdulla M; Park SB; Goldstein D; Moalem-Taylor G, 2017, 'Immune-mediated processes implicated in chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy', European Journal of Cancer, 73, pp. 22 - 29,

Goldstein D; Lemech C; Valle J, 2017, 'New molecular and immunotherapeutic approaches in biliary cancer', ESMO Open, 2, pp. e000152,

Watts KJ; Meiser B; Zilliacus E; Kaur R; Taouk M; Girgis A; Butow P; Goldstein D; Hale S; Perry A; Aranda SK; Kissane DW, 2017, 'Communicating with patients from minority backgrounds: Individual challenges experienced by oncology health professionals', European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 26, pp. 83 - 90,

Tang M; Chen J; Goldstein D; Links M; Lord S; Marschner I; Simes J; Lee CK, 2017, 'Correlation of phase 2 trials (Ph2t) results with outcomes of phase 3 trials (Ph3t) of investigational agents (IA) in locally advanced and metastatic pancreas cancer (LAMPC).', JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, 35,

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